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WHat is your medication philosoply and why?

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I will start.

We medicate with pharmaceuticals and sometimes with herbal, mineral or vitamin products. We have no objections per se to rx drugs and have found many of them to be helpful. That includes medications for physical ailments and conditions as well as psychiatric as well as using certain tradionally psychiatric medications in non-tradional ways (nerve pain relief, migraine prevention, etc.). My philosophy is what works and doesn't cause more harm than its worth. So for a potentially fatal disease, I would use a riskier medication than for a less serious problem.


We also use some vitamins, minerals, and herbals- all of which were tested in medical journals and a number of which have been prescribed by a physician. Other times, I have researched on the net for studies and safety materials.


My choice in whether to use a regular RX or one of the vitamins, minerals, herbals, probiotics, etc, is what does the best work with the least amount of problems. All of us females in my family have to take vit d for example because we have shortages of it. So we do.


WHat is your medication philosophy and why?

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I try to avoid using anything. If the kids have fevers above 101 we'll use Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but only after trying to lower their temps through baths, cooling their heads, fans, etc. If it is not absolutely necessary (bacterial infection that our bodies cannot fight off without risking long term damage), then I don't take it, neither does dh, but we're a little less anti-drug with the kids.

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Well, we use prescription medications as a last resort. We use OTC's as a next to last resort. I try to find natural ways to deal with things where possible. We are fairly liberal with supplements as an attempt to heal the body. I try to use good nutrition and life style as preventive medicine. We occasionally use herbs that have a good track record.


Part of my reasoning is that I come from a family of "canaries in the coal mine" when it comes to side effects. If there are side effects to be had, my mom and I experience them. This has been a terrible problem for my mom because she needs so many medications and we can't be sure if her problems are due to a medication problem or a symptom of something else. I have had bad experiences with pharmaceuticals myself (Paxil for mild depression sent me into major PMDD - 4 hours a month of wanting to die, planning my suicide - got worse when we upped the dose - plus most of the other side effects listed on the pamphlet.) Dh got sick on Lipitor (which, I believe, was inappropriately prescribed. His numbers were not high enough to warrant such a dangerous medication.) I am worried because many of his symptoms (some listed on the package insert, some written about in medical journals but haven't made it into the insert yet) have not disappeared since discontinuing the drug 4 months ago.


I also do not trust big pharma. It concerns me how many docs get all of their information about medications from the drug reps with a profit motive rather than from objective sources. I know that the medical system we have today makes it very difficult for doctors to find the time to wade through journals. We have had to work hard to find healthcare providers who are conservative with medications and look for the source rather than treat just the symptom. Our allopathic physician recognizes that there are limits to his branch of medicine and respects that there are other modalities that can be effective and, perhaps complementary.


I am not totally opposed to medications (otc, Rx) - I think they can be appropriate in certain situations. I am on prescription thyroid medication and will be for the rest of my life. I am currently taking an antibiotic for my ear infection that went south way too quickly for my usual, more natural remedies. I even had to resort to alternating Darvocet and ibuprofen to deal with the excruciating pain. However, I am more likely to rely on supplements and attempting to boost one's own immune response rather than get a scrip or reach for a pill. We usually don't finish a bottle of ibuprofen before it expires:)

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We very rarely use medicine for anything. I don't use natural remedies or herbs or anything like that (I don't know anything about them.) We just don't get sick too much and when we do we just muddle through somehow. It isn't that we never use OTC medicines, but we try not to unless they are somewhat miserable.


Most of my dc have never had antibiotics and several have never been to the doctor for anything other than well-checks or accidents (stitches.)

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My philosophy is what works and doesn't cause more harm than its worth.


This is pretty much my philosophy, too. Years back, I was very alternative/natural and didn't go for OTC or Rx unless it was serious and pressing. But, honestly, after years of trying to use homeopathy "correctly", I decided it works rarely or never. (No offense to those who love it.) Also, I was tired of more or less battling with dh when the kids were sick. He wanted to see relief for them and natural and alternative cures would really never do the job. (Granted, sometimes OTC meds also do not give relief quickly, either.)


