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What's on your knitting needles?

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I'm maybe one step up from a beginning knitter. In my quest for a scarflet with a simple cable pattern, I found this pattern, a "Twilight" inspired thing. Not a fan of Twilight on this end--I just thought that it was lovely. My version is attached as a photo. The yarn is from Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill in Wisconsin, a blend of greens and blues called Connemara. So what are you knitting? Or crocheting? Or sewing?

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I'm crocheting baby blankets. Over and over and over. Apparently I have very fertile friends. Right now I'm doing a popcorn-ish looking hooded blanket x 2 for twin boys using Stylecraft's Wondersoft acrylic -- a beautiful acrylic from the UK. I'm allergic to wool (99% sure I am, at least) so I have to stick with cotton and acrylic. I would love to use more lamby-type yarns :) though.


The completed blanket picture is not my work...it's from the Lion Brand website where the pattern is available for free (if you are a registered user, which is free as well). I'm about 15% done.





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Oh, that scarflet is lovely. I'm a fairly new knitter myself. I discovered I love knitting socks, so I always have at least one pair going. I'm also making hats for my kids and their Build-a-Bears. I'm also working on a weird hat for myself, not sure if it's going to turn out. I accidently bought acyrlic sock yarn, so I'm using that for a hat.


Ooooh....socks! I have not yet dared! Do you have pictures?

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I went back to knitting after a year. I saw my friend's works in progress and they inspired me.


I'm doing something simple for once so that I can finish it quickly. I'm doing the jacket with the collar in a size 6 for my dd. It's in a Plymouth Galway bulky yarn.




The designer is local and she has nice, simple patterns. She has a wonderful yarn shop. I recommend visiting her shop if you are ever in MA.



Edited by LMA
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That is adorable! Good idea to mention the Lion website since they make so many free patterns available.


THANKS! It is SO EASY. You only have to know how to chain, sc and dc, and of course how to count -- which is always the hardest part for me :tongue_smilie:.


ETA: I want to knit SO badly. I wouldn't even call myself a beginner, because all I know how to do is cast on, knit and purl. But I don't know how to fix mistakes! And my tension is AWFUL! I get so inspired by knitting. YOu can do so much more with it.

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Socks. Pretty much always socks because they are portable, and I get a rush from finishing them! I get these knitting hang-ups and only knit one thing until I get sick of it and start the next obsession. But knitting socks makes me feel rather clever.


I also have a really large afghan going for crochet, and that is going to take forever!

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This is very pretty! I like the one in the pattern, just not the title. Yuk! You just have to let the buttons be buttons and not something unlikely like blood LOL.


I admire the people who can knit socks. Mittens are the most complicated thing I've managed.


Right now, I am knitting black watch caps for my sons. We are fairly sure that their maritime academy will let them wear them with their uniforms. The pattern is here: http://www.seamenschurch.org/484.asp Jane gave it to me. Thank you! I've made one already and it was very easy and came out well.


This is a fun thread.


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I'm maybe one step up from a beginning knitter. In my quest for a scarflet with a simple cable pattern, I found this pattern, a "Twilight" inspired thing. Not a fan of Twilight on this end--I just thought that it was lovely. My version is attached as a photo. The yarn is from Blackberry Ridge Woolen Mill in Wisconsin, a blend of greens and blues called Connemara. So what are you knitting? Or crocheting? Or sewing?


This is so pretty! Make sure you post pictures of it when you finish.


I have several unfinished projects on the needles and several others I'd like to start, but the needles I need are already occupied. :lol:


The first thing I need to finish is a knitted hat that was supposed to be a Christmas present for DH the year before last. Since I didn't have time to make it before Christmas, I thought I would motivate myself to do it by giving him the yarn and a picture of what was to come. No such luck! So I guess I better dig it out and dust it off. Maybe I'll finish it before this coming Christmas!

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Right now, I am knitting black watch caps for my sons. We are fairly sure that their maritime academy will let them wear them with their uniforms. The pattern is here: http://www.seamenschurch.org/484.asp Jane gave it to me. Thank you! I've made one already and it was very easy and came out well.


This is a fun thread.



I made the watch cap for a gift last Christmas. You're right--it is easy and I learned a new thing when making it, the Kitchener stitch which came out beautifully.


