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Very TMI: ladies topic and could seem gross to some

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So, my friend just started using the Diva Cup. www.divacup.com


I have never heard anything about it before! After looking on the internet a bit, it seems like something that people are turning to when it is that time of the month. The whole concept seemed extra gross to me at first, because you are essentially carting around a sloshing cup of lady goo, until you dumb it out and reinsert. Then it seems like you would spill it all over the place when you are trying to take it out--it just seems extra messy.


It is touted as this very natural approach to mentral management, but it would seem to me that the most natural approach is just letting it flow out like it is supposed to? Maybe? The more I read about it, the more enticing it is and the less grossed out I am about it.


My other major MAJOR concern is bacteria--I don't use tampons and just sort of suck up the week to having to change pads throughout the day, with the whole idea that everything should be flowing completely out of my body. With the cup, you are carrying it around with you and I really am a bit nervous about bacteria growth, infection, etc. both with the pooled "blood" and the frequent in and out of a reusable (re: non-sterile) cup.


Thoughts? Experiences?

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Frankly your concern is well founded. This is one of the risks of using a diaphragm for birth control. The sponges about a decade ago-killed several users. Toxic shock syndrome is also about the proliferation of bacteria with a highly absorbent material. I would not take a chance on it without speaking to my ob/gyn first.

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According to the Diva cup site, the cup is more sanitary than tampons or pads.


Diva Cup FAQ's, regarding bacterial infections:


"The DivaCup has been cleared for marketing by the FDA and Health Canada. Menstrual cups have undergone rigorous reviews for over 30 years. These government bodies determine safety and efficiency.


There is no evidence that menstrual cups increase the risk of yeast or bacterial infections, but we do suggest using The DivaWash (or a pH balanced soap), because it does not leave a residue. Soap residue can cause irritations. As for all gynecological concerns, we suggest you consult your physician."


Diva cup FAQ's answers many of your questions. :)


I've used one for two years and never had a problem.



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According to the Diva cup site, the cup is more sanitary than tampons or pads.


Diva Cup FAQ's, regarding bacterial infections:


"The DivaCup has been cleared for marketing by the FDA and Health Canada. Menstrual cups have undergone rigorous reviews for over 30 years. These government bodies determine safety and efficiency.


There is no evidence that menstrual cups increase the risk of yeast or bacterial infections, but we do suggest using The DivaWash (or a pH balanced soap), because it does not leave a residue. Soap residue can cause irritations. As for all gynecological concerns, we suggest you consult your physician."


Diva cup FAQ's answers many of your questions. :)




They are trying to sell the product, though, hehee, so while I do trust what they are saying, I also take into account that they want me to buy their product.


But, I think it is great to know you haven't had problems in your time using it! My friend has only used it for one month, so she doesn't have a lot of time behind her belt.

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I love love love it.


There have been no reported cases of toxic shock with any of the menstrual cups.


I empty it twice a day at home, every 12h, and wash it with soap and water. At the end of my cycle, i wash it with soap and water, drop it in a little glass, fill the glass with 1/2 h202 and half water, let it soak overnight, rinse it, let it air dry, then put it away till next time.....when i need it, i just rinse it, then insert....



You may find some of my old posts here:



I wrote a bunch in this thread:




I have used every single brand on the market with the exception of the Miacup. Imo, the Lunette is the best. On menstrualcups.org the lunnette, while not the most used overall, is the generally the one that has the highest rate of success - ie a higher percentage of ppl that buy it are able to use it and love it. While many many more have the DivaCup, the percentage of users that find it uncomfortable is much greater - it's longer and stiffer.


I used the Diva for a couple of years....always feeling a slight twinge of discomfort but tolerating it b/c it was so much better than any other option. Then one day I decided to hit the internet and see if there was a better option. I ordered both sizes of every available cup (the MiaCup wasn't out yet).



large ladycup - largest cup available.....but very very soft silicone so it's comfortable. and molds to your shape. I would like it the best but i always have a tiny bit of leaking with it. never enough to leak through clothes, but just enough to make it unacceptable to me. it's the softest so even though it's large, it's very comfortable. insertion might be difficult for a new user b/c it collapses very easily.....it's not difficult to get it in with a little practice.


small ladycup - tiny! might be good for a teen


large lunette - holds 2nd largest volume iirc. will likely appeal to the largest variety of users. shorter than the diva, slightly thinner silicone, but pops open more easily - very easy to use, very very comfortable. never leaks.


small lunette - also tiny....might be good for a teen


large and small mooncup uk - i like the small one (even though i'm over 30 and have had two kids). neither of them leak, both easy to insert. the longer one i can feel even though I've cut the stem off. the small one i have to change more frequently so i don't use it.


