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Academy vs. School - what do you call yours and why?


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Curious. We've used "Academy" up to now. We're changing the name of our homeschool this year because we're no longer operating under an umbrella school. I think we're leaning towards using "School" instead of "Academy" but I'm interested in hearing about others' reasons for what they choose.


Thanks! :)

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Our school is called "School of Aletheia". I originally wanted Aletheia Academy ... I thought it sounded more official! ;) But, if you look of the definition of academy, the main definition is associated with secondary school, college, or military. I have a preschooler and a 1st grader -- we are not close to that level, so then I felt a little weird using academy. I know it *could* fit, but thought that once they got closer to high school, I'd just change the name to academy. :)


Oh, and aletheia is truth in Greek, if anyone was curious. So we are the School of Truth :)

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Our school is called "School of Aletheia". I originally wanted Aletheia Academy ... I thought it sounded more official! ;) But, if you look of the definition of academy, the main definition is associated with secondary school, college, or military. I have a preschooler and a 1st grader -- we are not close to that level, so then I felt a little weird using academy. I know it *could* fit, but thought that once they got closer to high school, I'd just change the name to academy. :)


Oh, and aletheia is truth in Greek, if anyone was curious. So we are the School of Truth :)


That is exactly why I was hesitant to name our home school an academy (we don't have a name yet because we're not at reporting age) but I noticed a lot of home schools do call themselves academies which is why I clicked on the thread - to find out the why behind it so I could better understand the term. :lol:

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We are Wakefield Academy. I chose academy because it sounded more official and a bit more selective than school. As someone stated in another thread today, we are a very selective private boarding school. :D


Plus I never liked school all that much. Honestly, even the word brings up memories of the things I did like about my education.

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Oooo...light bulb moment!


I always wondered why people named their homeschools at all, now I see that it's for reporting purposes. When I went in to register my dd as a homeschooler, they didn't ask that so I had no clue. Arizona mostly lets us do our own thing with very few questions.


I like to use our name when I sign up for catalogs, discount cards, etc. Our town isn't huge, there aren't a lot of private schools, and when I say my school is Wakefield Academy some of the cashiers get a confused look on their face. I only fill them in if they ask. It's fun to keep them guessing sometimes.


I also think it gives my ds a sense of pride in our school. We even have a mascot, the Wildcats, and we've been debating on school colors for the last two years.


We only have to file a letter of intent and we get a form letter back from the state showing our approval. So technically we are recognized private school in our state.

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Oooo...light bulb moment!


I always wondered why people named their homeschools at all, now I see that it's for reporting purposes. When I went in to register my dd as a homeschooler, they didn't ask that so I had no clue. Arizona mostly lets us do our own thing with very few questions.


Yes - and this is the first year I will be filing myself (instead of the umbrella school filing for us - we're in CA). :)

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I call our The Academy of Liber and Virtue. I just liked the sound of Academy better. i only have a pre k and kinder. There are academies around here that have all grades, so I don't have a problem with using it. I don't have to register to homeschool here. I just wanted a name in my siggy line like everyone else. It was peer pressure I guess:lol:

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Our state doesn't require a name when we register. They track us as homeschoolers. However we considered moving to North Carolina which tracks homeschoolers as a 'private school' and we would have had to choose a name.


Dh and I joking said we'd name it 'The G*(our last name) school for wayward girls' LOL.


But seriously - if I had to name it I'd probably choose Academy because I prefer than to school.



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We don't use either. My kids don't even know we have a school name. Mostly because we don't.


The only time I have to "use" a school name is yearly filing.


And I use XX High School. K-12


Only because, frankly ;) it doesn't matter to me one bit.

And no one reads this form I'm sure, and if they do, they don't care either :lol:


We have a "we don't go to school" mentality instead of a "we homeSCHOOL" mindset.



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Our homeschool is called Brown Academy. I'm not thrilled with it but my kids kept fighting over the two choices we gave them. We had to have a name when we notified the state, so we just used our last name and academy. I think it sounds more official, and who would want to go to Brown School? :lol:

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Hmmm. I think "school" or "academy" is a minor point compared to the rest of the name. Take the name of our school for example.


