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What, specifically, do you fear about the H1N1 vaccine?

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I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. But I don't understand the fear/skepticism related to the flu vaccine.


I haven't read the many flu threads, or the vaccination debate threads. I've decided that my kids will get the vaccine. We have friends with little babies, pregnant friends, and friends whose children have chronic health issues. And, we'd just like to avoid the flu if we can.


But, my question is this:

What are the specific risks of having a flu shot? What are the risks related to this particular flu shot?


Links to relevant articles would be appreciated, if you have them.


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When they're making the seasonal flu vax, they're making an educated guess about which strains of the virus will be coming the following year. Soemetimes they get it completely wrong - I think the A portion this past year was off but the B portion was ok.


For novel H1N1 they had the virus and made the vaccine to match it. There is still the potential that the circulating virus will mutate but the vax should be close to the virus.

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Thanks for the link. I read it.


But I'd assume that some risk-benefit analysis has been done, and that the risk of complications/death from this flu is greater than the risk of complications/death from the mercury in the vaccine.


Am I off base with that assumption?

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For one, I just don't want to put that much mercury in my body...the one without mercury has formaldehyde and I don't really want that in me either... Not on a yearly basis...We vaccinate for big stuff...polio, DTP etc...just not for a yearly flu.


:iagree: This is my reason. On the fda . gov website, it states that usual standards for limits on the amount of thimerosol (mercury-based preservative) were lifted completely to speed along the manufacture of this vaccine. It says they will be reinstituted after this vaccine has been made. If you want to know specifically why I am worried about higher levels of mercury, it's because autism is one of the things linked to it. What they are allowing for the H1N1 vaccine is far higher than what they allow for yearly flu shots.

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My kids get yearly flu shots (got their seasonal ones today) - since my younger was a year old and my older was 5 (now 6 and 10 respectively). We started doing it after the year that my older had a strain of flu that left him really, really sick for 10 days. Children were dying, it was all over the news (Here is a statistic on pediatric flu deaths from the year my son had it...it was almost double what is "normal" (between 68-88) A total of 153 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated deaths in children were reported during the 2003-2004 influenza season.) and when he got it, he tested positive, not only for type A flu which was the scary strain...but he also had type B flu at the same time. Nightmare doesn't begin to describe that period of time. Then, when I thought things couldn't get much worse, my 2 month old (at the time) got it too. It is a wonder I didn't die that year with fear and worry!


My kids have never had an issue with the flu shot and they have never had the flu past that one time either. I took the flu shot twice and did have a bit of a reaction - enough to where I do not get it now.


All of that aside, I am very much on the fence about the H1N1 vaccine. I will not get them the mist for anyone in the family. Dh and I are not 100% in agreement on the H1N1 shot (which is not available here yet anyway) either. My biggest worries are how quickly the vaccine was produced, the amount of additives to make it work, and the fact that, if it does mutate, the vaccine may very well be ineffective afterall. Everything I read about the vaccines and every doctor I talk to about them, has a differing opinion and differing "facts." I feel "darned if I do, darned if I don't." Another poster (maybe another thread?) was saying that she would never forgive herself if anything happened to her sons...and the fact is that something can happen without the shot (H1N1) OR something can happen as a result of the shot (reaction). It is a tough call.

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Nobody else?


So is it the Mercury people fear, or do do people just think vax don't work? Or what? What's the science behind your choice?


Many people here are so gung-ho on not getting the vax, so I am hoping people will explain why or why not.


I am trying to make the decision ( we have never gotten any flu shots in our family, ever) and I would like to hear why people accept or reject.


Please come out of the closet! We never got them because we rarely get sick. Simple as that. I know my 17 yr old threw up when she was 2. My 20 yr old had an ear infection when he was 12. I had an ear infection 14 years ago. My 10 yr old had pneumonia when she was 18 months, but she didn't even need antbx. She's never been on one. My 15 yr old had anbx when he had surgery as an infant. I have no experience and need to figure this out soon.

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So is it the mecrury people fear, or do do people just think vax don't work?


Many people here are so gung-ho on not getting the vax, I am hoping for that more people would scientifially explaini why or why not from a sicnetifica point of view.


