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Being Induced Today

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I failed my amniotic fluid index this morning. My fluid is at 1cm...for those who know what that means.


So, I'm at the hospital. Paperwork done. On monitoring now. Waiting for lunch. Then starting low dose pitocin after lunch. They are hoping to use minimum pitocin to get things going because I'm already 5cm, 50% effaced, 0 station, and having mild contractions every 7 minutes.

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I failed my amniotic fluid index this morning. My fluid is at 1cm...for those who know what that means.


So, I'm at the hospital. Paperwork done. On monitoring now. Waiting for lunch. Then starting low dose pitocin after lunch. They are hoping to use minimum pitocin to get things going because I'm already 5cm, 50% effaced, 0 station, and having mild contractions every 7 minutes.


hahaha, and on the internet! Hope everything goes smoothly now.

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I failed my amniotic fluid index this morning. My fluid is at 1cm...for those who know what that means.


So, I'm at the hospital. Paperwork done. On monitoring now. Waiting for lunch. Then starting low dose pitocin after lunch. They are hoping to use minimum pitocin to get things going because I'm already 5cm, 50% effaced, 0 station, and having mild contractions every 7 minutes.


Praying for easy, FAST delivery!

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Yay! I was induced with pit with both of my previous kids (hoping this upcoming one will come on his own, but who knows) and it was actually QUITE fabulous. I would do it again in a heartbeat (and I was an all natural bradly method mommy when I checked into the hospital--you will do great!) Sending baby vibes!

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They let me eat. IV is in and pitocin is going. They started it at the lowest level (.5) and are increasing it .5 every 20 minutes until contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. Things are going ok. Baby's heart rate dropped too low when I tried walking so I'm sitting on the bed right now. They are being really accommodating.


Cool thing...my room has a nook that we've dubbed "the cave". We have a mattress/pad thing on the floor and the kids are hanging out in there part of the time.

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They let me eat. IV is in and pitocin is going. They started it at the lowest level (.5) and are increasing it .5 every 20 minutes until contractions are 2-3 minutes apart. Things are going ok. Baby's heart rate dropped too low when I tried walking so I'm sitting on the bed right now. They are being really accommodating.


Cool thing...my room has a nook that we've dubbed "the cave". We have a mattress/pad thing on the floor and the kids are hanging out in there part of the time.


Sounds totally comfy. I hope things progress smoothly. Cant wait to hear the news.

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