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Book gift recommendations for 6 yo girl


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My father-in-law wants to get my 6 yo daughter a book related Christmas present and asked me for suggestions. I'm stumped though. I thought a boxed set would be good, but I can't think of a series of books that would be good for her that we don't have or have read already. We already have Little House and Harry Potter. What else is there? She is a strong reader (maybe 4th-5th grade level), but I still like the books she reads to be "sweet" and somewhat "innocent" and wholesome.


Maybe an audio book would be nice, but it would need to be one that could be enjoyed over and over again (without testing my own sanity).


Please tell my your favorites.



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Hmm. Boxcar Children? I'm not sure what reading level they are but my daughters love them as a Read Aloud.

Charlottes Web( not exactly a series but a good book).

Magic Tree House books.


That's all I can think of at the moment. If I think of anymore I'll post them.

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Thanks for the suggestions so far! You guys are quick! We've read Boxcar Children, Charlotte's Web, Betsy-Tacy-Tib series, Raggedy Ann, the first 2 Oz books, and a lot of the Magic Tree House.


I've heard of All of a Kind Family before on here, I'll have to check that out. Anne of Green Gables is my own personal favorite so I already own the whole series, but an audio book of that might be perfect since I think the book itself might still be a little too challenging.


Keep the great suggestions coming!



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My eight year old is just finishing up the Ramona series and has loved it, as I did when I was little. They may be below the reading level you're looking for, but they fit your other requirements.


How about Roald Dahl? My daughter hasn't read them yet, but I loved them when I was young.

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I would love the D'aulaire books - the ones about a person in history....but we already have the myth ones and they are a fav too.


Ds loves All of a Kind of Family and we are now reading More all of a Kind. The first one is very sweet.


She might have read Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and Winnie the Pooh but ds loves them!


Andrew Lang color fairy tale books? I confess I have not read them though but I hear they are nice.


I want someone to ask ME what books to give......lol!


oh! Collier's Junior Classic series. http://www.amazon.com/Colliers-Junior-Classics-Margaret-Martignoni/dp/B000EMBE1S/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1257598080&sr=8-2-spell


Again, have not read them but I want them!


ETA- ds loves the Thorton Burgess books and there are a bunch there and how about Misty of Chingateague (sp) series?

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Another idea along those lines would be a Paddington Bear series. I know I once found a hardcover box set of E.B. White books, which is a lovely library addition, even if you've already read and/or owned those. Where do you stand on Roald Dahl? A few of his, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the Giant Peach, etc. might be nice.


Or, totally brainstorming here, but what about some of the American Girl books? My 5-year-old really, really got into those after McDonald's had them as a Happy Meal toy. :001_huh: But anyway, I know they have nice box sets as well.


What a fun problem to have! :D

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Not sure if they're in print, but have you seen the Caroline years and Mary books to go along with the Little House stuff? My dd just checked a whole bunch of them out of the library.


Have you considered non-fiction? At that age my dd was very into crafts. There are tons of great craft books. The Little House and American Girl Dolls have associated craft and sewing books that are WONDERFUL. My dd received a cookbook one year with pictures of each thing step-by-step, and she likes that too. A sculpting or crafting book with the supplies to do the crafts would be fun. Klutz books are fun.

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My dd is 9 and still loves to find any American Girl books she can. They are below her reading level, but she loves them so we go for it. She's read all the regular ones, and now is into the mysteries. We just checked out the most beautiful holiday story collection from the library. It's this one. It has a cd of Christmas music included.


She also likes Kate DiCamillo and absolutely adored The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. I am sure you could find a pretty boxed set of that with Because of Winn Dixie and The Tale of Despereaux. Such great books!!!


I'll also second the Marguerite Henry horse books. I've seen them packaged in sets and my dd loves them. Also the Edith Nesbit books.

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Without having read all the other responses, based on my DD (just turned 7), I'll give a thumbs up to the All of a Kind Family books. She also discovered this series last year and still adores them:




The main character of the one linked here is even homeschooled. They're very sweet books. The reading level is quite high, apparently, which surprised me when I looked it up because they were no problem at all for her to read.


Good luck finding something. I'm on the quest to create the Christmas lists myself at the moment!


ETA: Oh, also, someone recently gave us a copy of Pippi Longstocking illustrated by Lauren Childs (of Charlie and Lola and Clarice Bean fame), and I cannot wait to read it to her! If your DD likes Charlie and Lola, this might be a good option too.

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I don't know if they come in a boxed set, but I'd like to recommend the Sophie books by Dick King-Smith.


Here are the titles:


* Sophie's Snail (1988)

* Sophie's Tom (1991)

* Sophie Hits Six (1991)

* Sophie in the Saddle (1993)

* Sophie Is Seven (1994)

* Sophie's Lucky (1995)


and here's a link to Sophie's Snail.




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My father-in-law wants to get my 6 yo daughter a book related Christmas present and asked me for suggestions. I'm stumped though. I thought a boxed set would be good, but I can't think of a series of books that would be good for her that we don't have or have read already. We already have Little House and Harry Potter. What else is there? She is a strong reader (maybe 4th-5th grade level), but I still like the books she reads to be "sweet" and somewhat "innocent" and wholesome.


Maybe an audio book would be nice, but it would need to be one that could be enjoyed over and over again (without testing my own sanity).


Please tell my your favorites.




Tales of Dimwood Forest

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The complete AA Milne Pooh Bear books (two prose and two poetry)? They are really sweet and Calvin still enjoys them at 12 - they get funnier as you get older.




I second this! My dd6 is loving these.


We also LOVE Kate DiCamillo around here! I love reading her work aloud. The poppy series is great too.


Kareni, thanks for sharing the Sophie books. Never heard of them. What are they like? I can't find samples.

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Kareni, thanks for sharing the Sophie books. Never heard of them. What are they like? I can't find samples.


Sophie is about four years old in the first book and she is a bit of a tomboy. As the series progresses, she grows older. She might be seven or so in the final book. She has a pet snail and wants to be a lady farmer. She lives with her parents and, if I recall correctly, her two brothers. They are a nice family.


The books are set in Britain, which may not be a surprise if you know that Dick King-Smith is British, and in the present day.


The chapters are fairly short and in the various books I recall a visit from grandmother, interactions with a very girly-girl, and lots of pet goings on. I believe that Sophie also has a worm collection in one of the books.


My daughter loved them when she was younger. I hope you'll be able to find copies.




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