Keeper and Moon Cup - the original modern usa cups. keeper is latex and brown, moon cup is silicone. too large, too long. I don't love them.


FemmeCup - like them okay, prefer the smaller over the larger but they're fine. I still vote for the lunette.


Diva - if it's comfy for a person, great - but if it's not, it sucks. it's one of the stiffer ones, pretty large, and the longest of the lot. the small one might be better but why not just get a shorter cup to start with (any of them)


I find it interesting that even though the 'larger' size is always designated for the woman who's been pregnant - regardless of type of birth and/*or* is over 30 (even if never pregnant). Many of us use the small cups just fine....some even prefer them, though they do need to be emptied more frequently.


I've had to empty in public before and it's fine....I just wash my hands prior to entering the stall, remove it, hope it doesn't fall in, dump it, wipe it off with tp or pt (not ideal but manageable), then reinsert. I take it out again at home to wash it and reinsert.


It's amazing....being able to attend to it only every 12 hours. I love it!!!! I can't believe I wasted so many years on tampons and pads.


The Mia also looks wonderful. I think it's most closely related in shape to the Lunette.....more $$ though.




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TSS is from absorbant materials. This doesn't absorb anything. It also creates a seal, so I'm wondering if it would therefore keep out air, therefore preventing any bacteria growth. I'm just thinking aloud here. Also, is it really hygenic to sit in your own "product" for hours on end? :confused: I mean, with pads, there is no way to stay clean, iykwim.


I've tried the Diva Cup, but I've had a hard time getting it to seal. I think it takes practice. I use Instead more often, which works the same way, but has a different shape. Yes, it is gross when you take it out, but it is short-lived. With pads, it is gross the entire time you have your period! :glare: Plus, with a cup, no smell!

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I've also used one for a few years. It is my understanding that part of the reason tampons/sponges etc can cause bacterial problems if left in too long is that they absorb fluids and can dry out the membranes. Diaphragms can trap bacteria that may be introduced through sexual intercourse. The diva cup doesn't absorb anything and you wouldn't be wearing it during sex, so it is actually much safer. I think it's great b/c not only is it good for the environment but you don't have to carry supplies with you wherever you go.

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Toxic shock syndrome is also about the proliferation of bacteria with a highly absorbent material.


Exactly. Which is why it's so wonderful! It's not absorbent. And if you're clean, and your hands are clean then it's all good. It's nothing like a diaphraghm (you're not adding another substance to it before sliding it in and it's not left in during sexual activity when a partners hands or saliva can and do introduce other bacteria.




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The whole concept seemed extra gross to me at first, because you are essentially carting around a sloshing cup of lady goo, until you dumb it out and reinsert. Then it seems like you would spill it all over the place when you are trying to take it out--it just seems extra messy.


My other major MAJOR concern is bacteria-.....snip....... I really am a bit nervous about bacteria growth, infection, etc. both with the pooled "blood" and the frequent in and out of a reusable (re: non-sterile) cup.


It doesn't sound like you are the best candidate for it.....I'm hearing a lot of concern in your words.



But sometimes it's just all in the details and as those details become clearer, the concerning thing isn't so concerning after all, yk? :)

So I'll continue to clarify .....


TMI alert:





















When you empty it, you're sitting on the toilet....you just pull it out gently, then tip it to empty into the toilet....it doesn't have a chance to spill anywhere b/c you've already got it over the toilet.....so that's good. I have a few squares of tp ready in my hand....I set in down on that. Then wipe, put myself together, pick up the empty cup that's resting on the tp, toss the tp into the toilet, flush toilet, walk a few steps to the sink, wash my hands and the cup with the handsoap, filling it a few times with water and blocking the opening with my hand to, squeezing it to force water through the tiny holes at the top of the rim to clean them out. Then I rinse it well, gently shake it downward in the sink, walk back to the toilet and reinsert. The whole process takes maybe a 75-90 seconds.....less when I'm in the other bathroom and can reach the sink from the toilet:)

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I've been using a Diva cup off and on for 3 years (was pg during that time) and LOVE it! I also use cloth pads on my lighter days when I don't feel like using the Diva. It does take a little bit of practice to get it inserted correctly, but it's easy once you get the hang of it. I love being able to go 12 hours without having to worry. I'll never go back to regular tampons and pads again!


