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How is it that older children/teens just know how to do stuff?

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My daughter just seems to know how to work a digital camera (didn't have any trouble at all even when she got a new one), how long to cook stuff in the microwave and at what level, how to do stuff on the computer, etc. I never showed her how. She tells me how to do stuff. :001_huh:

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I have no idea why, but it's well known that if you have any problem with anything at all high-tech, the best bet is to consult the youngest member of the family who can talk. My 6yo has been running rings around me in this respect for a couple of years now.


For sure. My ds9 has been reading instructions better than me since he was 4. He is awesome.

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I think its hardwired into their genes somehow :) They seem to be born able to handle information technology. We struggle because we are too old to learn so easily and quickly and intuitively.


Even though I am internet savvy, and reasonably capable of delaing with computers, I am mobile phone ignorant, and still havent learned how to text. I have had dd show me twice but I havent used it immediately and so the instructions just leaked out of my brain again. One day, I will be a proud texter. When dd shows me again.

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I just inheirented dd's Versa touchphone. I am slowly learning it by trial and error and dd showing me over and over how to work it. No-one in our family ever reads the instruction manuals for anything , dd always just figures out how everything works and then shows the rest of us. Dd si 14. I have still not figured out how to work her diginal camera. Yet, I can't even work our tv which has either 3 or 4 different remotes to work it, different ones for turn on tv, for dvd, for video, for cable box. If no-one else is home, I honestly cannot watch tv, so I just read (I can figure out how to do that lol).

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I'm not sure all children are this way. My son definitely is. He figured out the CD player and DVD player all on his own. My daughter, on the other hand, had to be shown multiple times before she would remember.


I think the difference with my children is that my son is willing to experiment and "play" with it. My daughter is afraid she'll break it or something.

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My 16 year old summed it up one day. He said that he can figure out any technology just by placing it in his hands. He said that technology feels like it's literally a part of him, an extension of who he is.


That's very different than my generation. Technology is not a part of who I am; in fact, it's the opposite. It is something very detached from me. Something I battle to figure out.


Now he is a computer programmer (makes more money than I ever have), but I think it's just the way their generation's brains are wired.

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We use Netflix Instant Play through the XBox. My 2yo knows how to get the tv on the correct input, turn the Xbox controller on, and navigate to Thomas the Tank Engine. But he can't poo on the potty. :001_huh:



I was just thinking the same thing. My 2 yr old has been asking for a DS for about 4 months now. She steals the other kids, puts in her favorite came(nintendogs) and starts it up and plays. WHile I know how to do the basic stuff with the wii/vcr/dvd player hookup we have(moving cords around and such), and much on the computer He is pretty close to knowing just as much without ever being taught.


For them all this technology is all they have known. They have watched us use it since birth. Unlike us adults who were older when these technologies were introduced.

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I will probably make a mess of this explanation, but here goes.


First, a simple response, home school kids are "around" to observe more, thus they pick up on the operation of household items (microwaves, ovens, VCRs, etc) because they are around to see these things used more often. They simply apply their observations.


Second, I heard once that because children of this generation are exposed to new technologies (which did not exist in my/our childhood years), their brains actually lay down new neural pathways for handling more technical info. Wish I could better explain the physiology of this, but I do believe they have increased brain power (drawn from the fabled "unused portion" of the brain's capacity, maybe?).


Perhaps there's someone here who can explain this better than me?


Personally, I like the earlier "cause they are willing to push more buttons" reason given by another poster. I certainly have a good share of button pushers under my roof...!

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1) Desire to learn something goes a long way, no matter what it is.


2) Lack of fear of ruining something. My mom, when we first got a computer, seemed to think one press of the wrong key would erase her whole hard drive or some other drastic consequence; once she realized that was not the case and began to play around with things, she learned a lot and became comfortable using her own computer.

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My 13yo son is like a magician with tech stuff. I've gotten to the point where I just hand him things to fix and a few minutes later it's done. I honestly don't know what I'll do when he leaves home. On a number of levels...:sad:


My 13yo ds is like this, too. His nickname is "Tech Support." He was on a hunting trip w/ his dad a couple of weeks ago and I called dh's cell phone to get ds to talk me through something!

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