I am trying to make the decison ( we have never gotten any flue shots in our family, ever) and I would like to hear why people accept or reject.


Please come out of the closet! We never got them because we never get sick. Simple as that. I can't remember the last time any of us have been sick. I know my 17 yr old threw up when she was 2.


I am pretty sure it is a "lack" of knowledge about the vaccine rather than some scientific proof that scares most people. For me, it is not knowing exactly what is in there (apparently they aren't all the same either), realizing it was rushed, and not having had enough people take it to get a feel for the side effects and whether it has more "risk" associated with it than a normal flu shot.


I never hesitate to get my kids the normal flu shot.

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I am pretty sure it is a "lack" of knowledge about the vaccine rather than some scientific proof that scares most people. For me, it is not knowing exactly what is in there (apparently they aren't all the same either), realizing it was rushed, and not having had enough people take it to get a feel for the side effects and whether it has more "risk" associated with it than a normal flu shot.


I never hesitate to get my kids the normal flu shot.



Do you know what might be lacking in this rush? Was it rushed any more than any other yearly vax, do you know?

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I have several reasons for not getting it.


For one, the mercury really freaks me out. For two, it was so rushed. Anything that I'm injecting into my body that is so rushed to create really makes me hesitant. I want a test group to be followed.....for long enough to see long term effects of the vaccine. And for three, I'm hesitant of ALL vaccines. We selectively vax.

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Most people I know are not getting the H1N1 vaccine because they are fairly certain they have already had the virus.


Personally, I don't get flu shots. Why? The one year I got one I got the flu. That is the only time I have ever gotten the flu. I'm not saying that the vaccine gave it to me. But, I think that the vaccine weakened my system and allowed the flu strain that was actually out that year (not the one in the vaccine) to be able to get a toehold in my normally stronger system.

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I am afraid of not getting the vaccine in time. We are going to get the shot rather than the mist and that is coming later. Three of us are high risk due to asthma problems and the two others are teens or young adults.


There are zero studies linking mercury in shots with autism and since my youngest is almost 13, that is a complete non-issue for us. (See the studies about autism in Denmark which tracks health for everyone and saw no decrease of autism once mercury was removed from vaccines).


Do I find it perplexing and sad that people won't vaccinate? Yes. But I will do what I can to save my kids lives and that means vaccinate.

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I would caution everyone to be even more careful with this vaccine. There is one main reason we aren't taking it: We don't trust the makers of it one bit! The last time the swine-flu vaccine was given to people, the vaccine ended up killing and injuring more people than the flu itself had. Is this not scary?


So the swine flu hits earlier this year and a few weeks later they have a vaccine prepared? I must, as someone who values my life and the life of my family, wonder how safe it is, especially with the history it has. There are plenty of people (health officials, researchers, etc...) cautioning people against this swine-flu vaccine.


I would encourage people to research as much as they could and look at every side, read every news bit, listen to the words of those who should be encouraging the vaccine and ARE NOT even encouraging it for themselves and their families due to lack of research on its safety and effectiveness.


Here are two articles I'd recommend to begin everyone's research or add to it:






I encourage people to visit the National Vaccine Information Center's website here: http://www.nvic.org/ Check this link out: http://www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/July-2009/Swine-Flu-Vaccine-Should-Not-Be-Given-to-Children.aspx

Edited by organichomemaking
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I have several reasons for not getting it.


For one, the mercury really freaks me out. For two, it was so rushed. Anything that I'm injecting into my body that is so rushed to create really makes me hesitant. I want a test group to be followed.....for long enough to see long term effects of the vaccine. And for three, I'm hesitant of ALL vaccines. We selectively vax.



What makes you choose one vax over another?


Folks keep saying this vax has been 'rushed', but I can't fnd anything that shows this how this vax has been rushed any more than any other yearly flu vax. I can't find any links about that.


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We stopped 2 years ago when my son received his flu shot and within 5 days was having febrile seizures that were leaving him unconscious for up to 30 minutes at a time.


The first one was in the bathtub. My husband thought he was dead. It was terrifying.