I've never really worried about getting an infection. I make sure my hands are clean when removing/inserting. If I'm home, I wash it with a mild soap and rinse it well when emptying it out. Sometimes I'll wipe it down with alcohol then rinse it really well with clear water before inserting. At the end of my cycle, I boil it for 5 minutes and it's ready to go the next month.

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I use the Diva cup. When I first got it, I had a hard time getting it in right so I gave up on it. Some time later, I got it out and tried again. I got it right that time and like using it. I have to wear a pad with it because it does leak...but only because my period is so heavy at times that I can fill it in an hour or two. I don't mind the leaking too much because if it weren't for the cup, I'd be stuck at home for the first few days of every cycle. Before the cup, I could guarantee I'd leak through an overnight pad and my clothes within an hour. Sometimes I'd be fine but would gush; when that happens I'd have leaked through everything before I could reach a restroom. The cup prevents that so it is worth any yuck of emptying it in a public restroom.

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TSS is from absorbant materials. This doesn't absorb anything. It also creates a seal, so I'm wondering if it would therefore keep out air, therefore preventing any bacteria growth. I'm just thinking aloud here. Also, is it really hygenic to sit in your own "product" for hours on end? :confused: I mean, with pads, there is no way to stay clean, iykwim.


I've tried the Diva Cup, but I've had a hard time getting it to seal. I think it takes practice. I use Instead more often, which works the same way, but has a different shape. Yes, it is gross when you take it out, but it is short-lived. With pads, it is gross the entire time you have your period! :glare: Plus, with a cup, no smell!


The lack of oxygen is what makes a volatile combination ...http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_gGENH/is_20050229/ai_2699003032/ If you are prone to bladder infections these are also not a good idea . To each her own though.

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I don't think they're any less safe than tampons are. I've used mine for nearly four years. For a short while, I switched back to tampons and promptly got a yeast infection that sort of hung around the whole time I was using them again. When I switched back to my Diva Cup...problem solved.


I do agree to each her own, but almost all the experiences I've read about with this have been good. I used to hang around on a very crunchy board and the cups were a frequent topic of discussion on one subforum. In general, the complaints were that people seemed to have problems learning to insert them and needed talking through, and in some people, they made existing cramp situations worse. However, many also reported the cessation of cramps altogether as well.


However, if you don't think you should be using tampons OR cups, then no, you're probably not a candidate.

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I use Instead, which is a disposable cup. You're supposed to use a new one each time you insert, but I'll admit that I wash mine, like you would a Diva (or other brand) cup. I throw it away at the end of my cycle. I've used these for almost a year now.


ETA: this might be TMI too, but worth mentioning...the only time it is uncomfortable for me is when I have a pending (I couldn't figure out what word to use) BM.

Edited by gardening momma
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I've been using the Diva Cup for about 2 years, and I love it!! It literally changed my life. Before, with using tampons and pads, I couldn't leave the house for 2-3 days of my period because I would have accidents from very heavy bleeding. Now I don't have that problem at all. I just have to empty it more often on those days, but I don't have any problems with leaking. And I am very prone to bladder infections, and that hasn't been a problem either. I also love that it's better for the environment!

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I absolutely love my Mooncup (which is made of silicone). I am very prone to UTI's but haven't had a single one (yet-- it's been a year). But I'm also meticulous with cleaning it-- I wash my hands before and after touching it and rinse it thoroughly in hot water after each emptying. Between uses it gets a good soap and water cleaning, and an occassional soak in hydrogen peroxide. Probably overkill, but so far so good. YMMV :)

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I've used it for 7 years. I'm not afraid to sleep at hotels anymore when I have my period. I put mine in when I expect my period to show up and check on it the next morning to empty.


I do not usually clean mine after emptying. I just pop it back in. After my period I just wash it briefly with hand soap.


I don't find it any more unpleasant than inserting a tampon. It doesn't feel like I'm ripping my insides out when it is removed like I felt with a tampon.


