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So tell me...what is the least amount of calories per day that you need to be *happy*

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From Sept-Dec, I lost 25 lbs (and then promptly got pregnant...lovely! LOL), and for me, I wanted around 1400-1500....but that was with working out for about an hour a day and wrangling my toddlers. ;) I was happy as long as I had about 100-200 calories left at the end of the day to veg in front of the TV and eat something - usually a frozen weight watchers yogurt or some cool whip free w/frozen blueberries :)

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I've been following the Eat to Live diet, and it's hard work (a lot of chewing!) to get to 1200 calories a day on this. I've never been able to tolerate being under 1800 before but this is leaving me comfortably satisfied at 1200.


I did have one day where I got close to 1500 (and actually lost two lbs. in a 24 hr period when I did that).

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I lost a lot of weight eating 1800-2000 calories a day, and walking. And it was a LOT of food, because it was low-fat, vegan. :)


Then I decided to relax.


Now I need to get started again. I have a wedding (my older dd) in January!

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Not sure the exact amount but it is greater than 1500. I was doing the Shakelee Cinch program, lost 7lbs, tracking 1500 calories a day. It was rough betwek 6 pm and bedtime.


I got sick. Stopped. And now I need to get back to it again. But I know I can't do that low for really long. Maybe I'll try 1650 and see how it goes and try to inch it back down.


1500 makes me ugly.

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I have absolutely no clue! I've never counted calories.

I must be a freak! Does everyone count calories?


I don't count calories either. I know if the weight starts creeping up to simply eat less - smaller portions, no snacks. I try to eat healthy and get some exercise, but it would drive me batty to try to count calories.

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Counting calories tends to make me feel deprived. That's part of why I love Eat to Live -- I have to focus so much on eating all the food I'm"supposed" to eat, that there's not a lot of time to feel like I'm missing out on other stuff. My calories stay very low without my having to think about them at all. And I don't feel like I'm missing out (most of the time -- and there's room for the occasional "cheat" when I really need it).

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It changes with my activity level. If I'm fairly inactive (read lazy), then really any more than 900 calories and I feel fat and bloated. If I'm somewhat active, then probably no more than 1200.


But, I am not a calorie counter. As someone else said, it puts too much focus on the food, which is not where I want my mind to be. But, I can't help but be conscious of what I'm eating, so while I'm not counting, I do have a rough estimate throughout the day.


I should also add, as I'm thinking about it, that it really depends on what the calories are that I'm consuming. If it's processed or high in sugar - basically empty calories - then that's when I feel the worst, even if it's only a few hundred calories. If they are nutrient-dense calories, then it really doesn't matter how many calories - the energy given by those nutrients is amazing and better than a workout.

Edited by Janna
Got to thinking about this as I was preparing lunch and wanted to add more.
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I have absolutely no clue! I've never counted calories.

I must be a freak! Does everyone count calories?


No, not everyone. But not counting carlories has not worked for me to stay on top of what I eat. I have to watch my intake of healthy bread, pasta, potatoes, rice and milk (even skim). I do like fruits and veggies but I can't consist on them alone. I tried and I felt hungry about half an hour after I ate at every meal and snack. I went to bed with my stomach growling and woke up with it growling as well. So maybe I'm the freak since I can't eat like that.


I did read Eat to Live this past week and learned that he recommends giving up all animal and dairy products. He allows for very lean fish once or twice a week and one egg white per week. He suggests limiting cooked high-starch grains and veggies to one cup per day. This will include one corn on the cob, one small potato, or one cup of brown rice or sweet potato. And he recommends replacing meat with mushrooms. I tried some suggestions but ew!


I got overweight because the of the way I ate and the foods I ate. I'm struggling trying to change it all. I've given up fast food, soda, and my favorite desserts like cookies, candy and cakes. I've managed to give up sugar and sugary items. But it's not enough. I haven't lost weight. I feel totally helpless and absolutely stupid. It's going to be a lot tougher giving up whole grain bread, potatos, and rice. I feel like all I can eat is salad, fruit and beans. Maybe if I stuck to those things, I'd lose weight afterall because I'd get so tired of eating them after 2 days that I would stop eating at all.

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it depends on the type of calories. right now, i eat around 1200 calories a day and am never hungry or feeling deprived. however, if i ate 1200 calories of processed food, i'd need 2500 calories or more to feel satisfied!