Now my doctor will tell you that the seasonal flu shot was not the "cause" of my son's high fever and febrile seizures, but I find that hard to believe considering he never showed any other signs of illness. Oddly enough the doctor made a notation on his chart, "Just in case it happens again."


Anyway, in the past two years we've tended to be healthier without the flu shot. That's saying a lot considering my husband is a public school teacher and exposed to junk every day.


We are passing on the H1N1 vaccine. I think it would be better for my children to get the flu and develop their own immunity to it. Actually I think we all have it right now.


They tested blood samples they had from 1918 flu survivors and found that it contained higher immunities to this new flu strain. I imagine the same would hold true for those who develop their own immunity to this H1N1. It will hopefully provide them with long term benefits.

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This is a good thread, but I keep reading all these flu threads and am still unsure about the H1N1 vax. We do seasonal flu vax because we have a child in our home who is high risk, as are my elderly in-laws, etc. But we also do all the other vax. (I know, I feel like I am in the minority on that)


I'd like to just wait a while to see what kinds of reactions come from from the H1N1 vax when it's available, but for all I know there will be such a rush on it that if we did want to get it we wouldn't be able to. As it is the reg seasonal flu vax is all but sold out locally. Almost no doc offices still have it.


Confused I am.:confused::confused:

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Those links do not answer the OP question at all.


Personally, I am looking for science, not ignorance or propaganda.




Ignorance and propaganda is what we don't want. People want research, people want to be given ways to care for themselves without the need of injecting themselves with something that hasn't been researched for more than a few weeks (if even). Government officials, these makers of the vaccine, are trying to scare people into taking a vaccine that hasn't been tested. Things are being blown out of proportion over this so-called 'swine-flu'. Our government wants us to trust them, blindly follow them, and believe in something that health officials themselves are cautioning us to avoid. How can we trust something that has such an awful history? A history that no one denies and that caused the government to suspend the program in 1976, not long after it started, after many injuries (including Guillain-Barre syndrome) and death.

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Do I find it perplexing and sad that people won't vaccinate? Yes. But I will do what I can to save my kids lives and that means vaccinate.


Perplexing and sad? Really? Have you read up on vaccinations? You are injecting a foreign chemical into your child's body. I think it's a bit far fetched to deem it as sad. Don't we all do what we think is best for our childrens lives? While we choose not to vaccinate, I would never tell another parent that it is sad if they choose to vaccinate. I would hope that they have done their research though, before injecting a foreign chemical.

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Nobody else?


So is it the Mercury people fear, or do do people just think vax don't work?


I hope/plan to have my family vaccinated against this flu. I don't ordinarily vaccinate against seasonal flu, but this is an extraordinary year.


I will go to great lengths to get mercury-free versions. Our physician has always used mercury-free vaccines with my son.


I don't "buy" the discredited autism/mercury connection. But mercury is clearly not good for one in any amount. If we can't get a mercury-free version, I'll probably take our chances. But the risk seems high, so I'm planning on vaccinating.


And, yes I believe it will work since it's based on H1N1 and not a guess about this years "seasonal flu."



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What makes you choose one vax over another?





For us, I judge it by the chance I think my child has of catching the particular illness, and the most likely severity of it.


For example, we do not do the chickenpox vaccine. It's usually a relatively mild childhood illness. However, if my children have not naturally gotten chickenpox by the time they are late teens, we'll probably have a titer done to see if they have an immunity to it. If not, I may get them the chickenpox vaccine since shingles can be pretty painful in an adult.


And of course, I pray about it as well.

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I agree with organichomemaking 100%! I think she offered good information to help the OP, and everyone else, ask questions. Questions help lead people to truth. If you want to believe everything your "loving" government tells you (without question) go right ahead, but be ready to own the results. Our country is eroding before our very eyes and if people don't wake up and ask questions, life as we know it will be gone forever. People look at history and think that things like that can never happen now, not here in America...well, when people refuse to learn from history, it tends to repeat itself.