I tried for years to clear up my acne with diet, supplements, natural products and methods. Nothing ever worked even a teensy, weensy bit, until I went to the Doctor. He wrote me a $40.00 Rx, I started using it, and my skin cleared up 100%, immediately. I have not had a single zit since I began the medicine in April, and now I use the medicine only once in a while. I could just KICK myself for wasting all that time feeling bad about my skin!


These experiences have led me to be pretty liberal about going the medication route. Of course, I am still an advocate of simple helps, like putting a steamer in the room for a cough, using a heating pad for sore muscles, etc. But I no longer withhold medicine, waiting for alternative medicine to kick in.

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My philosophy has changed a lot in the last year. I used to be very anti- Rx meds. We treated everything with a chiropractor and herbal remedies. Then my youngest was diagnosed with epilepsy- after nearly dying during a seizure. Suddenly medicine was much more attractive. I still don't treat my older daughter with Tylenol for fevers unless she is uncomfortable, but the younger we are very vigilant because even a fever can trigger her seizures.

Medicines are great when you need them, and shouldn't be overused.

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For me, it depends on the child. Ds1 decides for himself when he's sick enough to need Motrin or Tylenol. He's never had an antibiotic, so he's rarely sick. When he is, his fevers are VERY high (105 last January).


Ds2 is so rarely sick. He's coming to an age where I let him choose when to medicate for fever/aches, etc. He's had antibiotics 3 times - once for cellulitis, once for Lyme's Disease, and once for a wound that punctured his lip.


After having those two, I was fairly hands off when it came to medicine. Then. . . .


Ds3 came along and changed everything!!! He has asthma, life-threatening food allergies, and seizures with high fevers. He has been on antibiotics more than I can count. He's needed daily breathing treatments to stay alive. He's been on steroids a few times to keep him breathing through a difficult bug. His seizures are scary. I know they're nature's way of taking care of a high fever, but until you've seen your own child have one, you just have NO idea how frightening they can be. After one VERY long seizure (10 minutes - grand mal) he wasn't responsive for over 2 hours. I pictured my life with a vegetable for a son. It was awful.


Dd came along and she's been perfectly healthy - thank God!!! She's not needed an antibiotic yet. But, we do tend to treat her fairly quickly with Motrin or Tylenol because of Ds3's seizures. Also, as the fourth child, there are times where I just need her to feel a little better so I can get her in the car seat to shuttle boys back and forth to their activities. (Don't worry - I wouldn't take her to church sick!!)


So, I've changed over time. I have a doctor I love and trust. He doesn't prescribe meds or tests often and when he does, it's necessary!!!

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We try to avoid pharmaceuticals as much as possible, mainly because of the damage that vaccinations and antibiotics can do to our bodies. While I believe that western medicine practices can be helpful, I do think there are very serious risks that every parent/individual should assess if they have the time and ability.


However, like pp mentioned, we would take Rx and otc in an emergency, if the benefits outweigh the risks.


So far, the only treatment we've needed has come from a LAc who gave ds a chinese herbal prescription for 12 weeks and cleared his allergy shiners right up. Since then, we explore that avenue first if we can.


ETA: I'm grateful to have the choice :)

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Yikes - in my family lack of "big pharma" would have meant certain death for 3 out of six of my family. Insulin, wide variety of strong respiratory and seizure meds. In addition, I treat MS with interferons. I get weary of this kind of anti-pharma conversation in my real life, but I'm thankful there are those of you that enjoy good health!

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My philosophy has changed a lot in the last year. I used to be very anti- Rx meds. We treated everything with a chiropractor and herbal remedies. Then my youngest was diagnosed with epilepsy- after nearly dying during a seizure. Suddenly medicine was much more attractive. I still don't treat my older daughter with Tylenol for fevers unless she is uncomfortable, but the younger we are very vigilant because even a fever can trigger her seizures.