I didn't realize people had names for their home schools until I came here. I gave it a great deal of thought. Some people choose Latin names and it sounds very erudite-I think. I don't know Latin, so they could be Barb's Backroom for Borderline Brats and I would think it looked good.


Some people choose their method of instruction as part of their name. Well, you know now we don't do Latin so that's out. I don't know if I am following Susan or Charlotte and there are days where it seems as though we have few principles (like hard work) and we are definitely without class.(i.cal).


Like others, we could name our school for where we live. Would you want to attend "Millstone" School? I thought not. Sounds like a drag doesn't it.


Then, there are the clever names. However, there is no way a woman whose avatar is "swimmermom3" is going to even come close to her favorite school name, "Dewey Hafta". Now, that is a school name to be proud of.


So, "school" or "academy"? Well, I needed to lend a little credibility to my final choice, so I opted for "academy". Since I always strive for accuracy (and veracity);), we are Wit's End Academy. I think it reflects our educational methodology quite well, thank you. Not highly original but named in honor of the late, great Erma Bombeck. I thought she was hysterically funny... until I had children. Now, I know she was just hysterical. Kids will do that to you.

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Hmmm. I think "school" or "academy" is a minor point compared to the rest of the name. Take the name of our school for example.


I didn't realize people had names for their home schools until I came here. I gave it a great deal of thought. Some people choose Latin names and it sounds very erudite-I think. I don't know Latin, so they could be Barb's Backroom for Borderline Brats and I would think it looked good.


Some people choose their method of instruction as part of their name. Well, you know now we don't do Latin so that's out. I don't know if I am following Susan or Charlotte and there are days where it seems as though we have few principles (like hard work) and we are definitely without class.(i.cal).


Like others, we could name our school for where we live. Would you want to attend "Millstone" School? I thought not. Sounds like a drag doesn't it.


Then, there are the clever names. However, there is no way a woman whose avatar is "swimmermom3" is going to even come close to her favorite school name, "Dewey Hafta". Now, that is a school name to be proud of.


So, "school" or "academy"? Well, I needed to lend a little credibility to my final choice, so I opted for "academy". Since I always strive for accuracy (and veracity);), we are Wit's End Academy. I think it reflects our educational methodology quite well, thank you. Not highly original but named in honor of the late, great Erma Bombeck. I thought she was hysterically funny... until I had children. Now, I know she was just hysterical. Kids will do that to you.




I agree it's a minor point. I think we already have our name picked out but am waiting for feedback in another thread that so far hasn't had replies - http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129174 . hehe

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We are Wakefield Academy. I chose academy because it sounded more official and a bit more selective than school. As someone stated in another thread today, we are a very selective private boarding school. :D

:D I tell people were are a private boarding school for boys, enrollment three. ;)


For the OP, we chose Academy - I liked the way it sounded better, plus since we pick one name for the duration of our homeschooling (we're in CA too), I wanted something that went well from 1st through 12th grade.

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Our school is called "School of Aletheia". I originally wanted Aletheia Academy ... I thought it sounded more official! ;) But, if you look of the definition of academy, the main definition is associated with secondary school, college, or military. I have a preschooler and a 1st grader -- we are not close to that level, so then I felt a little weird using academy. I know it *could* fit, but thought that once they got closer to high school, I'd just change the name to academy. :)


Oh, and aletheia is truth in Greek, if anyone was curious. So we are the School of Truth :)


Hi, Jessica!


I'm glad you chose "school" instead of "academy"! :D


You're right about "academy" being used for institutions that teacher older students. My husband really liked "academy" because of all the imagery and memories it brings up for him. It does sound more official and elite. I guess we're just looking forward.


Hi, Dawn! Can't wait to see what name you choose!

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I've been using "Institute," lately, just for a little flair. It's purely for fun, we're not required to have a name in my state. Plus, since we use "Pannus Ardor," then PAI just looks better than PAA or PAS, imo. ;)


"Pannus Ardor" being a very very rough translation of "patchfire." I chose 'ardor' for more of the 'passion' side of 'fire' than the literal idea of fire.

