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Do stores in your area allow double or triple coupons?

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Stores in my area don't do double/triple coupons. That made me wonder, what stores or areas of the country give double/triple credit on coupons?


Is it only specific store chains, regardless of where they're located? Or only in certain areas of the U.S.?

Edited by TrixieB
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Ours don't double or triple, which means our coupon base values are generally higher (e.g. $.50 off instead of $.25).

So you mean that the newspaper coupons vary around the U.S., so double-coupon areas get 25c coupons while non-double-coupon areas get 50c coupons for the same item?

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I mostly shop at Publix because they are right behind my house (I can walk there and home with groceries, the kids and the dog). They always have buy-one-get-one-free and $.01 items (I have no cent sign on my keyboard :confused:) Much better than coupons. :) I stock up on whatever items are on sale.

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Nope. My only options for food are WM, Target ( limited selection and pricey imho) Harps and Price Cutters, which are insanly expensive, and an old IGA. We do have a Walgreens, but no CVS, which I heard has a lot of neat deals. OOPS edited! I just realized Harps does double coupons up to 50 cents. However, I could buy the same item at Wal-Mart cheaper withOUT a coupon then I could at Harps with a double coupon.

Edited by Quiver0f10
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Our local stores used to Double Expired coupons. :lol:

Talk about the Good Ole Days...As recently as 13 years ago.

You could get a lot of free expired coupons from folks in different geographical areas ($1 off instead of 35 cents off, for example)

and then double them, all of them.


Not anymore......


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Not here. Krogers did double and even triple coupons, but there aren't any Krogers where I live now.



I have several Krogers close by. They will double up to $.50 and triple up to $.39. I get my best saving shopping at Krogers and playing the Grocery Game.

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Yes, we have Kroger, Meijer & Marsh & they all double up to .50 Also, coupons vary some what regionally, but there's not "THAT" much of a difference. Usually the biggest difference is in the amount of coupons per paper. The larger circulated paper, the better the coupons. Smaller circulated coupons, not so good. You can also preview what coupons will be coming out by going to http://www.taylortownpreview.com there are other websites that do this also.

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All the stores around me except for Food Lion & Walmart double. Most are up to $.99, one is only up to $.60. They all do BOGO often, so with coupons, that can equal free. One store triples once a month (Harris Teeter); however, they've recently instituted Super Doubles where they'll double up to $1.98. That's happening right now, and it lasts a week. I don't know what I'd do without my coupons... they save me incredible amounts of money.

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All of the big chain grocery stores on the east end of Long Island double coupons up to $.99. One even doubles $1 coupons. Of course, they are the highest priced store, but I am able to get free items there quite often by matching a coupon with a sale and I can always get paper towels free even without a sale.

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