I am so envious. I eat a mostly whole foods diet, but I cannot do 1200 calories. I am sure that if I did, I would not be 30 lbs over my "fighting weight", but I can barely handle 1500 calories for a short period of time. For me it is not about feeling satisfied, but about not fainting due to low blood sugar.

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I need about 1800 to be happy. I can do ok for the short term on 1600, and do a little longer term at 1700. 1500 would make me a wet noodle. Unfortunately, my metabolism just isn't keeping up since I am on the downward side of 40.


Me too. To lose weight at a decent rate, I need to be at more like 1600 or 1700, but I feel annoyed and frustrated and deprived.


I have absolutely no clue! I've never counted calories.

I must be a freak! Does everyone count calories?


I have to in order to lose weight. Otherwise it's too easy for me to tell myself that my portions are small enough or that that "little" bite of cake doesn't mean much to my intake for the day. I do loathe doing it. Like Abbey, it makes me feel deprived. However, I recently lost some weight because I was counting, and that success made it less odious :D


How do so many people know how many calories you consume each day? I have no clue.


I really, really need to lose weight, so I had to start paying attention. It was tedious and frustrating, but I'm about 10 pounds lighter now, so it was worth it. I'm not counting now, but my appetite has shrunk some along with my waistline (well, my thighs, really :glare:), so I'm kind of coasting on that while life has been crazy, and will continue to be so for the next week or so. Fingers crossed that I can keep listening to my body!

Edited by melissel
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When I'm less active, 1200-1400 would suit me, but now with regular intense exercise I try to stay under 1600 or 1700, around there. I was logging my food and exercise on SparkPeople for quite a while and when my calories burned and number of hours of weekly exercise increased, so did my assigned calorie limit and it was pretty much right on the money.

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I really dont' know. I am not a calorie counter but I do know that if I don't have enough calories no one likes to be around me. On the flip side if I eat more than I should I start having very depressing thoughts? Anyone else experience feeling sad and/or depressed if you eat to much?

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Counting calories tends to make me feel deprived. That's part of why I love Eat to Live -- I have to focus so much on eating all the food I'm"supposed" to eat, that there's not a lot of time to feel like I'm missing out on other stuff. My calories stay very low without my having to think about them at all. And I don't feel like I'm missing out (most of the time -- and there's room for the occasional "cheat" when I really need it).


I totally agree with that. I did decide to track my calories for five days in a row and it was enough to satisfy my curiosity (I use Fitday). I was curious not only about calories, but percentage of calories from fat and certain nutrients. I was low in a couple of minerals--but not the ones people think of when they hear you are following a vegan diet.


I tracked it for five days now and I'm done. I find it a useful tool if I need info or something doesn't feel right. Now I know I might want to pick up a zinc supplement and/or try to add some zinc rich foods.


ETA: I am following Eat to Live.

Edited by darlasowders
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I found I can manage 1200-1400 and be quite happy if I'm careful about what makes up those 1200-1400 calories. Until recently, I couldn't handle dieting without getting depressed, but I think I found what works for me. I've only lost about 7 lbs so far, but it was the first weight I've lost in ages and the easiest too. I went off the diet when we got busy, but I kept off what I lost without trouble by remembering my secret weapon: high fiber cereal.


I'm a carb addict and I'm miserable when I give up carbs. I especially love cereal. I've tried some of the Zone or South Beach type things in the past. I don't get over the carb addiction, I instead start to get really depressed as time goes on. The opposite extreme was Eat to Live, which I followed faithfully for 10 weeks. I didn't mind that one most of the time, but I had trouble sticking to what they allowed and once again, I got depressed at times.


When I started simply tracking my calories on FitDay.com and using the Kashi high fiber cereal for snacks, the weight started to come off and I never felt hungry. I plan out my meals and eat about half the normal servings (half a sandwich, half a potato, etc.), and if it's not enough, I have a half serving of high-fiber, low sugar cereal. It must be 8-10 grams of fiber and less than 140 calories per full serving. I find myself forgetting to eat lunch or sometimes not even eating quite enough, and I want to at least hit 1200.


Anyway, it seems to help keep this carb addict happy so I thought I'd mention it.

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