Oh, and I love my cloth panty liners. They are so much more comfortable. If you don't think you are a cup person, I highly recommend the cloth pads!!!

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I tried a Diva Cup between my two kids, and never did get it to work well for me.


Then, I tried a Moon Cup (silicone version of Keeper) after my second child was born. I've been hooked since. Yeah, it can be a little messy when emptying (twice a day), but I've gotten over it. For me it is much more comfortable than pads or tampons, so I'm content to put up with a couple extra hand washings a day during the first few days of my period.


I may get a Lunette someday, because I think the smaller size would work better for me, but I've gotten used to the MoonCup, so I'm not sure it'll be worth the $ to switch....

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I've used a Keeper for two years now and love it. I only use it on my heavy flow days. At first, I needed to empty it every 3-4 hours on my heavy days, but now I can go up to 12 hours on a heavy day. The amount of bleeding dropped considerably by my 2nd period with the Keeper. I also use cloth pads. They are FAR more comfortable than disposables.


So the first 2-3 days, I wear the Keeper and also use a pad to catch any leaks (not much). The other days I just use cloth pads.


I first read about the Keeper in Tightwad Gazette and thought it sounded gross and disgusting. I finally decided to try one after reading many post on the SL boards about how wonderful cups were. It is far cleaner than using just pads.


My 16yo and 13yo use cloth pads. My 16yo started off with disposable pads, but when I switched to cloth, I asked her to try cloth. After one day in cloth pads, she said to get rid of all the disposables, because she'd never wear them again. I have a stash of cloth pads put away for my youngest to use when she starts.

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The thought has crossed my mind to try this. I have used tampons for about 15 years now and it is hard for me to switch from what works. I know when to use which absorbency and have never had issues. No matter what, you have "lady goo" (LOL) there - in a pad, in a tampon, or in a cup. The cup sounds much better to allow "flow" (tampons sometimes stop the flow for me). I do wonder, though, if it works for someone who has pelvic floor prolapse? I have 1st degree, which is minor (until I hit menopause...then watch out!), but still...I wonder if it would be comfortable.

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I use the Diva cup. When I first got it, I had a hard time getting it in right so I gave up on it. Some time later, I got it out and tried again. I got it right that time and like using it. I have to wear a pad with it because it does leak...but only because my period is so heavy at times that I can fill it in an hour or two. I don't mind the leaking too much because if it weren't for the cup, I'd be stuck at home for the first few days of every cycle. Before the cup, I could guarantee I'd leak through an overnight pad and my clothes within an hour. Sometimes I'd be fine but would gush; when that happens I'd have leaked through everything before I could reach a restroom. The cup prevents that so it is worth any yuck of emptying it in a public restroom.



How would the emptying /rinsing scenario play out in a public bathroom??? Oh my! I am just thinking of standing next to someone in the walmart bathroom while they rinse their diva cup in the sink....:001_huh:

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This is interesting to me. May I say that I am so glad to have this board where we can discuss these things because I don't really have anyone I could ask about these IRL - although I might be surprised if I brought it up!


I am a person who finds normal tampons very uncomfortable, irritating, etc, would you think I could handle this? I never even used tampons for many years because I started around the time of TSS scare - or at least my mom was scared - so I only used pads for many many years. Blech! Messy! Now I use tampons but have yet to find any that I find comfortable. I can't see how this cup would be any messier, but comfort might be a problem. I am not on any birth control, we use condoms and have for many years, so I've never tried a diaphram or sponge or anything like that.


If you were new to all this, WWYD? Order several of the brands to try? Are they expensive?


BTW, I skipped my period this month - I'm 18 days late, and no, not pg. I am about to turn 42 though. :confused: Maybe this is a moot point...:glare:

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Family restroom in an emergency. They are usually self contained. However, despite having really heavy periods that would have me home bound with regular tampons or pads, I only have to change maybe 3-4 times a day on my heaviest days and I schedule it so that I'm home when I need to be. On my normal days I only have to dump twice, once when I wake up and again before bed.

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If you were new to all this, WWYD? Order several of the brands to try? Are they expensive?

When I was new to this, and read all about all the different cups available, I decided to start with the disposable one, Instead, which you can get at the grocery store, next to the tampons. Mine cost me $6.99 for a box of 12 at Kroger. The difference is that it doesn't have a stem to use to pull it out by--you have to reach up a little farther, but I got used to it.

