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Well, Peace Hill Press's site was down, as was SWB's blog. I was reduced to going to PHP's facebook site to see if there was a peep about computer repair/upgrade, or a fire :(


But, no peep.


(In case there were financial problems, I did mosey over to Amazon and buy one of their books :) )

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Well, Peace Hill Press's site was down, as was SWB's blog. I was reduced to going to PHP's facebook site to see if there was a peep about computer repair/upgrade, or a fire :(


But, no peep.


(In case there were financial problems, I did mosey over to Amazon and buy one of their books :) )

I did all of that and I looked at the cached paged from after 8am and could see that nothing had posted since about 4:45am.


I almost screamed "Oh goody, it's back up!" out loud. Okay...I did.

Yea, I did that, too. It's almost embarrassing.:D



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Oh my. I was coming back after being unplugged for five days while on a trip, and I was already weak and shaky from withdrawal . . . and . . . AAAAAGGGHHHH! I emailed a boardie I have met IRL and asked if it was me or was it really down.


I feel better now, but I have five days of threads to catch up on! I will probably read until my eyeballs swell up!

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I was glad to learn it wasn't trouble on my end! I too tried to access PHP's website and the WTM and PHP pages on FB. I finally thought to check HS Review's site to see if any of those who follow both boards may have posted some info. It was then that I learned SWB sent a tweet that the server was down. WHEW!


:glare: What? I'm NOT an addict!


I did try to check in several times... I wanted to research, ask questions and check in on how everyone else was doing.

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I was glad to learn it wasn't trouble on my end! I too tried to access PHP's website and the WTM and PHP pages on FB. I finally thought to check HS Review's site to see if any of those who follow both boards may have posted some info. It was then that I learned SWB sent a tweet that the server was down. WHEW!


:glare: What? I'm NOT an addict!


I did try to check in several times... I wanted to research, ask questions and check in on how everyone else was doing.



uh yeah and I am not an addict either!:D I checked it between every subject!

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boy did I get a lot done today. :D
You know what's funny? I got nothing more done than usual. Sometimes I will produce more writing if I take a board break, but my house is no cleaner and my kids no better off. huh.:001_huh:


It was terrible. I checked every computer in the house and had family in other states check just to make sure it wasn't me or my computer. I tried to post after it came up but I got a fatal error.
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No! Really!? Pics, a link? Don't just taunt us, MamaBear. Details!!!!! I need details!!!!!!! For snuggly babies, much is forgiven, yea, even a board outage.

No kidding! Congrats!




Btw, I'm adding THAT page to my favorites... next time I won't have to wonder if it's just me.

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