Take the time to do the research! How can people just roll up their sleeve, or the sleeves of their children, and allow someone to inject them with who knows what?! It is because they just accept whatever the government, or people on TV, tell them...without question! The information is out there, you just have to search for it. If it is too much trouble, and it is easier to just trust, then live with the consequences...but don't shoot the messanger. And, if you can't tell, this is mostly aimed at LaurieNE (and anyone else that cares to listen) because she really offended me with her smart remarks to someone who was geniunely trying to help.


Also, with the "that's about 100 years old" remark... I would say 100 years is stretching it a bit, but none the less, I was merely trying to point out that just because they tell you the vaccine is safe and has nothing evil in it, doesn't mean it's true...even if it did come from an example that was "100 years old". Tell that to the parents whose children became infected with HIV because the government told them it was safe to take the injection. Talk about "ignorance and propaganda", that's what you get when you don't ask questions.


Oh, and for the record, I love Dr. Mercola, and I appreciate all his information!

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I agree with organichomemaking 100%! I think she offered good information to help the OP, and everyone else, ask questions. Questions help lead people to truth. If you want to believe everything your "loving" government tells you (without question) go right ahead, but be ready to own the results. Our country is eroding before our very eyes and if people don't wake up and ask questions, life as we know it will be gone forever. People look at history and think that things like that can never happen now, not here in America...well, when people refuse to learn from history, it tends to repeat itself.


Take the time to do the research! How can people just roll up their sleeve, or the sleeves of their children, and allow someone to inject them with who knows what?! It is because they just accept whatever the government, or people on TV, tell them...without question! The information is out there, you just have to search for it. If it is too much trouble, and it is easier to just trust, then live with the consequences...but don't shoot the messanger. And, if you can't tell, this is mostly aimed at LaurieNE (and anyone else that cares to listen) because she really offended me with her smart remarks to someone who was geniunely trying to help.


Also, with the "that's about 100 years old" remark... I would say 100 years is stretching it a bit, but none the less, I was merely trying to point out that just because they tell you the vaccine is safe and has nothing evil in it, doesn't mean it's true...even if it did come from an example that was "100 years old". Tell that to the parents whose children became infected with HIV because the government told them it was safe to take the injection. Talk about "ignorance and propaganda", that's what you get when you don't ask questions.


Oh, and for the record, I love Dr. Mercola, and I appreciate all his information!



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I'm not trying to change anyone's mind. But I don't understand the fear/skepticism related to the flu vaccine.


I haven't read the many flu threads, or the vaccination debate threads. I've decided that my kids will get the vaccine. We have friends with little babies, pregnant friends, and friends whose children have chronic health issues. And, we'd just like to avoid the flu if we can.


But, my question is this:

What are the specific risks of having a flu shot? What are the risks related to this particular flu shot?


Links to relevant articles would be appreciated, if you have them.



MsJones, I am not trying to change your mind, but I am surprised that you have decided to get the flu vaccine without researching the risks already for yourself. I wouldn't presume to advise you on this decision other than to suggest that you research it and *then* make your decision.


I think everyone needs to make an informed decision for their own family. What I decide may be totally different from what you decide. Or it may turn out to be exactly the same. But it will be based on the research I have done and the specific health needs of my family.


I find it "perplexing and sad" when people make knee jerk reactions (both for and against vaccines) without analyzing the risks and benefits, and consider them in relation to their own family's needs. It would be just as irresponsible to blindly accept any and all vaccines that are promoted by big pharma and their propaganda machine as it would to refuse all vaccines without careful personal research on each one.


As for the link between vaccines and autism, authorities on both sides of the issue, including the CDC, have recognized it... at least for some children. That doesn't mean all vaccines are bad for everyone by any means, but it sure does make the situation complicated and worthy of careful consideration.


There is no one size fits all answer here, and no reason to pass judgment on those who have chosen differently. Can't we all just get along? ;)

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Take the time to do the research! How can people just roll up their sleeve, or the sleeves of their children, and allow someone to inject them with who knows what?! It is because they just accept whatever the government, or people on TV, tell them...without question! The information is out there, you just have to search for it. If it is too much trouble, and it is easier to just trust, then live with the consequences...but don't shoot the messanger.

Just wondering why accepting what the fringe element (Mercola/Blaylock/Natural News) has to say is superior to accepting what the mainstream (CDC/NIH/academics) scientists are saying.


