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Playmobile Questions

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My son is almost 4 and I keep seeing how popular playmobile is for little boys. I was thinking of getting him a few sets for Christmas. I looked at Amazon.com but I didn't know if there was a better place to buy it. Do you buy your playmobile at places like Target, Wal-Mart etc... or do you know of a good online toy supplier?





PS What would be a good set for him? He LOVES LOVES LOVES cars if that helps, but I would like to get him something new.

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My kids LOVE playmobil and we have tons of it.


If I were you though, I'd hold off for another year or so. Playmobil has lots of tiny pieces that for some reason the kids can not keep together. Really, I'm to the point where I don't mind if I suck them up with the vacuum.


For that age, I'd just get duplo (the medium sized legos). My kids still play with that too and they are 5 and 8.

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My son just turned 4 in July and has been playing with playmobil for about a year now. My kids love it. I usually order from playmobile directly or from http://www.ridgeroadstation.com I can get some things from the local teacher store here which carries a fairly decent amount of it.


Some of our favorites are the horse ranch, zoo (or any with animals), the pirate ship and the roman coliseum. For xmas my kids are hoping to get the Sphynx and Pyramid for my sons and the vet center for my dd.

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We don't have a great selection of Playmobil locally, so I've bought ours from the Playmobil website (they have it all LOL). My ds4 has a more than a few vehicles and he loves them. He has an airplane which he doesn't use as much. I did take out all the small pieces at first. Yes, some of them are very small!

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Playmobil is hands down the best toy we have ever purchased. My 12 year old still plays with it, and I have already had discussions about how the Playmobils stays with me when they move out!


We like everything they do, but the kids most often play with Knights and Castles. Though they do mix it up quite a bit... the last siege on the castle included Santa, some Native American chiefs and a few policeman!

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Oh my goodness!! Target?? Walmart?? Nay nay!


Go right to the source, dear one! Right to the source:






I ordered the playmobil nativity set for MYSELF! The kids are allowed to play with it, but only on the table where I put it. It is MY playmobil and they are not allowed to mix their playmobil with mine!!


I love, love, love, love playmobil. It's also great for teaching my preschool age Children's Church class.


ETA: as far as what he'd like--just spend a few hours looking over everything online. Let him look with you and decide. They have cowboys and indians, Redcoats, Egyptians, pirates, circus people/animals, knights, doctors, families, Romans--oh, the list goes on and on and on and on...


P.S. My 7 yo and 4 yo have been playing with this stuff for over a year now. Yes there are tiny parts, yes you'll have to clean them up, but that's what having a kid (and being a kid) are all about!

Edited by Garga
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Okay, somehow I missed out on buying any of this for my ds9 when he was younger. Now, when I am looking at all the sets, I am LOVING it. I feel like he would enjoy it, especially the ones that tie in with history we have studied. But then, I am wondering, is he too old? Are the sets too "babyish" for a child his age? I haven't seen them in person, only online, so I just can't tell. Does anyone here have an older child who still plays?

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Okay, somehow I missed out on buying any of this for my ds9 when he was younger. Now, when I am looking at all the sets, I am LOVING it. I feel like he would enjoy it, especially the ones that tie in with history we have studied. But then, I am wondering, is he too old? Are the sets too "babyish" for a child his age? I haven't seen them in person, only online, so I just can't tell. Does anyone here have an older child who still plays?


My ds13 was playing with them last year and while he hasn't played with them as much this year, he still has several favorite sets. Last year, someone was discussing this on the list and when I asked my son his opinion, he said not only are there little pieces that could be dangerous to little kids, but that Playmobil toys are so detailed that young kids couldn't possibly enjoy them as much as he did. :tongue_smilie:

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Playmobil is great! My two little girls, ages 2 and 5 have quite a few sets. I second the poster that recommended Ridge Road Station online....they have lots of sets for good prices, and they have free shipping if you spend like $40 or $50 (which is very easy to do when purchasing Playmobil).


My sister just asked for Christmas list for the kids and I recommended she get them the new Pet Clinic, that is a Toys R Us exclusive.

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My ds13 was playing with them last year and while he hasn't played with them as much this year, he still has several favorite sets. Last year, someone was discussing this on the list and when I asked my son his opinion, he said not only are there little pieces that could be dangerous to little kids, but that Playmobil toys are so detailed that young kids couldn't possibly enjoy them as much as he did. :tongue_smilie:


Thanks for that information - it makes me feel better about trying. I think we will get him something this Christmas, and just see how he likes it. I bet he will enjoy it, and worse case scenario, dd5 will enjoy (once she outgrows the "it has to be pink and/or sparkly stage, lol).


And if you don't mind, Night Elf, what are the sets that your ds13 enjoys the most at this point? Thanks again!

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Playmobile is great. Just a warning though-----------less, really is more. Don't go way overboard (like I did) and buy tons of different sets. My girls now really have TOO MUCH of it to play with. Get a few sets and then for birthdays, etc. add to them.