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I do wonder, though, if it works for someone who has pelvic floor prolapse? I have 1st degree, which is minor (until I hit menopause...then watch out!), but still...I wonder if it would be comfortable.


I have a friend who has used the Instead cup for years and has pelvic floor prolapse. She's had no problem or discomfort.

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Family restroom in an emergency. They are usually self contained. However, despite having really heavy periods that would have me home bound with regular tampons or pads, I only have to change maybe 3-4 times a day on my heaviest days and I schedule it so that I'm home when I need to be. On my normal days I only have to dump twice, once when I wake up and again before bed.


ITA. There are several options for me. I usually try to empty before going somewhere where I'm not sure of the restroom situation. If I think I'll be gone a long time and my flow is at its heaviest, I'll back up with a pad. In a pinch (I have a weird phase in the middle where it looks my period is done, then it comes back with a vengeance :glare:), I've emptied and wiped with TP, then reinserted and waited until the restroom was empty so I could go wash my hands (not ideal, but it's the same mess I'd have with my non-applicator tampons). I know someone who brings a bottle of water with her into the stall so she can rinse and reinsert. And if I know I'm in a tricky situation, like an all day festival or something, I will actually go to tampons as a backup for the day. As I've gotten used to how my flow goes over that week, I've gotten much better at managing it. It's intimidating, but it ends up just not being that big of a deal.

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I looooove mine. I've used it for 3.5 years now and you couldn't pay me to go back to something else!! Once I snipped the tip on the Diva Cup, it is very very comfortable. I don't know how many times I've forgotten that it's even in during the day. I love not having to worry with it every time I go to the bathroom. I've gone swimming in it, I've jogged/elliptical/biked with it...heck, I've even done yoga in it more times than I can count. I finally feel like I'm in control of my period instead of it being in control of me.

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I absolutely love my DivaCup. I have used it for 2 years and never had any problems. The first couple of times that you use it, it can be a bit messy, but after you get used to it it's so easy to use. I have noticed a lot fewer cramps, backaches, etc since switching from tampons to my cup. I also switched from disposable pads to cloth pads and that has been fantastic as well (no more irritation from plastic icky pads!! YAY!). :D Don't get me wrong, I still don't really enjoy my period, it is just a lot more bearable now. HTH! :thumbup:

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I looooove mine. I've used it for 3.5 years now and you couldn't pay me to go back to something else!! Once I snipped the tip on the Diva Cup, it is very very comfortable. I don't know how many times I've forgotten that it's even in during the day. I love not having to worry with it every time I go to the bathroom. I've gone swimming in it, I've jogged/elliptical/biked with it...heck, I've even done yoga in it more times than I can count. I finally feel like I'm in control of my period instead of it being in control of me.


:iagree: I trimmed the stem on mine as well. I would definately recommend that.

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When I was new to this, and read all about all the different cups available, I decided to start with the disposable one, Instead, which you can get at the grocery store, next to the tampons. Mine cost me $6.99 for a box of 12 at Kroger. The difference is that it doesn't have a stem to use to pull it out by--you have to reach up a little farther, but I got used to it.


Just a note: Instead is worn very differently from cups, which means these products are a lot less similar than you might imagine. If one doesn't work for you, don't assume the other would be the same!


Instead is worn much like a diaphragm, up high near the cervix.


Menstrual cups, on the other hand, are intended to be placed much lower down. If you try to insert a cup like a diaphragm or like Instead, it'll be very uncomfortable and will almost certainly leak.


I've never gotten Instead to work for me: too much leaking. But after a few cycles of experience with a cup (Moon Cup), I've had no leakage.

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I love my Diva Cup, although it did take me a few months to get good at insertion/ removal. And I actually wound up getting the size small, instead of the large even tho i've had 2 children and am over 30, but the small fits me so much better. I've heard some folks say they've experimented with a few different brands. But they last so much longer, and they are so much more comfortable.

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I've been using a Divacup for a few years now. I haven't had any problems, once I learned how to get it inserted properly. I also have a tilted uterus, and that is always a problem when I have my paps, but I have NO problems using the cup.


:iagree: This is me, to a "T" (which sounds fine when I say it, but looks weird when typed). Love, love, love my Divacup!

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