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We're in our 7th year with TOG, but this is our first time through the Year 4 curriculum. We're really enjoying this year because the topics are some we've never seen before. We had finished Year 3 when my oldest ds was an 8th grader, so we began again with Year 1 to coincide with his high school years. I have a ds (senior - rhetoric), two dds (freshman - rhetoric and 8th grade - dialectic), and another ds (4th grade - upper grammar).

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We are currently beginning our 3rd year of TOG though we did have a short break from it while I was suffering from "the grass is greener syndrome" We are using Y2 U3 right now for 1st, 5th, and 7th grades. We are reading the LG, UG, and D books. We are not doing any of the activities because we are doing Harmony Fine Arts 7th grade with my 5th and 7th graders and R&S Art with my 1st grader. I try very hard not to get too hung up on all the details of TOG because it is not where I want to focus this year. We are doing Classical Writing and WWE, R&S English, Latin, and RS Math. All of these are pretty time consuming. I do love the literature worksheets, the mapping, and the discussion for the D level. So far we are mostly going over the Accountability and Thinking questions orally. This is where I am struggling to make up my mind on what to do. I just feel like it is too much work for him to do CW and written history summaries in addition to writing out the questions so I go back and forth between written summaries and questions. My 1st and 5th graders are each completing a grade-appropriate notebook page each week.

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We've used Yr 1 - 4 classic versions and are on our second go round with redesign. Used Year 1 and are now on Year 2. We had a few bumps in year 3 and end of 4 with trying to find something less intense but are now back and things are going very well. Just a lot of work for the children, but that's a good thing in my book.


I have rhetoric (15) , dialectic (11) and upper grammar (8) children.


The youngest does SOTW as sched. in alternate readings and likes it.


I knew there were quite a few families using TOG here, but no idea there were that many. You'd think the TOG boards would be more active! (I'm mom over there)

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Hello All!!


We are starting (officially) this year in Year 2. I own Year 1, but, well, it just didn't get done. So, we're starting where we should be (and to keep in line with a couple of other families we're close to who are studying the same time period) and off we go.


So, we're starting in Year 2 and we've actually done some history so far. :D I've got 2 UG and 1 LG.


I DO NOT have a good rhythm going yet, but I am excited to learn (some things for the first time) right along with the kids.


Thanks for this thread, Lucinda!

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This is our 2nd year with TOG. We did Year 2 last year, and we started Year 3 Redesigned this year. I have 1 Rhetoric & 2 Dialectic students. We really love TOG; this is the first packaged curriculum I've ever been gung ho for in the 10 years I have been homeschooling!:)

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We are in our 4th year of ToG, and using year 4.

My kids are 15 & 17 - Rhetoric

13 - Dialectic

11 - Upper Grammar (some issues there, she needs to be successful right now)

6 - not doing ToG; starting him in the cycle with SOTW right now, at least until I get some others graduated...

Tonya in SC

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