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So what do you wear when you're at home? Do you get fully dressed as if you were leaving the house? Do you get dressed at all?


How about the kids?


If I'm not leaving the house I wear a tee/tank and jersey shorts/sweats. I might rake a brush through my hair.


I get puked on all day by the baby. So I figure why stain my "going out in public" clothes.


If I don't force my kids to get dressed they would live in pjs.

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I get dressed every day as if I'm leaving the house. Jeans or capris and a nice t-shirt, fixed hair and makeup.


My boys get dressed every day as well. Their hair gets brushed, on average, 5 out of 7 days.


If we don't get cleaned up and dressed we tend to bum it and not get as much accomplished. During the school year we only have one day where we don't have Judo, co-op, or piano in the afternoons, so that's also incentive to get cleaned up.

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So what do you wear when you're at home? Do you get fully dressed as if you were leaving the house? Do you get dressed at all?


How about the kids?


If I'm not leaving the house I wear a tee/tank and jersey shorts/sweats. I might rake a brush through my hair.


I get puked on all day by the baby. So I figure why stain my "going out in public" clothes.


If I don't force my kids to get dressed they would live in pjs.


DS has to change out of the clothes he slept in, but I don't care what he wears around the house.


I usually wear sweats or sweat shorts and a t-shirt, socks if it's cool in the house. My hair is usually in a pony tail so it's not in my face. When I'm really depressed, though, I find it helps my mood to get dressed as if going to, say, the library and doing my hair. I prefer to comfortable over fashionable so even my out of the house clothes are jeans and decorative t-shirts. I spent too many years in the '80s wearing uncomfortable clothes, hair and make up just to look the part. I figure I've paid my dues! Dh loves my hair in a ponytail and isn't big on make up so I've got it made!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I get fully dressed but I have "at home" clothes and "going out" clothes. The at home clothes are usually older things that I'm not ready to get rid of but I don't care too much if something happens to them.


In the summer at home is denim shorts and t-shirts, summer going out is usually capris and a couple of nice shirts that I bought in spring.


ETA: I am a messy cook and gardener, so I have to change whenever I decide to go somewhere anyway.

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During the day, I often wear what I call "Mom blob" clothes. I do get dressed, but very bummy unless and until we leave the house OR before dh comes home. He works very hard, and I think he deserves not to have to look at a slob. Sometimes I don't get it together before he comes home, but I try to. This is "my" thing, not his, b/c I do not think he would mind if I were bummy since I sometimes am. I feel this is a way of honoring him. If I leave the house, I am nicely dressed, hair and make-up done. I do this to be a positive relection on my dh who works to provide for our family.


Ds gets up and dressed every day. Usually just gym shorts and a t-shirt. On RARE occasions, we will have a pajama day, but not so much now that ds is older.

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It's hot and humid here so it's mostly capris and tanks at home. I do have some items I don't wear out of the house. Usually I will throw a shirt or jacket over my tank if I leave. I don't do bare arms outside of the house that often.


I've tried to buy some comfy clothes to wear around the house, like dressy sweats and cute summer tops. I work on not looking like a slob when dh comes home.

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I like to shower first thing, so my hair is always casually fixed. Usually pulled up, but bangs are mildly styled into place (ie..not plastered stiff, but I smooth into place or lightly curl if they're looking wild). I don't usually wear makeup or jewelry.


Jean shorts/capris/khaki shorts and nicer t-shirts or golf shirts.


Matching sweatsuits (sweatsuit pants with a co-ordinating shirt and/or sweatshirt in the winter.) Dh likes these, but doesn't like messy sweatsuits w/ a ragged t-shirt. :tongue_smilie:


Shoes are usually sandals/crocs/keens....so I just slip on before we leave.



The girls dress in a similar way, but also like to wear dresses.

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Well, when I do get dressed I get dressed all the way.


When I have my coffee and breakfast, I'm in my pj's. Then I exercise in my exercise clothes. Then I shower and put my pj's back on while I put my makeup on and put the gel/etc. in my hair. I don't like putting day clothes on while my hair is wet.


Then I get dressed -- usually a denim or khaki skirt and a top with sandals. After dinner or when the boys start getting ready for bed, I put my night-time jeans and a t-shirt on. These are my gardening, biking, hiking, lounge around pants. If I have major cleaning to do, I wear these jeans.


The boys change from their pjs to their day clothes. Today they are both wearing navy shorts and short-sleeved polo shirts. They both dress sort of cute and preppy. Their character shirts have always been put into the pajama cabinet, so they usually wear striped or solid shirts as their day clothes.

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MOst days I get up and walk the dog. That means I put on shorts or skort and tshirt and walk him in my neighborhood. When I am sick, I either let him out in my very large backyard or have someone else walk him or let him out. THen I don't get out of my nightgown or pjs. If I am going to an appointment of some kind, I get dressed more formally like skirt and tshirt or pants and tshirt. The type of tshirt I wear is dependent on the formalness level. For walking the dog, I wear casual type. For going out, I wear embellished or better quality tshirts.

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Fully dressed. Same for dc. (I never wear makeup.) No shoes in the house (as if our disgusting carpet were worth saving !). This is not a "guest rule", just what we, ourselves do. (I put on shoes when somebody comes over !)


Not only is this personal preference, it also is "big picture" helpful for special needs people (dc and me), in that anything which contributes to "structure" is vital.


I don't care much for shorts/slacks, but will wear them at home when cleaning. Sweats during very cold weather, which is "blue moon weather" here in Texas ! Out of the house, I wear only dresses or skirts/shirts. (I also find the latter far more comfortable for ease of movement than I find shorts/jeans to be.)

