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Clody with a Chance of Meatballs - seen it?

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I posted this accidentally on the Curriculum board, but I'm not sure if it's going to get moved or deleted (how does that work?) so I'm posting it here because I don't want anyone to make the same mistake we did.


If you haven't seen it, don't!!


I took DD and DS to see this movie this morning. I didn't really have any expectations about it, but I didn't expect it to be as disappointing as it was.


Things that bugged me:


- The girl is a nerd, who gives up her nerdy ways to be something cute to look at. Because that's all people care about for meteorologists is to have a cute face.

- She gives up science and covers every time she say something smart since cute girls aren't smart.

- She gives up her glasses, even though she can't see anything now, because you can't be cute with glasses.

- When she embraces her "inner nerdiness," her fellow news anchors make fun of her and tell her to come back when she straightens out her look.

- The father is unable to express his feelings towards his son. At the end he can only tell his son that he's proud of him by wearing a box that expresses thoughts. Way to keep the idea that men can't discuss their feelings going...

- The boy's (main character) idea doesn't work out. He throw himself in the trash. Literally. His father finds him curled up in a trashcan with the rest of the junk. Even then his father doesn't tell him that he loves him. He just hands him his science jacket and walks into the house. :glare:

- The mom dies.

- There's a 20/30-something adult male who walks around in diapers, ripping his clothes off so he's naked except for the diaper. He'd been a spokes-baby (think Coppertone baby), but now is a has-been and not happy about it. At the end of the movie, he's "transformed" into a chicken with the head of a man. :001_huh:

- The words/phrases in it are not things that I'd want to hear from a 12-year old repeating, let alone my 5-year old.


Not a good role model for your girl or your boy. There's going to be a LOT of talking going on in our house to make up for this one. NOW I get why parents go watch a movie in the theatre before taking their kids....too bad I had to learn this the hard way.

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Our paper just reviewed it today with 3 1/2 stars!!!

We saw it. I was so excited because I love the book.

It was creepy. The guys in the diaper thing was really very overboard. At the end of the movie, we all sat there sort of stunned for a few moments. Every time I think of it now I feel creepy. Some of it I can't quite put my finger on. Just. wierd. Usually I like wierd too.

I would suggest watching it first.

Also, there was really no point to it so the creepiness was to no sufficient end. The best part of it was the "where the wild things are" advertisement.


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Wow, really? We really liked it. And believe me, I'm one to screen my kids movies well.


I was really NOT looking forward to seeing this movie because I thought it might be really cheesy.....but I was surprised.


I actually liked the story line of the girl being a nerd, then trying to be "cool". Why? Because it happens. And at the end, she went back to being "nerdy" because that's who she really was and she didn't care what others thought, even when they made fun of her. Because people WILL make fun of you in real life if you are different.


The only part that was really stupid was the diaper baby/man. And especailly when he became a chicken. :confused:

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Wow, really? We really liked it. And believe me, I'm one to screen my kids movies well.


I was really NOT looking forward to seeing this movie because I thought it might be really cheesy.....but I was surprised.


I actually liked the story line of the girl being a nerd, then trying to be "cool". Why? Because it happens. And at the end, she went back to being "nerdy" because that's who she really was and she didn't care what others thought, even when they made fun of her. Because people WILL make fun of you in real life if you are different.


The only part that was really stupid was the diaper baby/man. And especailly when he became a chicken. :confused:


This isn't all in reply to you, but it's easier to put it all in one. :)


I didn't get that she was doing it to be herself. I got it as she was doing it because she was in love with the boy and he said she was more beautiful that way. So instead of trying to please the masses, she did it to please him. And showing other adults making fun of her for wearing glasses and "being a nerd?" :(


And it bothered me they took a thought/voice box designed to project a monkey's thoughts and put it on the Dad. What would be wrong with the Dad saying he loves him on his own? Or that he's proud of him?


My DD and I had this conversation at bedtime:

Me: People are never junk.

Her: That boy was.

Me: No he wasn't.

Her: He said he was!

Me: People are NEVER junk. Not ever, ever, ever.

Her: Then why did he say he was?

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I'll be the oddball. We all liked it.





Same here. We saw the 3D version so maybe that's why the kids liked it. I've never taken them to the movies and they really begged me to take them to see this one. It was ok, kind of funny at some points.



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This isn't all in reply to you, but it's easier to put it all in one. :)


I didn't get that she was doing it to be herself. I got it as she was doing it because she was in love with the boy and he said she was more beautiful that way. So instead of trying to please the masses, she did it to please him. And showing other adults making fun of her for wearing glasses and "being a nerd?" :(


And it bothered me they took a thought/voice box designed to project a monkey's thoughts and put it on the Dad. What would be wrong with the Dad saying he loves him on his own? Or that he's proud of him?


