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Hosting diaper shower for my 16 yo neice---

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I know a diaper shower is not the most fun type of shower.

all those cute clothes, etc--


For 2 nonworking high school student (yes, they are thankfully both returning for their senior year), my sisters & I think it's the most practical type of shower.


Dn and husband will be living with my brother and sil. S-i-l will be giving diff shower for her because sil desires a more "traditional" shower for her daughter.



Best place to buy diapers? Would it be out of line or asking too much from guests for a fav book as well?



Edited by homeschoolin'mygirls
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Would it be out of line or asking too much from guests for a fav book as well?


...book list?


It might not be "too much" for some folks, but just in case, you could ask that guests contribute a favorite title (parenting, breastfeeding, etc.) and compile a list of "Friends' Favorites" to give her, at the shower.


Those who would be so inclined would probably go ahead and purchase; those who couldn't could still contribute in that way.


Just a thought! (And personally, I think it would be a cool gesture even if the mother-to-be wasn't--gulp--sixteen. :-) Not that everyone needs to read a ton of books, but it's a good bet that she'd have some variety in the suggestions, and probably a good balance of types of advice.)

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I think a diaper shower is a fantastic idea! I mean, around here, there's lots of thrift stores, where you can get super cute baby clothes for $1 a piece. You can also find mountains of toys, cribs, highchairs, etc. Baby 'stuff' can be found used cheaply.


However, diapers are a HUGE expense, as we all know. And at 16, she's gonna need all the help she can get with that expense.


I think it's a great service you're doing her. :)

Edited by bethanyniez
out of consideration for another poster
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My favorite showers were the diaper showers that people threw for #2 and #3 (we had lots of baby stuff already)! Sam's or Costco have cheap diapers.


Children's books like Goodnight Moon, anything by Eric Carlile, any board books that have pictures of animals or shapes on them. My kids loved those even as babies. We started reading to them before they were born, but then we were nuts lol.

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Ok, ok, I'll accept everyone else's judgement that the diaper shower is being hosted with the best of intentions.


...and I was, um, 33. :-)


People have diaper showers for folks just like they do more traditional showers. I always thought it was more for second or third babies (when people are generally more established, or still have baby items), but, hey...it's a great, helpful idea for anyone.

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I like the suggestion of having guests bring suggestions for their favorite books for babies and young children. You could get a nice blank book or notebook and make a list for her, then she will have something to use to find all those cool books at the library that aren't just linked to the most recent popular kids' marketing/tv show. As was mentioned, some folks might bring a copy along as well.


One of the sites I saw when I googled "diaper shower" suggested including supplies like wipes, diaper cream, powder, coupons for diapers or other supplies, etc. I saw a picture for a diaper wreath http://www.thediaperbaker.com/Diaper_Wreaths.html



In addition to the diaper cake, for decorations, I just saw a very cute idea in a catalog that could be adapted and made at home http://www.signals.com/signals/Item_The-Baby-Bunch_HG8472_ps_srm.html. It's a flower bouquet made from infant clothes. I know that you want to do primarily diapers, but it was really cute:). http://www.iloveindia.com/homemade-crafts/baby-clothing-bouquet.html

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Children's books like Goodnight Moon, anything by Eric Carlile, any board books that have pictures of animals or shapes on them. My kids loved those even as babies. We started reading to them before they were born, but then we were nuts lol.


:iagree: We began reading when I was about 6 mos pregnant. The kids were read to almost immediately, when we rocked and rested. I also read to them a lot while I nursed, especially when I had the older ones and we all read together. It's wonderful you're thinking of asking for books for her!!


I love these books mentioned. We also love Pat the Bunny. Also Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See? is a good book for babies, and it's fun to read it with the animal sounds when the baby is older. Don't forget the books that have the touchy-feely textures in them. They are great for babies.

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These are EASY, gorgeous, cute and grow with the baby. Nothing but the best for the baby and good for the environment, too. If there are enough friends invited she could have enough to do a load only 1 or 2 times a week. She could pass them on to another expectant mother when the baby is potty trained.


