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How do you clean your shower?


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We have one bathroom. Once a week (or so ;)),in the AM before my shower, I scrub the tub. Then I climb in like I'm going to shower and I clean the walls. Then I go ahead and take my shower. Then school starts late because Mom takes so long. So, how do you clean your shower?

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I take one of those bath fluffy/scrubby things that people use on themselves, I put shampoo on it and spend 45 seconds out of my shower quickly scrubbing one wall or the floor. I do this everytime I shower. I used to squeegy the shower dry too, but that is a bit obsessive. My shower is always clean and I usually do this while I am conitioning my hair, so I am in the shower no longer than I would be anyway (This is all a la FlyLady).



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I keep a spray bottle of vinegar in the showers. Everyone does a quick spray down when they enter or exit the shower - no worries about drying it, just spray and let it do its thing. So it gets sprayed daily, and then gets a deep clean as needed (about once a month).


For the bath, the kids spoon some baking soda into the tub right before they get out. Instead of draining the water, they let the baking soda water sit. Then I drain the water and do a quick rinse when I next shower, either later that night or first thing the following morning. Once a month or so (as needed), I scrub before I rinse the baking soda water down the drain.


I keep all supplies right there in the bathroom. Spray bottle of vinegar stays in the shower. Baking soda and scoop are next to the bath salts on the shelf. Sponges are kept under the sink. Easy peasy!

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For the tubs I use whatever cleaner is available or my bottle of bleach/water-just spray and rinse. For my shower I use Kaboom on the glass door-it does the best. The floor is cleaned with a magic eraser or bleach/water and a scrub brush. The shower gets the most use, so it needs the extra attention.

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I use a clean-shower type daily spray (Mrs. Meyer's lemon verbena is my current fave) but I know that vinegar water works just as well. Bi-weekly I scrub with a powder-type (non-bleach) scrub that has hydrogen peroxide in it like Oxyclean or Mrs. Meyers scrub.


We have curtains so I wash those quarterly. I notice that using a cream-type body wash leaves a pink nastiness that is not present when I use a clear-type body wash, so I've switched to a clear wash and shampoo.

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Once a week???


I clean it about once every 2 months. (I guess we're just dirty :(, though I didn't think we were until now.)


I use a squeegie to wipe down the walls and tub after each shower, so it just doesn't seem to be dirty.


Every 2 months I use scrubbing bubbles. Spray them on, wait 15 minutes, wipe them off.

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I use the automatic shower cleaner thingy that I bought at the grocery store. When I step out of the shower, I push the little button and it sprays the inside of my shower. I actually run it just 3-4x/week rather than every day.


I actually scrub the shower 2-3x/year.



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The new kind that sprays like a fire ext. I spray it down in the morning, we do our bible study and when we are finish I literally just have to spray it off. Works great! I do this about once a week or so. Except when I have a broke foot like now! DH had to clean the shower for the first time in 8 years!!! Oh I wish I had my camera at that moment!!

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I did the car wax thing on my old shower w/tile & grout & the car wax broke down the grout...either that or the fact that they placed the tile on greenboard instead of cement board? I used daily shower spray & spritz it after I get out...I clean it with scrubbing bubbles a couple times a month. That daily shower spray is some awesome stuff tho.


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I use the automatic shower cleaner thingy that I bought at the grocery store. When I step out of the shower, I push the little button and it sprays the inside of my shower. I actually run it just 3-4x/week rather than every day.


I actually scrub the shower 2-3x/year.




I just bought one today. I was bummed to see I forgot to buy batteries.


Seems that we clean the showers and tubs every few months whether they need them or not!

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I clean mine every couple of weeks (when the floor starts looking a bit grubby). I use Magic Eraser and/or my homemade mold/mildew remover. Works like a charm and takes me all of 5-10 minutes. In fact, I have to do it tomorrow along with vacuuming because I have the Tiger Cub den meeting at my house tomorrow evening!

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We have one bathroom. Once a week (or so ;)),in the AM before my shower, I scrub the tub. Then I climb in like I'm going to shower and I clean the walls. Then I go ahead and take my shower. Then school starts late because Mom takes so long. So, how do you clean your shower?


Well, I wipe down the walls while I shower, but my boys now scrub the tub! Each Monday, one of them has that chore. They swap every month.


They are each responsible for cleaning the sink and toilet once a week, and one of them cleans the floor once a week.


It's so nice not worrying about the bathroom. When Ben wants to earn 50 cents, he cleans the beadboard paneling in the bathroom and uses a toothbrush on the moulding.

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It varies. Sometimes I just spray it down with Scrubbing Bubbles and rinse it off. Sometimes I get in there and scrub it down with Comet and then spray bleach water mix in the corners. Depends on my mood.


I bought one of those automatic sprayer things, but it didn't seem to get all the areas of my shower, so I quit using it.

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I'm supposed to clean it? :tongue_smilie:


Just what I was thinking!


Cleaning my shower (a smallish walk in one) is my least favorite job of all. I put it off as long as possible. I have to get in it to clean it and the fumes nearly kill me.


I'm thinking about trying some of the ideas on this thread though.


Oh, and I have noticed that since stbx is gone the shower doesn't get as dirty as often. (Not that I am recommending divorce as a solution to the shower problem, but----you know, I'm a glass half full kinda girl)

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As infrequently as possible.


Can I say I love our clawfoot tub (and our landlord's wife for making him put it in :D )? I take the curtains down and wash them every few months. Once every couple of weeks, someone in our house grabs the magic eraser and wipes the tub down or I clean it with shampoo while in the shower. Periodically, I really scrub it down with Comet (once a year, maybe).

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