My DD and I had this conversation at bedtime:

Me: People are never junk.

Her: That boy was.

Me: No he wasn't.

Her: He said he was!

Me: People are NEVER junk. Not ever, ever, ever.

Her: Then why did he say he was?



I think she decided to be a nerd again because she saw that not everyone thinks that being smart/nerd is a bad thing. It just so happened that the one to express it was this guy. It also helped that she thought his inventions were cool ;)


I think the dad needed the voice/thought box because he was used to talking to his son in analogies and his son could never understand him. The father even said at the end, while wearing the box, that even though his words don't come out right (to his son anyway) he just means that he loves him.



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I appreciate the review. I have bigguns (as opposed to littluns ;)) so I might not be as concerned about some of the issues.


Movies have to have conflict. There is internal conflict; most of the examples given here are internal conflict. Should the girl (name?) change who she is to please her coworkers? Can the dad say he loves the boy?


There is also external conflict; I am assuming from the previews I saw the external conflict has something to do with the crazy weather.


Of course the dad could have been demonstrative & the girl could have been happy with herself but then there'd have to be other internal conflict, KWIM?


It sounds like the internal conflict was a bit cliched but it also sounds like it resolved itself.


Chicken diaper boy sounds like a shout out to that old terrifying movie Freaks. :001_huh:

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copied from other thread cause Im lazy:

I'm gonna go against the trend and say I loved this movie as well. My daughter thought it was fantastic, too. Visually it was amazing...MUCH better than the 3D stuff some people have been putting out (Monsters Vs Aliens was just terrible all the way around). It was 3D without being all "OMG LOOK IT'S A 3D MOVIE! WHEEE! HERE'S SOMETHING FLYING IN YOUR FACE!"


The stuff OP mentioned were all completely forgivable in the context of the film. Yes, the girl was persuaded to give up her geeky look for something cuter, but it ends up being the people who pushed her into it who look bad for it. The male main character, who was a billion times more nerdy, is probably the most thoroughly LIKABLE character I've seen in ANY movie lately.

And yes, his father was unable to relate to him and seemed to only be able to communicate in odd fishing analogies. But what kind of lame movie would it be if everyone communicated perfectly, nobody had any differences, and everybody lived in a la-la land where there were no conflicts? That would be an insanely boring movie. Flaws are what make characters interesting! We'd hardly be sympathizing with the lonely scientist if he had a fantastic and open relationship with his father, and was celebrated as the town hero.


We all thought it was a great movie, and will probably get it on DVD.

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I was thinking on this a bit today.

Does anyone have any thoughts on the black cop guy? That part felt uneasy to me as well....maybe a bit too stereotypical or something?????


I didn't like all the focusing in on his butt cheeks clenching and his chest hairs tingling. And the language - "I'm gonna slap that boy when he gets out of the car" or something along those lines.



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We saw it last night and liked it. While most oft he story is sad, at the end it all works out and everyone learns their important lessons (typical kid movies plotline lol).


We like cute things, and this movie had lots, like the word shannaginizer. And Flint's head was huge for his body lol.


The girl learned to be herself. The Dad learned to talk to his son. All was happy in the end :)

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I really enjoyed the movie and it prompted discussions with dd (6) about being true to yourself--even if others think you should change. Yes, some of the humor was crude (chocolate ice cream balls----ewwwww!!) but it held the attention of the two six yr olds I took. I think our post movie discussions helped them pull the good messages out of the movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The stuff OP mentioned were all completely forgivable in the context of the film. Yes, the girl was persuaded to give up her geeky look for something cuter, but it ends up being the people who pushed her into it who look bad for it. The male main character, who was a billion times more nerdy, is probably the most thoroughly LIKABLE character I've seen in ANY movie lately.

And yes, his father was unable to relate to him and seemed to only be able to communicate in odd fishing analogies. But what kind of lame movie would it be if everyone communicated perfectly, nobody had any differences, and everybody lived in a la-la land where there were no conflicts? That would be an insanely boring movie. Flaws are what make characters interesting! We'd hardly be sympathizing with the lonely scientist if he had a fantastic and open relationship with his father, and was celebrated as the town hero.


We all thought it was a great movie, and will probably get it on DVD.


Well, this just got to Malaysia and we just saw it tonight and we all thought it was HILARIOUS. So I guess we'll be oddballs too because this is one we will buy!



"Can you look me in the eye and tell me son you've got this under control and it's not going to end up a disaster?":lol:

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