Medicines are great when you need them, and shouldn't be overused.


This was us too. We did not use much medication of any kind until my son's cancer dx. There are no good alternatives, so chemo it is. Funny thing is some of his meds are derived from plants. We do use things like ginger for nausea and such. My asthmatic uses meds too, because that is not something I want to mess around with. Alternatives work for some things for us and prevention is of course the easiest and most effective. I guess our philosophy is 'do what works for each situation'.

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Yikes - in my family lack of "big pharma" would have meant certain death for 3 out of six of my family. Insulin, wide variety of strong respiratory and seizure meds. In addition, I treat MS with interferons. I get weary of this kind of anti-pharma conversation in my real life, but I'm thankful there are those of you that enjoy good health!




Yup. I didn't get it until I had my third. Sometimes these Rx saves lives. Thank God for them when they're necessary!!

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Yikes - in my family lack of "big pharma" would have meant certain death for 3 out of six of my family. Insulin, wide variety of strong respiratory and seizure meds. In addition, I treat MS with interferons. I get weary of this kind of anti-pharma conversation in my real life, but I'm thankful there are those of you that enjoy good health!


Yup. The idea of even having a "medication philosophy" seems like a luxury to me. My dd has had intractable seizures since she was 2 months old. Life without antiseizure meds is impossible. And it's the newer meds that keep her seizures away, so we are dependent on "big pharma" and their ability to research and patent new meds. The rest of the family is pretty healthy (though I find life a lot more pleasant with allergy meds during hayfever season), but as with other posters here, if you have someone in your family with a serious medical issue, you may not really have a choice about meds unless you're willing to see that person die.

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I am not against using medications when they are needed. I was born with a heart defect, and I had a brother who had cancer. Doctors, prescriptions, and medical treatments are all good things. I'm thankful for the medical knowledge that exists.


I also think that vitamins or herbs can be great. They are worth trying out.


But I will say that we tend to be laid back when it comes to medicine. We have healthy kids (Thank God!), and don't treat for much. We avoid antibiotics unless it becomes clear that we need it. I will give OTC medicines if the kids are really complaining, or they can't sleep.


Our kids have got most of their vaccinations, except for the Chicken-pox one. I think that one is a bad idea. But if they don't manage to get the Chicken-pox by their later teenage years, I probably have them get it. It can be a very bad illness for an adult.


We normally don't do the flu vaccine, but my kids are healthy (no breathing or other issues), but this year we will probably get it for the swine flu.

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We don't use anything, except for my husband who has to take epilepsy meds. So of course I have no problem with taking medicine if you need it. I also wish we took vitamins on a regular basis, but just don't.


We seem pretty healthy, and if I find myself exhausted, a good nap or even a long walk will make me feel better.


However, the other day, I did have a killer headache out of the blue, and I didn't have any medicine for it. I should keep some around just in case and for anyone that visits that needs it.

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We are a middle of the road people..my son survived heart surgery due to RX meds - my quadripeligic brother lives because of RX meds, my husband just got out of emergency surgery due to RX meds..but my other brother died because of RX meds mixing in his system..so, the good the bad and the ugly.


We try to manage our day to day aches and pains via nutrition and exercise, herbs, neti-pots, and green tea and am not a huge believer in antibiotics nor do I know how much I would vaccinate any additional children I might have..but I know that my husband just survived something that would have killed him many years ago, as would my son.. so we try to balance out the overall options and keep our mind open. Modern medicine is amazing and has saved many, many, many lives.. but I'm not convinced that the RX meds are as safe as they say nor are they any better than some meds out there (I'm a medicinal marijuana believer). I always feel like I have to do my own research to understand the medications side effect before we will take anything...we try to offset some of these side effects again using the above choices..Like right now my husband is being forced to eat Kefir and Greek Yogurt to offset the antibiotics he's on..and he's not taking the pain meds at all.. we have a real dislike for those.

