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Cost of the ER visit and IV for baby?

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The estimate of $1,165 they gave me at the ER included only the ER visit (set fee based on severity, scale of 1-10, ds was a 5.)


Of course, now I am doubting my decision to take him in. I did because of the following:


fontanel sunk in

"spider webs" on hands and feet (and they were ice cold)

lack of ability to hold anything down (even an ounce of Pedialyte was vomited up)

he was so lethargic

we have no doctor here yet (so no one to call)

No wet diaper for 7 hours (biggest reason)


He was very dehydrated - the first 6 hours in the ER they didn't do much because they couldn't get any blood from him or get an IV in. I wish I had refused all the tests - I was pretty sure it was viral (no fever) and it had only been 3 days.


Maybe he would have been okay or maybe he wouldn't have. How do you decide when it is the right thing to do? Then I think if I *hadn't* taken him in, he could have ended up much, much worse. With the fluid they gave him, he was able to go another couple of days throwing up without getting as severely dehydrated again. (He is 6 months old and not on solid food yet.)


What would you have done?

Edited by Renee in FL
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You made the right decision. The money thing hurts (I know, I have insurance and it still cost my $443 for my youngest's broken hand last month-the total bill was $2,500) but you will never regret the money like you would serious injury. And I agree with bigdogs, the hospital will work with you. When I was in college a lady I worked with was still paying for the birth of her child. She paid $20 a month. He was 5 at the time and she wasn't anywhere near paying it off. But she sent her money every month.

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The estimate of $1,165 they gave me at the ER included only the ER visit (set fee based on severity, scale of 1-10, ds was a 5.)


Of course, now I am doubting my decision to take him in. I did because of the following:


fontanel sunk in

"spider webs" on hands and feet (and they were ice cold)

lack of ability to hold anything down (even an ounce of Pedialyte was vomited up)

he was so lethargic

we have no doctor here yet (so no one to call)


He was very dehydrated - the first 6 hours in the ER they didn't do much because they couldn't get any blood from him or get an IV in. I wish I had refused all the tests - I was pretty sure it was viral (no fever) and it had only been 3 days.


Maybe he would have been okay or maybe he wouldn't have. How do you decide when it is the right thing to do? Then I think if I *hadn't* taken him in, he could have ended up much, much worse. With the fluid they gave him, he was able to go another couple of days throwing up without getting as severely dehydrated again. (He is 6 months old and not on solid food yet.)


What would you have done?


Lethargy? I would have taken him in.


We took our two-year-old in last year, about 24 hours after he started throwing up, and he ended up being hospitalized for two days at a cost of $3675.30. Once they start going downhill, they can go down fast.

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At 9pm that night. Basically, that was when we all (dh, my mother, and I) compared notes and realized he hadn't had a wet diaper in 7 hours. (I am editing the OP to include that.)



Then it wouldn't have mattered if you had a Dr. or not. They would have told you to go to the ER.

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You did the right thing.

Talk to the hospital. I assume you're uninsured? They will work with you and often write off part of the bill, especially if you're uninsured.


At the least they can set up a reasonable playment plan, insured or not. Get it in writing--I learned that the hard way.

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yep, please do contact the hospital and let them know you if you can't pay it off all at once. My Mom once paid $5 a month for a broken bone bill. If you just put it in writing with the bill and are faithful about paying, they shouldn't have an issue.


It sure sounds like you did the right thing...hope babe is ok by now!

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You did the right thing.


It probably would have ended up costing much more if you'd waited.


That's what I keep telling myself.


I have been researching insurance the past couple of days, but even the high deductible plan I had found wouldn't have covered this, BUT we might have gotten contracted rates instead of full price.

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I would have taken him in.


I hate ER visits. The billing is crazy. The bill from the hospital frequently doesn't even cover the doctor's fee.


I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, but I do think you did the right thing.

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Is there any possibility you can negotiate with the hospital to get billed something closer to what a contracted rate with an insurance company would be? I thought I had heard in the past that hospitals would do this. It is ridiculous that you have to pay 3X as much just because you don't have insurance.



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Is there any possibility you can negotiate with the hospital to get billed something closer to what a contracted rate with an insurance company would be? I thought I had heard in the past that hospitals would do this. It is ridiculous that you have to pay 3X as much just because you don't have insurance.




I plan to call and ask them this.

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The estimate of $1,165 they gave me at the ER included only the ER visit (set fee based on severity, scale of 1-10, ds was a 5.)


Of course, now I am doubting my decision to take him in. I did because of the following:


fontanel sunk in

"spider webs" on hands and feet (and they were ice cold)

lack of ability to hold anything down (even an ounce of Pedialyte was vomited up)

he was so lethargic

we have no doctor here yet (so no one to call)

No wet diaper for 7 hours (biggest reason)


He was very dehydrated - the first 6 hours in the ER they didn't do much because they couldn't get any blood from him or get an IV in. I wish I had refused all the tests - I was pretty sure it was viral (no fever) and it had only been 3 days.


Maybe he would have been okay or maybe he wouldn't have. How do you decide when it is the right thing to do? Then I think if I *hadn't* taken him in, he could have ended up much, much worse. With the fluid they gave him, he was able to go another couple of days throwing up without getting as severely dehydrated again. (He is 6 months old and not on solid food yet.)