The Seamens Organization is a good cause for those who are looking to use up some extra yarn.

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I have been crocheting (cannot get the hang of knitting) baby layettes which is exactly what I need. Small clothes that are done fast and I am rewarded quickly with the finished product. I am doing hats, booties and jackets for a Crisis Pregnancy Center in town.


I am toying with the idea of crocheting a cardigan style wrap for myself but am scared to waste money on nice yarn when I am not sure it will turn out so I can wear it. I want to be brave and educate myself first so there will be limited damage. :glare:

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Thanks! For the socks on the left I used Patons Kroy sock yarn in cyan stripes and the socks on the right were knit with Sensations(a Jo-Ann brand, I believe) Soles and More in grey shades. I just bought a bunch more of both kinds of yarn in many colors because it was on sale and I have many requests for socks for Christmas.


Thank you-- I'll add them to my stash list! :)

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That's really nice, Jane. I've been thinking of knitting a few of those as gifts this Christmas. I particularly like the colours of the yarn you've chosen.


I'm a total beginning knitter having just started teaching myself this June. I started by making a doubled yarn scarf for my son from cheapy bright coloured yarn on huge needles. It was good, easy beginning project and ds was happy with it. I'm thinking of trying some fingerless gloves to make it a set.

I've made a basketweave square... and now I don't know what to do with it. *lol* It's part of the 2009 Afghan monthly patterns. I'd like to try the rest but need to find some nicer yarn first.

Currently I'm knitting this Lion Brand cable patterned throw as a Christmas gift for my MIL.

Yesterday as a break from all that heavy knitting I made a couple of cat toys and was very pleased with myself at how they turned out. This little whale, and this felted mouse.

They were great for learning increasing/decreasing, i-cord, ssk, felting, and my first efforts at sewing up a finished piece.

I'm waiting for an order of yarn and needles to get started on some lace-ish bookmarks, a hat for my older son, and my daughter's going to try knitting herself a hat as well.

I need to work on getting pictures of some of my efforts to share here and on ravelry.

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On my knitting needles, I have a shawl, or maybe an extra wide scarf. I have huge balls of mohair that I got at a thrift store, so I tripled the strands and started knitting basket weave. I just thought it would be fun to see how many stitches I could get on the needles. It's thick and soft, and in a green colour my sister will like, so I'll probably give it to her for Christmas. I like working on it whenever I'm just sitting and listening, so I bring it to church or knit when we have groups of people over to chat.


On my sewing machine is finally my sewing machine cover project. I am making an upside down tote bag to use as a cover. I cut two rectangles from an old sheet, and I "crazy quilted" strips of silk (obtained from silk shirts at a thrift store) onto the rectangles, then put it together as a bag. I made a lining out of pretty fabric (a sheet I found), and it's sitting there waiting for me to finish it. I was going to embroider the lines between strips, but they were long and there were many and I didn't have the patience. :)


Fun stuff!

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What is a bog jacket?



It's also called The Baby Surprise jacket; an Elizabeth Zimmerman pattern. I am making it for my 10 yr old. I am in a knitting circle and we are all working on the same project although in various sizes. I can't tackle an adult one yet. (If ever). Mine is one color, and then will have a contrasting trim. I haven't decided on buttons or a zipper yet. I'm not doing a hood.

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The first 16 rows of a 3-6 month sweater for my first child (she'll be 5 in 2 months). I had great aspirations when my MIL, who is a wonderful knitter, was here with us after she was born and able to fix all my mistakes.


On that note, can someone point me in the direction of some great knitting tutorial sites?

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I'm on the homeward stretch on a crop cardigan for me. Next project in line is a poncho for my youngest daughter (her big sister has one and loves it) and I found this site when looking for my daughters poncho, and completely fell in love with the "sixties squares poncho" for me. Shame we're heading into spring now so I'm likely to get half way through one of the projects and then stop until the weather gets cold again :tongue_smilie:


I've never thought about knitting socks before but you are all making such cute socks that I might have to add those to my never-ending list of project wants too:lol: Are socks easy to knit??