Just a thought.

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When my sister was pregnant with her 2nd, her husband was deployed overseas and she just didn't have much money. We gave her a diaper shower, and she literally didn't have to buy any diapers for almost a year.


The books were a thought of making the shower more personal for her and the baby.

I was thinking favorite read to the baby books but fav parenting books would be cool too.


I love the idea of compiling a "best of " reading list for her and her husband. And I like the suggestions--hadn't seen the diaper cake, or thought about wipes, etc. My sister is very crafty--I'm sending the clothes 'flowers' to her!


And, Garga, I do understand about off days--only too well,lol.




Thanks all


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If anyone sews, you can buy preprinted material with instructions how to sew it together into a soft book. They have some stuffing inside the 'pages'. It is basically for babies to get them to enjoy books even if they are too young. They can easily hug and cuddle with them, turn pages, chew on them. My mom made my daughter at least 4 of these type of books so I know fabric stores must carry the material.


You might also want to consider what brand of diaper they are going to use. I know we didn't mind not having the most expensive brand, but we didn't like switching from brand to brand. Different closures which you don't want to figure out at 4 in the morning. Also if you go with one brand you can sign them up with that brand for extra coupons.


If you go with Huggies, they are on the Upromise plan. So you could sign the child up with Upromise. You would have to buy diapers somewhere where they have a card (like krogers) and sign the cards up with the account, which may be more complicated than you want to get into.

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I would suggest requesting no store brands, or to have the receipt available. Both Dot & Wacko were allergic to some brands of diapers/wipes. It wasn't as big a deal with Dot because she so seldom wore disposables (we cloth diapered from about 12 lbs on), but Wacko endured some pretty awful rashes until we found a disposable brand he could use.


A really nice set of diaper bags in various sizes wouldn't go admiss either. I always suggested three: one large enough to hold a full pack of dipes & wipes, a couple of clothing changes for baby, a shirt for mom, gallon-sized ziploc bags, etc; one medium sized one for the early days when you need to carry extra clothes IN with you where ever you go: and a small one just big enough for a travel wipes case, a diaper and a sippy cup.


If you sew, or know someone who does, make her a nice ring sling and teach her how to use it.

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I would suggest requesting no store brands, or to have the receipt available. Both Dot & Wacko were allergic to some brands of diapers/wipes. It wasn't as big a deal with Dot because she so seldom wore disposables (we cloth diapered from about 12 lbs on), but Wacko endured some pretty awful rashes until we found a disposable brand he could use.

All of us kids (my siblings and I) were allergic to Pampers diapers, but not to any other brands. So you never know. ;)

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All of us kids (my siblings and I) were allergic to Pampers diapers, but not to any other brands. So you never know. ;)



Exactly! A friend of mine's DD is allergic to toilet paper, you can imagine how difficult it was for them when L. was in diapers. Naturally, her mom CD'd her.

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OK--my sister exchanged diapers at the store over the next year when she had her shower but it was over 13 years ago--we had requested name brands only so it would be easy for her to exchange brand/size.


Will most stores now days let you exchange name brands without a receipt? They live in a very small town with small local stores. No Costco--Walmart about 30 miles away . Many of the guests will be out of town guests, prob shopping at larger chain stores.


My niece really is opposed to using cloth diapers-she thinks they're gross (remember, she's a teen:001_rolleyes:). If her son does end up having a sensitivity to disposables, I'm sure she will reconsider .


Since we don't have any idea yet if this baby is sensitive to particular products--Will most stores let you exchange name brands without a receipt>feels weird/almost offensive to ask for receipt with present>is there a limit to how long a store will let you exchange diaper packages?


questions,questions, questions(this is a good place to get answers, i know)



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I think most local stores will let you exchange diapers without a receipt. Especially since diapers are not seasonal items like clothing and she would just be exchanging them - not wanting a refund.