What would you have done?


I think you were on the cusp of him getting much, much worse. Another hour or two and he might not have bounced back as quickly as he did.

If I'm reading your post right, they would have charged less if he was in worse shape? So, if he was nearer death it would have been cheaper? That sure would have been false economy.

In case it's not clear, I think you were 100% correct in getting that baby in to the ER with those symptoms.

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I think you were on the cusp of him getting much, much worse. Another hour or two and he might not have bounced back as quickly as he did.

If I'm reading your post right, they would have charged less if he was in worse shape? So, if he was nearer death it would have been cheaper? That sure would have been false economy.

In case it's not clear, I think you were 100% correct in getting that baby in to the ER with those symptoms.


No, they would have charged more if he was sicker - sorry I wasn't clear. I was more thinking that maybe he would have gotten better even without the IV. That is all I was looking for - an IV of fluids!:tongue_smilie:


Sorry, I am just irritated because I was trying to figure out how to NOT get Medicaid for the dc (and get some type of insurance instead), but now I have to figure out how to make payments AND pay for insurance :glare: if I want to avoid Medicaid.

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I am not suprised. I am assuming that you do not have medical insurance? Ask for an itemized bill. Make sure that bill includes the codes and everything. Keep in mind, they charge everything seperate, the needle, inserting the needle, the tube, the thingy that connects the needle to the tube, the fluid, etc. If you have the willpower, time energy etc. find out the average cost and then attempt to get them to lower your bill. I can tell you making payment arrangements does not work. I have done that in the past, and they agreed to accept my payments, then took my payments for 3 months and turned it over to a collection agency. Sometimes they will check your income and see if you qualify for services etc. There are sites you can go to to check to see if your hospital charges more than average. You can also ask if you can pay what the service cost without paying the profit, I forget the proper term of the top of my head. It depends on how much energy and effort you want to put into it. There are even groups that will fight for your behalf to get the bill reduced.


I had a $12,000 emergency room bill for vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, and that did not include the $2500 for the ultrasound. I am not even going to go into how it was the worst visit to the emergency room in my life.

I also got another bill for $27,000 for a nonlive birth(5 1/2 mos) vaginal delivery. That time I did get good care, but I can tell you the price is way above average. I had the opportunity to go on telivision about my huge bill, but had to decline. I was told if I did usually the hospital throws the bill away they don't like the negative publicity.

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I'm so sorry, but I would have taken my child in given the symptoms you listed. Also, I'm think they might have sent you to ER if it was after hours; in fact, the local 'doc in the box' type clinic sent my friend to ER with similar conditions. So maybe you would have ended up in ER anyway.


These medical bills are horrifying. You're in my prayers.



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I absolutely would have taken a child in that condition in.


If a mother called me in my professional hat as an IBCLC or when I was still an LLL with those symptoms in an infant I would have said "get off the phone now & go to emerg." In fact, I may have said call 911 & get an ambulance. Babies can deteriorate fast. Esp with the H1N1 flu that's been going around, I would not wait. Minutes count.


But then I'm in Canada. Some provinces are charging ~$50 for an ambulance ride (which if you have private health care you'll be reimbursed). Otherwise, care like this is covered under the provincial health plans.

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When my last was a few days old, she wouldn't nurse and got pretty yellow. We ended up going to a lactation consultant and she immediately got admitted. She was in the hospital for 24 hours under the bili lights.


My bill for that 24 hour visit was $29,600.

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You have applied for Medicaid right? They will cover anything from the date you applied. In fact, they will ask you that!


I did the ER on friday night with DD since she dumped a bowl of glass and had blood and glass everywhere. Nothing was "major", but i didn't trust us to get them all cleaned up. They ended up digging a piece out of her foot. But it was 17 small cuts. Ye gads.


Don't 2nd guess it, you did the right thing :grouphug:


ETA: i see that you are trying to avoid Medicaid. I highly suggest applying for Healthy Kids if you haven't already - it's still a PPO but it's at least affordable and they cover pre-existing while you sort out what to do. They might throw you to Medicaid depending on income and age of the kids (under 5 goes there).

Edited by TraceyS/FL
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When my last was a few days old, she wouldn't nurse and got pretty yellow. We ended up going to a lactation consultant and she immediately got admitted. She was in the hospital for 24 hours under the bili lights.


My bill for that 24 hour visit was $29,600.


:eek: I'm flabbergasted! My dd was in the NICU for a week because she was born at 32 weeks. Our bill (in Venezuela) was less than a third of that for a private hospital and it was completely covered by our Hospitalization, Maternity and Surgery supplemental insurance.


Nobody's been in the hospital since we moved to the US, and with prices like that, I sure hope that continues.

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You have applied for Medicaid right? They will cover anything from the date you applied. In fact, they will ask you that!



They will sometimes pay 90 days retroactive. Renee, you guys work and pay taxes, plus you're still trying to get back on your feet after losing a home and business to this economy. Please take the medicaid or whatever you qualify for. That's what it's there for.


You did the right thing taking the baby in. :grouphug:

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