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I started this thread because of the strong anti-medication philosophy I see in a lot of homeschoolers I have met. I don't tell people to take medicines. I might tell that about something that worked for us if they asked but I don't criticize or even comment on their homeopathic, fruit juices, or other non-tradional treatments. But how I hate to hear how I could wish my chronic illnesses away, how some fruit juice will make it all better, the askance looks I may get if someone finds out my middle takes daily medicine for ADHD which enables her to do honor level work rather than run around like a babbling idiot annoying everyone else, how someone will question what we eat when hearing we have certain medical problems (nothing to do with any weight issues at all since my kids are slightly underweight anyway), etc, etc.


I don't wish disease or injuries, syndromes, or conditions on anyone. I always feel that if your family doesn't need medications, that is great. It isn't a moral failing though if your child or you or any family member does need it.

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I started this thread because of the strong anti-medication philosophy I see in a lot of homeschoolers I have met. I don't tell people to take medicines. I might tell that about something that worked for us if they asked but I don't criticize or even comment on their homeopathic, fruit juices, or other non-tradional treatments. But how I hate to hear how I could wish my chronic illnesses away, how some fruit juice will make it all better, the askance looks I may get if someone finds out my middle takes daily medicine for ADHD which enables her to do honor level work rather than run around like a babbling idiot annoying everyone else, how someone will question what we eat when hearing we have certain medical problems (nothing to do with any weight issues at all since my kids are slightly underweight anyway), etc, etc.


I don't wish disease or injuries, syndromes, or conditions on anyone. I always feel that if your family doesn't need medications, that is great. It isn't a moral failing though if your child or you or any family member does need it.


I do know what you mean. An acquaintance of mine in hs group really annoys me with this. She's such the preacher of her alternative diet. She claims she has Celiac Disease (which I know is a real disease, but she did not have the test) and endlessly foists her diet on anyone who has any malady. When someone in the group was dx'd with cancer, she chirps up with how they need to drink X,Y,Z miracle juice. Yeah, I'm sure that's a big comfort when you've been given six months to live. :glare:

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I try my best to avoid chemicals, and that includes pharmaceuticals. I learned this the hard way, though. I used to listen to the doctor and take what was prescribed without question. However, I now have severe multiple chemical sensitivity, and most likely the pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics, I took over the years were a huge contributor. I wish I had known back then what I know now. I'm now allergic to every antibiotic that I ever tried. (Unfortunately, I also react to all herbs, so those aren't options, either.) In researching, I've concluded that in many cases, pharmaceuticals do more harm than good even if the person taking them doesn't realize it.



This is pretty much my philosophy, too. Years back, I was very alternative/natural and didn't go for OTC or Rx unless it was serious and pressing. But, honestly, after years of trying to use homeopathy "correctly", I decided it works rarely or never.

Homeopathy is only one type of alternative/natural healing. There are many others.

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My children up until about age 6 would not even take tylenol/motrin. There was no way to get it in them so things just ran their natural course.


Only once was my son seriously sick and in danger of being hospitalized. So it was either a shot in the thigh (seriously thick needle, it was bad!) or we headed to the hospital. He got the shot and in 24 hours was so much better.


We rarely take anything stronger than tylenol.


I have numerous ailments and still rarely take anything stronger than tylenol. I react really badly to most drugs (if there are side effects, guaranteed I will experience them).


Hoping we all stay healthy this season!

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Yikes - in my family lack of "big pharma" would have meant certain death for 3 out of six of my family. Insulin, wide variety of strong respiratory and seizure meds. In addition, I treat MS with interferons. I get weary of this kind of anti-pharma conversation in my real life, but I'm thankful there are those of you that enjoy good health!


I'm not anti-pharmaceuticals - we use them when we need them. I *am* mostly anti-antibiotics unless absolutely needed. I got the penicillin when I was Beta Strep positive with several of my babies. My 11yo has an inhaler that he needs sporadically. My stepmother has MS and I am glad that she has things available to help her lead a better life and my father is being kept alive by blood-thinner shots.