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Amy, my kids play with Playmobil all the time -- and it's one of the things that the neighbor boys (ages 9, 11, and almost 13) head straight for when they're playing over here too. We have a mix of sets -- *mostly* knights stuff, but a fair number of fairy tale pieces, some pirates, vikings, recent acquisition of a bunch of the smaller Roman and Egyptian sets, and a few modern pieces here and there (oh, and some dinosaurs)... Perhaps because they're new, or perhaps because of the rich historical tie-ins, the kids have been staging conflicts between the Egyptians and Romans mostly lately. But they also love mixing the knights and fairy tales pieces for some great fantasy play.


And, of course, there's always space for a green port-a-potty or an airport security screening station or some guys in haz-mat suits in any of the other sets, lol...


So we have a ton we've been collecting for the last 5-6 years, but they're some of the only toys we have that have been played with consistently in all that time and continue to be played with now.


I think Target is a fine place to get started. Buy a couple of small-to-medium sets and see if your son loves them. Or Amazon. Or Playmobil. Or http://store.wattstrainshop.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=5=PLAYMOBIL ... Or http://www.kidsurplus.com/brand-brandcatID-443.asp ... I've found some great deals from time to time at Target. Their selection isn't fantastic, but it's still a good place for getting started or filling out people and pieces at relatively low prices (especially if you shop there regularly and check for mark downs -- they often have 20% off their already low prices, and occasionally put some pieces on clearance when they are changing up stock). Really, if you find sets you think your child will like at decent prices (and the list prices tend to be fairly standard, so 15-20% off list price is a good deal), go ahead and buy. It doesn't matter so much from where.

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And if you don't mind, Night Elf, what are the sets that your ds13 enjoys the most at this point? Thanks again!


Last year he had:


airport, with several separate sets in that theme

rescue theme, all available vehicle sets

figures, that come separately away from the sets

family camper

family with car

Union/Confederate soldiers (lots of tiny guns!!)


My dd11 still has her family mansion with several room sets.


And of course we love the 2 Christmas Advent calendar sets we set up on December 1st. :tongue_smilie: I know there is a pirate theme we haven't yet bought, but will this year.


That's all I remember off the top of my head. Dd13 did sell some of them to have money to buy a new video game system. But he did save a few sets that he refuses to part with, like the soldiers, old space sets from ebay, camper, and several single figures. I can't remember what else.


I wish we had them all back again. They were all great and the kids spent hours setting them up and playing. You've inspired me to find the sets in the attic. I am sure he would be excited to see them again. :)

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My kids love Playmobil. Their play value has been worth tiny pieces and the cost. My nephew just turned 4 (I take care of him when his mom works p/t) and he's been playing well with them for over a year. His fine motor is much better now, so he can actually use the tiny pieces. lol For a while, he would have my youngest put the hats back on, switch beards etc. I would say that the farm sets and the pirate items have been his favorites so far. I think 4 is a great age for the regular sets. The preschool Playmobil won't take you through childhood.


There are lots of vehicles! There is a hospital and ambulance set that looks interesting. The ancients sets are also very cool.

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I swore up down and sideways that I wasn't going to consider Playmobile until Princess finally quit putting stuff in her mouth. Seriously, three years old now, and *still* puts the odd thing in her mouth that isn't edible. And, I further was adamant that I wouldn't get anything Playmobile until I had a Trofast system from Ikea.


But I went and looked at the site, and I'm weakening. Badly.



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A tip: your kids might be different, but my kids (boys 4 and 6) tend to want to play with just the people. Some of the sets come with all sorts of accessories, but my kids just toss those aside. They play with the people, their hair and swords and shields (if they have them) but they don't really touch the other stuff (like we have a rat, a bird, a horse, a cannon, a plate of food, etc. that they don't bother with.)


So, you might want to get just one set of people with extras to be sure they really like all the extra stuff, or if they mostly just play with the people. Of course, my kids are my kids and yours might be different, but just thought I should mention it.

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I swore up down and sideways that I wasn't going to consider Playmobile until Princess finally quit putting stuff in her mouth. Seriously, three years old now, and *still* puts the odd thing in her mouth that isn't edible.



Ugh. My SEVEN (!!!!) year old still puts stuff in his mouth. It drives me NUTS. In fact, I think I'll start another thread asking how to get him to stop! I tell him constantly to "get that out of your mouth!"


He's seven!!!!! (Do you hear me wailing!! SEVEN!!!)

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Well, I went out last night to puchase the pirate ship and a set of Vikings from Target. I was very pleased with the price and really surprised at the amount of assembly. I am really excited about this toy because it is a lot cuter than I expected. Since my boy is so little, I am putting most of the smaller parts in a baggie and just letting him play with the bigger pieces.


We are starting our musical practice tonight that will be 4 nights a week for the next two months, so I wanted to pack him a bag of new activities to keep him busy while we are there since we won't have a babysitter. He is not one to put things in his mouth ever so that is a bonus for us. I can't wait for him to see it tonight!


I am also using this as a tester. If he likes it a lot I'll get him some more for Christmas.



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