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Chimp attack lady


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Why would anyone jeopardize the safety of their friend. Did the owner think this chimp was harmless.


Shame on the owner for putting both their lives in danger. Wild animals are just that, wild. No amt. of diapering or babying is going to domesticate them.


Leave the wild in the wild.

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That is horrible! The chimp was sick and not in its right mind.



psst...a chimp is not a monkey. ;)


yeah, that gorilla must have been sick. Orangutans don't typically act like that. Why would someone keep an ape as a pet?




Poor lady, AMAZING spirit. It really is a rotten shame. To be without sight is bad enough, but to be without hands AND sight? She has completely lost the ability to be independent. Such a tragedy.

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Why would anyone jeopardize the safety of their friend. Did the owner think this chimp was harmless.


Shame on the owner for putting both their lives in danger. Wild animals are just that, wild. No amt. of diapering or babying is going to domesticate them.


Leave the wild in the wild.


I completely agree.



Why is she planning on sueing the government? For allowing the animal to be a pet?

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I'm watching it now. It is so so sad.


I lived in Stamford, CT and actually know someone who had a run-in with that same chimp and its owner.


I was just in Stamford today, at a workshop in the Adult Education office behind Reuters. I should have waved! ;-)



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Good for her, but you cant get blood from a turnip. If she can, she should work on changing the laws on owning wild animals.


The law WAS changed; this particular chimp and his owner were "grandfathered" in because she owned him for many years before the law was passed.



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Why is she planning on sueing the government? For allowing the animal to be a pet?


Probably because they had an idea this animal was dangerous. There had been episodes before with that chimp, one in which the police department was sent out and had a standoff in the street with it for a few hours. They probably should have put it down then.

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Any animal professional will tell you that no one has any business keeping a wild animal as a pet after it enters puberty. That is when they typically become aggressive. You cannot domesticate a chimp, ape or anything else like that. Animals are animals and you can't be surprised when they act like it. I saw a documentary a long time ago that showed chimps, who are usually herbivores, visciously attacking and tearing apart a pig, then eating it. It was really disturbing.

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Any animal professional will tell you that no one has any business keeping a wild animal as a pet after it enters puberty. That is when they typically become aggressive. You cannot domesticate a chimp, ape or anything else like that. Animals are animals and you can't be surprised when they act like it. I saw a documentary a long time ago that showed chimps, who are usually herbivores, visciously attacking and tearing apart a pig, then eating it. It was really disturbing.


I have worked closely with chimps. I cannot imagine anyone thinking a chimp would be a safe pet, particularly when someone unfamiliar enters its space. They are very aggressive and very, very strong. Mean and dangerous. I understand there are professional animal handlers, but this owner was treating the ape like a son.


I do tremendously admire Nash's spirit and determination, but I must wonder about something. The article states she'd had a previous experience with this particular animal. I wonder why she was even willing to get involved a second time? Not criticizing her in any way, just genuinely curious. It is a most tragic case.

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I do tremendously admire Nash's spirit and determination, but I must wonder about something. The article states she'd had a previous experience with this particular animal. I wonder why she was even willing to get involved a second time? Not criticizing her in any way, just genuinely curious. It is a most tragic case.


I live in CT, so have seen the news reports about this since it happened and was first reported on the local news. The victim was a close friend of the chimp's owner and had spent quite a lot of time with the chimp through the years. She was not unfamiliar to him. I remember hearing at the time the attack occurred that the victim was actually one of the people the owner would call when the chimp got out of control; for some reason, the victim was often able to calm him down. There were also reports at the time that the victim arrived at the owner's house that day and got out of her car wearing a hat, which it was felt may have made her seem, at least initially, unfamiliar to the chimp.


It was a weird, tragic situation--- and though I didn't watch Oprah today, I saw a couple clips of the interview on the news and I cannot get that poor woman's veiled face and missing hands out of my mind! I need brain bleach!



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Why would anyone jeopardize the safety of their friend. Did the owner think this chimp was harmless.


Shame on the owner for putting both their lives in danger. Wild animals are just that, wild. No amt. of diapering or babying is going to domesticate them.


Leave the wild in the wild.




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I love animals, always have. When I was young and nieve, I thought I would own a wolf. Or maybe a lion, chimp or what ever. I wanted to study animals like Jane Goodall. I KNEW that I could love them enough to make them love me back. WHY do young women think this way??? Of course, I grew up. I now understand the difference between a wild animal and a domesticated animal. I do not allow wild animals on my farm. My girls wanted to keep a baby deer once. I said no. Wild animals DO NOT BELONG in captivity except in a zoo. Period. No racoons, no wolves/ or hybrids, no monkeys....NO. This poor, poor woman. I hope SOMEONE learns from her mistake.

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