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I don't have babies around any more. These days I mostly wear jeans/corduroys with a plain t-shirt, slightly fancier cardigan and a necklace. I wear a bunch of silver bangles that I never take off, and rings. I don't wear makeup every day, but probably put on powder and lipstick a few times a week. I occasionally make it to lunch time before getting dressed, but that's pretty rare. The boys always get dressed before school. Oh, and none of us wears shoes in the house (Asian habits).



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I get dressed every day as if I'm leaving the house. Jeans or capris and a nice t-shirt, fixed hair and makeup.


My boys get dressed every day as well. Their hair gets brushed, on average, 5 out of 7 days.


What she said, sans makeup and adding girls with the boys. My standard outfit is capris with a cute tee or top whether I'm home or out for the day. If I know we're not going anywhere I may be more likely to wear an old looking shirt, but I usually try to phase those out of rotation.


I do have the kids get dressed daily. It just sets a better and more effective tone to our day to have everyone ready to go. That and we never actually stay indoors all day, this time of year. The only thing that keeps my desert rats inside is really cold weather. :lol:


Every couple/few months we do declare a jammy day. Just 'cause.

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Well, we get dressed, but in my case, it's not pretty.:confused: In the winter, sweats, cotton long sleeve t-shirts, no makeup. Yes, I brush my hair, but unfortunately it doesn't look good unless I style it, so I usually end up throwing a baseball cap on. In the summer, it's workout type capris & tank or t-shirt. Old ones.


Okay, this is pitiful! What have I become????:eek: I really need to get myself together, I guess. I only have 2 dc, and neither of them are babies or toddlers, like some of you have. Some of you who get dressed in decent clothes & make yourselves presentable.

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I struggle with this, so I'll be :lurk5:


Most days we don't go anywhere, so I have a bad habit of staying in my PJs (when I wake up, I try to go straight to work so I can some done before they wake up). This has led to DD6 never wanting to get dressed either :glare: DD3 likes to get up and dressed right away, which I always support and encourage. (In fact, she JUST asked if it was OK if she gets dressed before she eats breakfast. Like I would say no! :lol:)


On the days when I do get dressed, I try to wear around-the-house shirts, but it seems inevitable that on those days, I have to run somewhere in a hurry and need to change anyway, or I forget and wear my bleach stained shirts out by accident :001_rolleyes: I'm starting to lean toward just wearing nicer clothes, since I feel better in them anyway, but this definitely results in my nicer clothes having more cooking and "shelf stains," as someone put it :lol:


That said, if I had a baby that was puking on me all the time, I'd stay in my PJs most of the day too. It's just a phase and will pass soon :D

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Eh. I get dressed in whatever comes to hand in the am thats suitable for the weather. Jogging pants or shorts, tshirt or sweatshirt.


Kids...well, Diva is in her jammies most days til noon, Princess prefers to be 50% nekkid *still potty training...if she's wearing anything on her bottom half, she wets usually* and Tazzie whatever he wants. We get changed if we go out anywhere. I usually get Princess to wear a dress, that way she's not mooning everyone in the house, but she still will use the toilet.

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So what do you wear when you're at home? Do you get fully dressed as if you were leaving the house? Do you get dressed at all?


How about the kids?

I'll usually dress in what I'm going to wear for the day, *when* I get dressed (noonish some days). It's up to the kids what they do, though they get clean underwear, hair combed, etc. before breakfast so they're ready to get ready. :) We two "must have on underwear" rules -- one to be downstairs and the other for when doing school stuff. When they were younger and we had a morning outing, I'd dress them in their next day clothes at bedtime (Hanna cotton knits, so no wrinkles). We're not good at mornings.
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I dress the same (complete hair, makeup, & outfit) whether I stay home or go out. We leave the house pretty much every day though, even if it is just to the park or library for a small stretch of time. We also have frequent and drop-in visitors. If we've had a messy day at home, I might change my shirt to a fresh or cleaner one before we go out - but all shirts come from the same stash. I don't separate our everyday outfits into "home" or "going out" categories.


This was a habit instilled in me as a child, very strictly. I'm not strict about my own kids changing immediately into their "clothes for the day" but they tend to do so, I suppose from my lead.

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We get dressed everyday.

I wear casual clothes but always something I can go out in if I need to. I don't wear make-up in the summer unless I am dressing up. I do brush/style my hair but that takes me about 10 minutes maximum.

None of us feel like doing much until we have showered and gotten dressed. So if we stay in PJ's, we don't get anything done.

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I dress the same (complete hair, makeup, & outfit) whether I stay home or go out. We leave the house pretty much every day though, even if it is just to the park or library for a small stretch of time. We also have frequent and drop-in visitors.

This was a habit instilled in me as a child, very strictly. I'm not strict about my own kids changing immediately into their "clothes for the day" but they tend to do so, I suppose from my lead.



Same here-my mother always told me that you never know what a day may hold. I guess it was her girl version of the boy scout's always be prepared thing.

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We have town clothes and *play* clothes, so we dress according to what we need to do each day. Usually I wear my not so great clothes at home daily. Everyone is supposed to be dressed by 9 am, but the two littler ones sometimes don't find clothes until closer to lunch. I wear jeans or capris and either a t-shirt or a tank top. (Stained ones for home, non-stained for town.) ;)


Shoes are optional indoors, but the mud/snow boots are only allowed into the laundry room. I'm usually in socks so that the mosquitoes don't bite my feet. (Yes, the mosquitoes are THAT bad even indoors here.)

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I always get dressed. In winter it's jeans and sweater; summer is tank top and shorts. Hair in a ponytail. I swore off make-up and panty hose when I left the workforce, and I've stuck to it. :001_smile: In the summer the girls must get dressed, shorts/top, because they're outside so much. In winter, some days they're in sleepy pants all day. When we leave the house or if we have company coming, we will look appropriate. If you drop by unannounced, you get what you see.



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