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We've named our homeschool each time we've moved whether we were required to or not. So far we've had Palmetto Classical Academy, Chatan Academy (named after one of the villages we were near in Japan.The nearest one was actually Kitanakagusuku but that almost looks made up doesn't it? :lol: ) Then we were Whispering Pines School and now we are Cottonwood Academy. All the names were taken from something significant in our area; palmetto in SC, the name of the village in Japan, the abundance of pine trees in our back yard in NC (required to name our school) and the cottonwoods in our area of Kansas now where we are also required to name our school. We dropped "Classical" from our name when we became more eclectic than classical. We used school and academy based on what ever sounded best at the time. Just a personal preference more than anything. I've seen preschools called academies so I take the same liberty with words. ;)

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Our state also doesn't require a name, but we're military so I wanted to have one just in case we move to a state that requires it. I'm not real fond of using Academy but it sounded the best with our name. We are Fawkes Academy, named after one of my children's favorite Harry Potter characters, Fawkes the Phoenix. We used to be Voyager Learning Center but my kids didn't like it, my oldest said it sounded like a day care.

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Hi, Jessica!


I'm glad you chose "school" instead of "academy"! :D


You're right about "academy" being used for institutions that teacher older students. My husband really liked "academy" because of all the imagery and memories it brings up for him. It does sound more official and elite. I guess we're just looking forward.


Hi, Dawn! Can't wait to see what name you choose!



I've always admired your school name :) I read your blog often, too! I found it when I was searching for school names with Aletheia in it. Guess there are a bunch of us Truth seekers out there! LOL :D

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Hey....I want to have a mascot. I wanna be a Fighting Housewife:tongue_smilie: but I don't think the kids will go for it.



Dh and I decided to have school colors over the summer - we went with maroon and gray (even though our school is Red Mountain, I didn't want red as our school color - go figure). The colors feel very "academy" like to me. He's hoping that the embroidery guy he worked with for his school (he teaches public high school) will help us with a logo and embroider some polo shirts for us. :)

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we are St. Theophan Academy because the writings of St. Theophan have greatly influenced me in the education of my children (not to mention you can't get a better quote to make you feel you are doing the right thing that my tag line from St. Theophan :) We are Orthodox, and it is traditional to adopt patron saints for various things, so it only seemed natural to have a patron saint for our school. We sing a hymn in honor of St. Theophan each morning when we do prayers, and I use his icon for the cover of my school planner etc.

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We don't file anything with our name, but we like to have it anyway. My ds came up with it hen he was 5...


OakLeaf School. Think I might throw Preparatory in there!


We almost went with "academy", but too many people we knew went with that, and we always have to be a little different! I am thinking OakLeaf Learning Center might work well too. Also thinking of getting a card or two printed up and laminated, so I can get educator discounts (craft stores, etc.) more easily.

Edited by momto2Cs
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We are Lighthouse Christian Academy Homeschool. Lighthouse, because I like lighthouses, and as Christians, being a light to the world went with Lighthouse. We added the homeschool when i found another school named Lighthouse Christian Academy. We had shirts made with the name next to a lighthouse.


Now that she's the only one left at home, I'm thinking of asking my dd if she wants to change the school name to something else and work out a logo. We don't have to have a name, we just did it for fun.


Anyway, Academy is often used for K-12, and we wanted the name to last, so picked Academy. "School" sounded boring! :)

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Our state also doesn't require a name, but we're military so I wanted to have one just in case we move to a state that requires it. I'm not real fond of using Academy but it sounded the best with our name. We are Fawkes Academy, named after one of my children's favorite Harry Potter characters, Fawkes the Phoenix. We used to be Voyager Learning Center but my kids didn't like it, my oldest said it sounded like a day care.


LOL... we use a HP name, too.


We are Spinner's End Nursery School through Kindergarten. I didn't think that "Nursery Academy" sounded quite right. ;) The name will change in 1st Grade.

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I am a die hard Jimmy Buffett fan... with that being said I have always loved his song "One Particular Harbour" and when I started my blog I named it "Our Particular Harbour". When we officially started homeschooling this fall, I thought it might be nice to have a name for our school that would last for a while. Another one of my favorite songs (yes another Jimmy song) refers to "those harbour lights" and so I saw a natural tie-in to my blog name. There you go... Harbour Lights Academy was established! We ended up making a logo, picking school colors (marine blue & gold) and even had polo shirts made up for their first day of school. I love it and think it will stand the test of time!