We have been blessed by good health. I do think that limiting the antibiotics to when absolutely necessary and not going to the doctor often (where we always seem to pick up something) helps us to not get sick as often. However, I would use medicines for epilepsy, insulin for diabetes, etc. if they were needed.

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Like most everything, you need a good balance. To far to either extreme is bad, no drugs at all can kill you but too many can also harm.


I am not anti-pharma, I have two sons who had severe medical issues after birth and would've died without the medical treatment they recieved which included some pretty heavy duty drugs.


But I am quite scared about the over use of anti-biotics. My mother is an RN, and we would not go to the doctor unless we were really sick, we would do home remedies unless my mom was sure we absolutely needed anti-biotics. A lot of the scary drug resistant strains out there now are the result of people going in for every little sniffle, and the doctor handing out anti-biotics without even testing for an infection.

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It depends on what's going on but I don't hesitate to use drugs if I feel the need.


Just some examples: We don't vaccinate. I'll give a tylinol and motrin for teething, fevers, or pain. I go straight to antibiotics for ear infections after both my daughter and I suffered ruptured ear drums. We had no sign of ear infection until just prior the rupture so, if we have ear pain, I hop to it because it is always really bad by the time we feel it. My 4 week old is currently on Zantac and Mylanta for reflux. Our pediatrician wrote us an RX for eye antibiotic because she has a plugged tear duct; he knows we aren't planning on using it unless we feel we really need it. In the meantime, I'm massage the duct, cleaning her eye, and using breast milk in the eye.

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I avoid Rx drugs unless it is urgent and then I stay on them only temporarily. I was on Rx drugs for Fibromyalgia years ago and only got better after weaning off of the drugs. Now I have been on Rx drugs to control my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms and my health has been detrioriating this whole time. Rx drugs treat symptoms. I prefer to go to the Naturopath and treat the cause and actually improve my overall health. I will take aspirin and tylenol for headaches and fevers, but only as a last resort, as most drugs are just hard on your body; they create more work for your liver to filter out.

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I'm so on the fence about medicines. In one breath I think they can be harmful....in another breath I know that they can also be life savers.


My family has been blessed with overall good health. My oldest has only been sick a handful of times in her 5 years. I think she's been on antibiotics only once for an ear infection.


My youngest has been a bit sicker with reoccuring croup from about 10 months old until 20 months old. She had a few breathing treatments and some steroids during this time. I was very hesitant with the steroids though. She's also had a few ear infections that we've used antibiotics for.


We do not use Tylenol/Motrin for just anything. I have to have a headache that is really bothering me in order for me to take it. I dont usually medicate for fevers unless the person is just miserable. We do not do cough meds or cold meds. We stopped vaccinating a little over a year ago. I try to steer waaaay clear of Rx pain meds because I hear all sorts of horrible addiction stories. Of course I would use them if really needed though.


I would like to try more herbal/natural type stuff, but I'm not totally convinced that it workds....and I also know absolutely nothing about it and have no idea what to use.

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I would like to try more herbal/natural type stuff, but I'm not totally convinced that it workds....and I also know absolutely nothing about it and have no idea what to use.
I wouldn't suggest that you figure out what to use. Would you decide to prescribe antibiotics, siezure medication, etc on your own? The natural things that work well do so because they have been prescribed for your individual needs. Personally, I trust a ND well versed in EDS with my life. Nutritionists and the such suggesting enzymes and aloe based on my symptoms? Um no.
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Once upon a time I was a take the Rx when needed and as long as abx are not overused, no big deal... however, I no longer feel that way. I now believe that conventional medicine is EXCELLENT for emergency situations. However, for almost everything else, including many ailments which most people consider essential to be on drugs like blood pressure issues, RA, diabetes, even some "emergency" cuts and injuries I believe the natural remedies work better- and I have personally witnessed this. I have seen severely smashed fingers heal without a scar, severe burns heal without a scar, ovarian cysts cured, recurrent UTIs treated, RA reversed, pneumonia where the dr. had prescribed multiple drugs which didn't touch it finally cured with herbs, asthma managed, etc.