We all have to evaluate our sources and make a decision based on what we see as most credible. Personally, I look at *evidence*, not hysteria. When I read your sources, I don't see evidence. I think there is a lot more hysteria surrounding the vaccine than there is surrounding the disease.

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I will not get the flu vaccines for my dd's. We got the seasonal flu vaccine a few years ago because my younger dd was dx'd with asthma and other respiratory problems- and that is the only year she got the flu. We haven't had the vaccine since and she hasn't had the flu since. We may be wrong but it works for us and our dds so we're sticking with it for now. Will I feel responsible if she gets the swine flu - oh yeah! I will also feel responsible if we get the vaccine and she gets sick. Everyone has to make their own choice and it's not easy. I wish others would realize that it's not an easy choice for everyone and respect their decisions.

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OK, I'll try to answer the OP.


I don't like that it was "rushed", why: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baxter_International This link will show you about one of the makers who is making our swine flu vax "Baxter International" Which: in 2009 lethal H5N1 avian flu virus was delivered to laboratories across Europe mixed with seasonal influenza vaccines This is among other "mistakes" the company has made. OK, mistakes happen everywhere and I can accept that.


BUT: Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government health officials said Friday. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/31971355/ns/health-swine_flu/


So, there are (I believe) 6 companies we are getting the vaccine from and even if an error is made on their end, we are out of luck. That's why I worry about it being "rushed". The more people rush, the more likely a mistake is made. Our government has made it impossible for us to have recourse if there is a problem with this "safe" vaccine.


Then there is also the "what's in the vaccine" concerns:

There is the flu-mist which contains a weakened live swine flu virus. Well, it's the live virus. That's my problem. And according to the manufactures website the people who should not get this: Children less than 24 months of age are not eligible for FluMist.

The following people may not be able to get FluMist or may be able to get it only in certain situations: people with asthma or active wheezing, or children less than 5 years of age with recurrent wheezing; people with a history of Guillain-BarrĂƒÂ© syndrome; people with a weakened immune system; people with long-term medical conditions including heart disease, kidney disease, and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes; and pregnant women. : My general rule of thumb is if you shouldn't have it pregnant, it's probably not good for you anyway. I KNOW some will disagree, this is just my thumb!

Also, the flu mist "sheds": FluMist’s own package insert reads as follows, “FluMist® recipients should avoid close contact with immunocompromised individuals for at least 21 days." I'm not staying in the house for that long and we homeschool with some kids that should NOT be around anyone who has taken this.


The Shots: From the research I've done, I believe all but one of the shot manufactures will be adding Thimerosal to preserve the vaccine. I know that this is controversial, but this is what is believed may cause autism in the kids. Here's a link to info on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiomersal Some of the shots will have more than others depending on who is making it. I'm just not going to take the chance on inserting this into my child, remember the government has left us no recourse if the shot is bad.


So, these are my "reasons". I really think each of us must make our own decision for our family in this. By the way, if I had even one person in my house that was in the high risk category, I would vax the whole family in a heart beat. I would search and try to get my hands on the shot with no Thimerosal, but even if I couldn't find it, we would vax. We do vax here, but just not this one or any flu. I think swine flu is very dangerous and I'm not discounting the danger. I have just assessed it and am choosing to up vitamins and supplements instead of vaxing. We are being very careful about this. Please make an informed decision and look at both sides of the issue with eyes open. If you had asked why I WAS choosing to vax, I could have come up with just as good of a post. There is definitely two sides to this story. Good luck


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But the problem with people making their own decisions & everyone 'respecting' that decision is that those decisions affect others than themselves. If you're living the life of a hermit & choose not to vax that argument would be more valid but public health is by definition concerned with the health of the public. In some cases, people choosing to not vaccinate could have devastating effects on the community as a whole.


The BBC did a very good article on vaccines called Why do vaccines arouse such passions?


I particularly like this part:


"And while I am all for people questioning authority, it's bizarre that we often reject the voice of science in favour of the purveyors of quackery."