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We are the Purple Door Schoolhouse. My sons wanted us to paint our house purple, and when we moved I ended up picking a house with a purple door, so it is very important to the kids. I also wanted something playful and easy to make a logo for, if I ever chose to make one. However, now my kids are demanding uniforms - purple shirts with logos, and blue or khaki pants. :glare:

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We started as neither one. I was all inspired by John Holt, hsing a child I thought was burned out from school. So the name I used on my affidavit was "Freedom Learning Center.":D


The fourth year, my dc said they couldn't tell people they went to Freedom Learning Center.:DSo that year we were Southeast San Diego Christian Academy...but one dc liked "School" better, so *she* said Southeast San Diego Christian *School.*

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This is the definition from http://www.thefreedictionary.com/

I think homeschooling counts as special instruction.


a·cad·e·my (schwa.gif-kabreve.gifdprime.gifschwa.gif-memacr.gif)n. pl. a·cad·e·mies 1. A school for special instruction.

2. A secondary or college-preparatory school, especially a private one.

3. a. The academic community; academe: "When there's moral leadership from the White House and from the academy, people tend to adjust" (Jesse Jackson).

b. Higher education in general. Used with the.

c. A society of scholars, scientists, or artists.


4. Academya. Plato's school for advanced education and the first institutional school of philosophy.

b. Platonism.

c. The disciples of Plato.



[Latin Academacr.gifmimacr.gifa, the school where Plato taught, from Greek Akademacr.gifmeia.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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Well as of tonight, we are Green Archer Classical Academy. We were Willow Creek Academy, but I never really "felt" it and I've been looking to change it for some time, but could never come up with anything I liked. We came up with Green Archer because we just read the Centaurs were the great teachers in Greek Mythology and I happen to be a Sagitarius. I kind of all thought it went well together. Green is just because it's ds favorite color and it sounds good. Our colors will remain the same: green, navy and silver. If I ever get around to it, i'll come up with a logo and some letterhead, just because I'm a nerd and like that kind of stuff. Ds wants a knight with a shield and sword, I wanted a centaur, but he wasn't going for it. Oh well...


We chose a name to get the kids more involved and it was just something fun. The first year they were home together I sent them out little letters and welcome cards with the name and logo of the school on it. Now, I want a name because it looks better on my Homeschool Tracker+ documents and I may need one in the future for documentation purposes.

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I like to call ours Radiolarian Academy for mostly odd boys.


Look up a Radiolaria, they are really cool creatures.... plus it was my old band's name.


I only use it for filling out forms for online educator stuff and when i need to put down "school" for something.


My favorite thing happened because of a typo. The symphony here has school performances and they couldn't read my writing, or thought it must be wrong so they entered us as "Radiobrain" Academy. I thought it was quite an excellent mistake! As you can see, I use it for various things. I also have never changed it on our symphony stuff. I am sure our mailman loves all the goofy names.

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A stranger named our school. My daughter was probably 7 or 8 and very shy and quiet. An older gentlemen asked her where she went to school and with her head down, mumbling, she said "home school". The gentlemen then said "oh... High Point... that's a great school!" There is no High Point school anywhere around us so we became High Point Academy.

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LOL... we use a HP name, too.


We are Spinner's End Nursery School through Kindergarten. I didn't think that "Nursery Academy" sounded quite right. ;) The name will change in 1st Grade.


Very Cool. I love the sound of Spinner's End Nursery School. HP has so many things that would make school names.


We have a mascot, the Phoenix too, although we don't use the actual Fawkes for copyright reasons. Our school colors are Crimson and Gold like Gryffindor.

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Our school name is Crossroads Academy for Girls. I was considering the word "Crossroads" because the term is a play on words about the street we live on. But when my dd became part of our church's youth group, the youth pastor made a comment about how 7th grade is a crossroads year for kids, it just solidified my choice.


And, I'm only schooling one girl, so it all fit. :001_smile:

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