One problem that people have with natural remedies is they either treat them the same way as a drug- bottle says take 2 a day so if it doesn't work the herb doesn't work. The problem with this is that every person is different. The severity of the condition as well as the general health of the individual plays a role in the dosage of an herb. Due to labeling requirements, they all are labeled generically though. Another problem is people try to use herbs that are too old or products that are not of high quality. Unless you are involved in natural healing, most people buy what is on the shelf at the drug store and hope it works. Sorry, walmart vitamins or herbs don't work nearly as well as brands like Dr. Christopher's.

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I avoid Rx drugs unless it is urgent and then I stay on them only temporarily. I was on Rx drugs for Fibromyalgia years ago and only got better after weaning off of the drugs.

While my health still isn't good because of MCS and multiple allergies, I am better since weaning myself off thyroid meds.



Now I have been on Rx drugs to control my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms and my health has been detrioriating this whole time.

Have you tried a yeast-free and/or gluten-free diet? Have you tried an elimination diet to determine if you're allergic/sensitive to various foods?

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We medicate only when NEEDED. I have nothing against prescription or OTC medication, except for the fact that the consumers has pushed many Drs. to over prescribe. I personally do not think medication ads should be plastered all over the TV, newspapers, etc. We are NOT going to be asking our Dr. about XYZ (new medication).

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Like most everything, you need a good balance. To far to either extreme is bad, no drugs at all can kill you but too many can also harm.


I am not anti-pharma, I have two sons who had severe medical issues after birth and would've died without the medical treatment they recieved which included some pretty heavy duty drugs.


But I am quite scared about the over use of anti-biotics. My mother is an RN, and we would not go to the doctor unless we were really sick, we would do home remedies unless my mom was sure we absolutely needed anti-biotics. A lot of the scary drug resistant strains out there now are the result of people going in for every little sniffle, and the doctor handing out anti-biotics without even testing for an infection.



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I think we live in an over medicated world. While I do agree, there are some instances where prescription medications are necessary (my Dad's heart problems), I try to avoid medication unless necessary.


I am fortunate to have a healthy immediate family. We all take vitamins and do not vaccinate. I don't hand out Tylenol every time one of the children claims to have a headache, nor do I do the same thing for myself. I have to have a really severe headache to be prompted to take anything.


The one and only time we had a prescription medicine was back in 2001 when the oldest child and I had thrush.


I would not be opposed to prescription medication if it were medically necessary, however, if a doctor diagnosed any of my children with something such as ADD/ADHD we would try dietary changes first and consider prescription medication a last resort.


I myself am forced to take Sudafed more often than I would like to.


I think our medication philosophy is pretty consistent with our eating philosophy though. We avoid most processed foods, cook from scratch, consume All Natural Peanut butter, that sort of thing.

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Have you tried a yeast-free and/or gluten-free diet? Have you tried an elimination diet to determine if you're allergic/sensitive to various foods?
Thanks for the suggestions. :grouphug: I am now avoiding my allergens including yeast as directed by my ND. I am on week 3 of the diet and day 9 of treatment. I will keep you posted!:)
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Guest janainaz

If my kids are sick and NEED something, I give it to them. Both of my kids have only had antibiotics twice. My mother always made me fight off whatever I had and my immune system has always seemed to be very strong. I'm also open-minded to natural remedies.


In the big picture, I don't take anything unless I really need it, I don't give it unless my kids really need it. I'd always rather find a way around taking anything. For mood stuff -- I know I feel better if I exercise and if I lay off the sugar (the exercise happens, the laying off of the sugar does not). I do believe that diet affects health more than anything and I try to eat healthy, but I know I could do better. I just have to have a relaxed balance.

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We usually don't think much about using Tylenol or Advil (usually the generics) for 99.9% of our ailments - cramps, sore muscles (we do heavy work around here), or fevers. Most of the time we "walk it off," for normal stuff - take a hot bath for aches, etc.


