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Prayers please ... my mom has been admitted to the hospital.

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My mom, who is 80 years old, has a ton of health problems, including atrial fibrillation that is not well controlled by meds and is getting worse. I have made a mental note to visit her more often and call her more. However, following through is not my strong suit. I have been feeling guilty for not calling her for the last 10 days or visiting, but we have had sick kids and this flu panic has me taking more precautions. Also, my back went out and I have been going to the chiro 3 days a week and the appointments have been for over 2 hours. In the meantime, life doesn't stop. I had this niggling feeling that I should have gone to see her this weekend.


I can't get a hold of her since she doesn't have a room yet. She left a message with my kids while I was at a chiro appointment.


Trying not to panic. Don't know if this knot in the pit of my stomach is guilt or fear. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Peggy.

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Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. I talked to my mom as they moved her out of the ER and to admitting, so she has a phone. She has been dizzy and has had difficulty breathing - all due to her atrial fibrillation problems. I am hoping that they can adjust her medications and it will make a difference, but we have been down this road before. It is so sad to see her quality of life going down hill. She is not getting out much because she is weak and tired. She even has difficulty going down to dinner at the retirement home where she lives. She needs social outlets and I think she is depressed.


I am going to see her tonight after I go to her place and pick up a few things.

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