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The first 16 rows of a 3-6 month sweater for my first child (she'll be 5 in 2 months). I had great aspirations when my MIL, who is a wonderful knitter, was here with us after she was born and able to fix all my mistakes.


On that note, can someone point me in the direction of some great knitting tutorial sites?


Google is your friend :) After a disastrous attempt by my Mum to teach me to knit when I was around 10, I learnt to knit from Google at age 30 :lol:

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I do so little knitting in the summer b/c of the garden. I'm about to start back up though, I can feel it. I'm halfway done with a pair of cabled wristlets, 3/4 done with a set of knucks (free pattern from Knitty.com), and 3/4 done with a vest for my youngest son. Then I plan to do some holiday gifts, and more socks. I love socks. Also, I want to do the Bird in the Hand mittens I saw on Ravelry.

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Ah, yes, the disasterous attempts to learn... how fondly I recall! :D I was so bad at knitting as a child that when I gave it a try a couple of months ago I fully expected to hate it/make a square unrecognizeable/ get so tangled in yarn I'd need to be rescued. As it turned out, I wasn't so bad at all so now I force dh to look at each stage of my projects and ooh and aah to encourage me :lol:


I used http://www.knittinghelp.com to get me started on the basics, http://www.youtube.com videos for a visual on a few other techniques, and http://www.ravelry.com for patterns and a recent strange mistake I made which turned out to be not a mistake at all.

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Nothing at the moment, but once swim season is in full swing I plan to knit some easy scarves. I haven't purled in nearly 3 decades and don't plan to start again anytime soon, so I just do garter stitch with a thick yarn. This allows me to talk and knit at the same time, which is useful since I usually have at least one dc sitting with me and/or another parent.


I have a scarf on my crochet hook that I started last spring that I'm gong to finish, too. Not that you asked about crocheting ;).

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Oh, I agree. I feel that way about wool, too.


I'd bought some yarn from a friend a while ago, and crazy things happened and it got mis-mailed. It arrived a week or two ago, and she'd put extra skeins in, and ALL of it is wool, including some hand-dyed and some merino. I am dying to just ignore the garden and grab my pointy sticks. It is hard to wait.

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Too much.


I have sleeve #2 of the Klaralund sweater OTN.


A lacy scarf made out of one big ball of fingering weight yarn on #3 needles. Gorgeous fall colors, maybe 2/3, 3/4 of the way done.


A linen handtowel (I think) made out of the yarn leftover from my Monteagle bag. I'm probably going to burn right through it since it's pretty wide because I heard that I should allow for shrinkage in linen. :001_huh:


A slip-stitch placemat for my dad that I'm making very slow progress on because it hurts my hands to work it.


And some socks for Sylvia, 2 at a time toe up on one needle. I'm working the heel flaps now. Slow progress, #1 needles.



I have problems....

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Not that you asked about crocheting ;).


But I did! I am also interested in sewing projects, weaving--any textile craft. Really any craft.


The scarflet that I photographed is intended for a friend with a birthday later in the month. After I finish that, I figured I should get into gear for Christmas and am using this thread for inspiration (potential kick in the pants if needed down the road ;))


Thanks to everyone who has contributed thus far! You all are amazing!



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How difficult is that? Can you do it in garter stitch???


It's not hard...only I can't remember exactly how to explain it. I found instructions (with big pictures) in a book that showed me how. Basically you string beads onto the yarn before you start your project, and then knit each bead into a stitch where you want the bead to appear. Is garter stitch where you just keep knitting instead of purling? Yes, you can do it in garter stitch - you can probably do it in any stitch - it's just a matter of learning the technique of weaving it into a stitch.

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It's not hard...only I can't remember exactly how to explain it. I found instructions (with big pictures) in a book that showed me how. Basically you string beads onto the yarn before you start your project, and then knit each bead into a stitch where you want the bead to appear. Is garter stitch where you just keep knitting instead of purling? Yes, you can do it in garter stitch - you can probably do it in any stitch - it's just a matter of learning the technique of weaving it into a stitch.



That sounds easy enough to do. It's not that I couldn't purl, since I did it when I was much younger, but I just am not interested in relearning it or having to read patterns at the moment. I'm guessing I could do the same thing with crocheting, as well. Perhaps my dd's will donate some beads to my cause.

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