If a child were to have a fever I'd give them something for it -- I don't let a fever make a child miserable for long. As soon as I realize it's a real fever I don't hesitate to give them something for it.


We generally don't take a lot of extra stuff - vitamins, etc. Vitamins make me vomit it they are not in the form of an extremely small uncoated pill. We eat healthy and I'd like to think that we get our vitamins from our diet. We have no fast food in our rural area - unless we travel we are getting 100% home cooked food from scratch.


But I have been thankful for Rx when needed - just this last year, strep (bloody urine in 4yo warranted IV antibiotics) for instance. Rarely are they needed but vital when needed.


For what it's worth my dh is a physician but he's never been here when we had a serious situation -- he's always working in another part of the state. Murphy's Law, I guess.

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I'm a "make it feel better" person. This means that we use OTC and Rx probably more than most people we know in homeschooling circles (but not among our homeschooling friends). I'd much rather have a little one who feels good than have him wait out his fever...even if that means the disease takes a few more days to treat. We absolutely believe in medications when necessary (seizures, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc.). We use no (or few) alternative remedies...I've found none that have worked for us. So far, only "western" medicine has worked for us, so that's what we use (and we specifically chose a pediatrician who will give our under sixes medications since I can't get them OTC anymore). And yep...if there's a headache, I take ibuprofen. If the kids have a bellyache...I give them something. Someone has even a hint of a fever? Ibuprofen. So I guess we're pro!:D We do antibiotics and vax...although my oldest is on a delayed vax schedule. My youngest is vaxed according to schedule. I don't have a philosophy about what others should do...I just don't like to be told what I should do.

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I use meds when warranted after looking at risk vs benefit. We use tylenol for fevers when discomfot is present (such as in ability to sleep due to fever), and use it for pain. We medicate 1 child for ADHD but not the other. Use antibiotics when needed but not for every sniffle kwim. Years and years ago I was anti med. I believed that things like ear infections would clear on their own given time. Ds was almost 2 and had been fighting an ear infection for 2.5 weeks without antibiotics. When he suddenly developed leg pain and couldn't bear weight, and xrays initially showed nothing wrong, the dr told me it could be septic arthiritis. That the infection from his ear could have gotten into his blood stream and travelled before settling in his knee. Scared the patootie out of me. In the end it turns out he had a buckle fracture caused by his dayhome lady. But once I learned the infection could travel like that we stopped messing around with waiting things out and/or using natural things for that in use the antibiotics.


I still use natural things at the same time, we take supplements, use hylands tablets for different things, use rescue remedy for high stress/meltdowns etc.

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We are NOT going to be asking our Dr. about XYZ (new medication). ___:iagree: completely with this and for me, some of the ads are downright depressing because some people believe them and then wonder how come I am not playing tennis. I specifically am referring to all the very heavy duty arthritis drugs which get everybody to suddenly be completely athletic and non=disabled. But I am sure that many of the other drug commercials are equally annoying to others with specific condition.


I also have a number of conditions I don't treat because I am not adding medications. Unlike the tv commercials imply, a lot of us who have chronic conditions have more than one and have to make choices of what to treat this week and certainly will not be adding annoying but very minor issues to the treatment regimen when you need to be taking care of the major life threatening or disabling conditions first.

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We are very conservative when it comes to medication. We start with at the bottom and work our way up if we need to. When the kids are little I do what I can to make them comfortable when ill but for the rest of us, we start with rest, vaporizer, ice packs, warm bath, tea etc whatever the situation calls for then we move to advil, benadryl, zyrtec, peptobismol as needed. After a day or 2 or sooner or later depending again on the situation we go to dr. We are not above taking antibiotics, tylenol 3, or anything else stronger if needed. My pediatrician knows if I call her we are beyond rest, advil and benadryl and we discuss the next step and in some cases has called things into the pharmacy for the just in case things get worse.

Edited by lynn
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