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One possibility---when my daughter was born we had planned to do cloth diapers and my inlaws gave us three months of diaper service. There were a lot of health issues for her and me around her birth and it was all so overwhelming that I decided trying to figure out how to use the cloth ones was just one thing too much (or one more thing too much), so we went with disposables. The diaper service delivered disposables to us instead for those three months with no problem.


I have a friend whose children can't use any products with aloe in them due to allergy (which she has as well) and it's hard to find wipes without aloe. I would suggest having your niece check with the store she plans to use most often, explain the situation to the manager and ask if they would be willing to exchange any unopened packs of diaper or wipe brands that the store carries if necessary (either because of allergy issues, grows out of a size too quickly, etc). Since it is a very small town, I wouldn't be surprised if they would as long as it is a brand that the store usually carries. Then make sure that you request guests buy only those certain brands (explaining the reason).

Edited by KarenNC
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You may want to check out the local stores policies on exchanging diapers. Most stores in our area do not accept returns on diapers unless they are defective and then they will only replace them with the same brand/size.


Some stores like Safeway have policies that all of their store brands are 100% guaranteed, so in this case the store brand would be better.


A few simple phone calls could give you an idea about current policies. I know stores here won't resell the diapers, even if the are sealed (liability issues with infants and crazy people)so they may not accept a return.

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For my 4th, 5th & 6th babies (all boys, so I had plenty of clothes)....my friends gave me a "Dinner & Diapers" shower. Guests brought dipes and frozen meals ( or signed up to bring a meal after the baby arrived.) I loved it and so did my husband. I also found that some guests would bring the suggested items as well as cute new outfits....you never know what guests will do.


You could call it a "Bottoms & Books" shower!

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I have no idea what that is--CD'd--after you tell me it'll be obvious, I'm sure. :001_smile:


CD'd -- Cloth Diapered?


I had to do that with my two.


Yes. :)


I think most local stores will let you exchange diapers without a receipt. Especially since diapers are not seasonal items like clothing and she would just be exchanging them - not wanting a refund.


When Dot was born we were able to return name brand (unopened) diapers without a reciept, but not the store brands. I ended up donating a couple of packs to our church nursery.

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I know you are doing this shower out of good intentions but can anyone tell me what is with THEMED showers lately. I really dislike being told to bring specific gifts and I always end up purchasing 2 gifts, one from the heart and the other out of feeling obligated. It should be no surprize I dislike gift registries and gift cards too. I know I'm the odd ball but it seems so thoughtless.



All that being said, I do like the idea of creating a favorite book list.

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I love love love my cloth wipes (I used cloth diaper too, off and on. Depending on my kids sensitivities. I too liked Fuzzi bunz diapers and regular 'ole prefolds with covers.) I still use the cloth wipes, even though my littlest is in Pamers at the moment. They are handy for everything... not just for baby bums.

I used them exclusively the first 2 months, when babies skin is so sensitive.

If you sew maybe you could sew up a few flannel wipes for her. I liked the 5x5 or 6x6 wipes the best. You could even add velour to one side to make them really nice.

I think the diaper shower is a perfect gift.

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  • 3 years later...

fwiw, i ALWAYS bring a box of diapers as at least part of my gift to the mommy-to-be. i used cloth for mine and believe me, i was super happy to get a start on what i'd need. some of the clothes got worn once. diapers are a great way to go. and i don't think it's too much to suggest books either. i kinda feel like i'd rather have a list of what the receiver wants. i know it's deemed tacky, but i'm a very practical person and i don't mind a bit. i'm bringing a gift anyway - might as well know it's gonna be one she wants!

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I've never heard of a diaper shower--does everyone literally bring diapers? Disposables? Interesting.


Mostly diapers. Sometimes with wipes or something small added on.

We did this for our band director in high school when they had their 3rd kid. It was fun. They assigned different sizes to different last names so not ALL the diapers brought would be size 1, etc.

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Don't forget the diaper cake...





There are several sites out there where you can buy one (probably expensive) or at least see what they look like for ideas for making your own.



Diaper cakes are a bit expensive even when you make it yourself! (I spent $70 on my friends'!)

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