I suspect it all has to do with our (I mean as a species) poor ability to calculate risk. I think we have an evolutionary predisposition to be wary & to take note of dangers. It sometimes overtakes reason and we see danger where there is none or ignore larger dangers while obsessing about smaller ones....

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I believe all but one of the shot manufactures will be adding Thimerosal to preserve the vaccine. I know that this is controversial, but this is what is believed may cause autism in the kids.


The link between Thimerosal and autism has been scientifically disproved.


That some people believe in things that aren't true is clear, but it doesn't alter the facts. I still want to avoid Thimerosal in any vaccines but suggesting an autism link is non-scientific.



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May I ask what kind of reaction you got? I've never had a flu shot.
I had a stiffening in the arm where the shot was given. As the day went on, the stiffness moved all over my body. The next morning, I couldn't get out of bed. I can't be 100% sure that this was a reaction to the flu shot itself or maybe a combination of things. At any rate, it was enough that I don't want to repeat it.
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Nobody else?


So is it the Mercury people fear, or do do people just think vax don't work? Or what? What's the science behind your choice?


Many people here are so gung-ho on not getting the vax, so I am hoping people will explain why or why not.


I am trying to make the decision ( we have never gotten any flu shots in our family, ever) and I would like to hear why people accept or reject.


Please come out of the closet! We never got them because we rarely get sick. Simple as that. I know my 17 yr old threw up when she was 2. My 20 yr old had an ear infection when he was 12. I had an ear infection 14 years ago. My 10 yr old had pneumonia when she was 18 months, but she didn't even need antbx. She's never been on one. My 15 yr old had anbx when he had surgery as an infant. I have no experience and need to figure this out soon.


Please tell me what you eat that everyone stays so healthy!


We do get flu shots, and plan to get the H1N1 because:


1. My son, after an illness this year, has the early signs of MS.

2. My daughter is hit very hard by respiratory illness, and we suspect has JRA.


I didn't know about the mercury. I'll have to read about that.

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That some people believe in things that aren't true is clear, but it doesn't alter the facts. I still want to avoid Thimerosal in any vaccines but suggesting an autism link is non-scientific.




My understanding is that the single dose vaccines will not have any preservatives. Only the multi-dose bottles will have it.

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I had a stiffening in the arm where the shot was given. As the day went on, the stiffness moved all over my body. The next morning, I couldn't get out of bed. I can't be 100% sure that this was a reaction to the flu shot itself or maybe a combination of things. At any rate, it was enough that I don't want to repeat it.


Good grief. I wouldn't have taken another shot either. I'm glad it was a temporary thing and you're ok.

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Perry (or anyone else who may know) - is there expected to be a higher amount of thimerosal in the H1N1 vaccines than in the regular seasonal flu shots?


It sort of depends. From the CDC: Will the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine contain thimerosal?

The 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines that FDA is licensing (approving) will be manufactured in several formulations. Some will come in multi-dose vials and will contain thimerosal as a preservative. Multi-dose vials of seasonal influenza vaccine also contain thimerosal to prevent potential contamination after the vial is opened.


Some 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccines will be available in single-dose units, which will not require the use of thimerosal as a preservative. In addition, the live-attenuated version of the vaccine, which is administered intranasally (through the nose), is produced in single-units and will not contain thimerosal. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/vaccination/vaccine_safety_qa.htm


But depending on what state you are in, your State may not normally allow the Thimerosal. This is from Washington State: The declaration also temporarily suspends the state's mercury limits for certain mercury-containing H1N1 vaccines. http://www.doh.wa.gov/cfh/Immunize/providers/h1n1-thimerosal.htm


So, yeah, maybe, no?? I'm helpful aren't I?


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The link between Thimerosal and autism has been scientifically disproved.


That some people believe in things that aren't true is clear, but it doesn't alter the facts. I still want to avoid Thimerosal in any vaccines but suggesting an autism link is non-scientific.




I'm not totally disagreeing with you. But, there are just so many things that have been "safe" and disproved that have come back to bite those that had disproved it. I can't just totally discount those that believe it. I tend to be more in line with your thinking, I want to avoid it. But the OP asked for why people didn't want to get the vax and this is one of the reasons, so I included it. If you research Thimerosal there are definitely some reasons to include it and that information is in the link I added.


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I wonder why this is. I don't see it in "the real world" but here?


Hysteria and quackery are almost the order of the day. You would think folks who appreciate Classical Education, and human reason would...


Oh never mind.



We have been given the brains to ask questions, research, and choose the best path. It's clear where our government stands. Should I trust them, submit to their every wishes, and keep quiet? Have they shown through the years that they are trustworthy and that they care for its people? Everyone can decide that on their own. Doesn't classical education encourage learning history from different sources, to try and get as close to the truth as we can?


This isn't to put anyone down for their decision but I can't remain silent. We should all research to the best of our ability and be careful. Our children are a trust upon us and there is no reason to remain fully ignorant anymore. This is a tough call for some, no doubt. We must pray hard. I wish us all the best.

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Ignorance and propaganda is what we don't want. People want research, people want to be given ways to care for themselves without the need of injecting themselves with something that hasn't been researched for more than a few weeks (if even). Government officials, these makers of the vaccine, are trying to scare people into taking a vaccine that hasn't been tested. Things are being blown out of proportion over this so-called 'swine-flu'. Our government wants us to trust them, blindly follow them, and believe in something that health officials themselves are cautioning us to avoid. How can we trust something that has such an awful history? A history that no one denies and that caused the government to suspend the program in 1976, not long after it started, after many injuries (including Guillain-Barre syndrome) and death.


Why would the government want to trick us? What's in it for them?

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I'll try to answer the OP from my POV.


Trust or lack of it regarding the vaccine industry. That is probably my number one reason. It seems like the industry is making it up as they go. For example, 1) Chicken pox-one shot is all you need. Oh wait, I guess we will need boosters (it will probably be life time boosters eventually.) Oh geez, there is an increase in Shingles, well lets make a vaccine for that, too. 2) live oral polio. My oldest had it. I asked "is this safe to have a live vaccine?" OHHHHH YESSSSS! What did they discover? It CAUSED polio. Okay, well we better offer a killed version.

3) Rotateq was pulled for problems (deaths?) but I believe it is back on the list (after a bit of tweaking perhaps?)


As a previous poster has said there is no legal recourse against a manufacturer if there is a problem with a vaccine.


There has never been a study to compare the long term health of children who have been vaxed versus unvaccinated children. We don't know what the long term effect of having all of these innoculations on our immune system. Can they cause autoimmune disorders down the road?


Also, I have read that there are problems sometimes with how some studies are conducted, such as the placebo containing aluminum, causing just as many adverse reactions as the tested vaccine. Then the vaccine is dubbed as safe.


Conflicts of interest. I don't think those who own vaccines patents should be on the CDC advisory board deciding what shots our children have to receive.


Just off the top of my head. Sorry, I don't have time to offer any links. You should be able to find them online.


I guess we just have to all do our research. I want to be trusting, but the more I read the more difficult it is to trust.

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MsJones, I am not trying to change your mind, but I am surprised that you have decided to get the flu vaccine without researching the risks already for yourself. I wouldn't presume to advise you on this decision other than to suggest that you research it and *then* make your decision.


I think everyone needs to make an informed decision for their own family. What I decide may be totally different from what you decide. Or it may turn out to be exactly the same. But it will be based on the research I have done and the specific health needs of my family.


I find it "perplexing and sad" when people make knee jerk reactions (both for and against vaccines) without analyzing the risks and benefits, and consider them in relation to their own family's needs. It would be just as irresponsible to blindly accept any and all vaccines that are promoted by big pharma and their propaganda machine as it would to refuse all vaccines without careful personal research on each one.


As for the link between vaccines and autism, authorities on both sides of the issue, including the CDC, have recognized it... at least for some children. That doesn't mean all vaccines are bad for everyone by any means, but it sure does make the situation complicated and worthy of careful consideration.


There is no one size fits all answer here, and no reason to pass judgment on those who have chosen differently. Can't we all just get along? ;)



I posted here in order to find some credible links that would describe specific risks related to the ingredients in the H1N1 vaccine. Also, the "perplexing and sad" remark was not mine.

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