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would you consider this harassment/ stalking?

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I can't share too many other details, so if you simply can't make a decision one way or the other, that's fine. This is apparently quite a subjective topic.



If you lived towards the end of a cul de sac and someone drove down the street, slowed in front of your house, took a picture, then left...... but did this 5 times over the course of about 3-4 weeks, would you consider that harassment or stalking? would you call the police?


The house is not for sale.

They aren't parking in "surveillance mode."



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If it's someone you know or recognize, yeah, I'd be a bit freaked out and would probably call the authorities to get something on record. If it's a total stranger...I don't know. There are a bunch of reasons for having strangers take pictures of your house/neighborhood (Google Earth and real estate comps come to mind). That said, I'd probably still call the police to get something on record with them.


Scary :( I'm sorry you're having to deal with it :grouphug:

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I don't necessarily think it's harassment or stalking. Hopefully you're not asking for a legal opinion, because I have no authoritative knowlege on the subject. I'm just saying that it would take more than that for me to think it was over the line, kwim? If the person was clearly taking pictures of my children, or me, that would put it into another category for me. If the person saw me notice them, and had a threatening expression on their face, that would also do it for me. But on the basis of the original question as asked, no. I hope it turns out ok for you.

ETA I don't disagree with the folks who've said you should take down a license #. I would certainly do that. I would only let them see you taking a photo of *them* if you're pretty sure you already know *why* it's happening, and it seems like you're not in actual physical danger.

Edited by Julie in CA
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It wouldn't hurt to call the non-emergency number, as has been suggested, even if there is likely an innocent explanation. It could be a Realtor taking pictures for some sort of neighborhood package, or a local zoning guy, or something else that will amount to nothing.


But a call will settle your nerves, if nothing else.

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Our police station always tells us they'd rather we call when it's not an emergency than wait till it is. :) Go ahead and call the non-emergency number and ask. At the very least, maybe they've had similar complaints and can tell you it's Google Earth or whoever. If not, they can best advise you what you should do.

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If there were other behaviors accompanying the photo taking, I would consider it stalking/harassment.

Such as- if the person taking the photos had threatened someone living in the house being photographed, or

had for some reason been taunting them verbally, etc.

IIRC, this is a bullyish thing that's being done, and in THAT case it is definitely creepy/stalkerish/harassment.

I would report it, and get a restraining order. (though I don't know how effective a restraining order would be if the stalker lives right next door to the 'victim')


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I agree with taking down the license number and checking with the non-emergency sheriff's line. The nice sheriff will come to your door and ask you a couple of questions, research it, and get back to you. Hopefully, you'll have some answers and your peace of mind restored.


If there's a harmless explanation, the photo taker may think twice. If I admire someone's yard or the new paint on their home. I will knock and ask them if it's okay if I take a picture. It feels like I'm violating their privacy otherwise. But that's just me. Hey, I've come away with some great gardening tips and the actual paint colors:D


I'm sorry this is making you uncomfortable. Please keep us up-to-date.:grouphug:

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Thanks for your opinions everyone.


don't worry --I'm not the one having someone drive by taking pictures of my house.


and yes Snickerdoodle, I have advised people to take pictures/ set up a videocamera before to be in CYA mode. Document everything.


Google earth, eh? I'll have to check that out.

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How would you prove it? Not unless you put a camera out there and caught him on video every time has has come by.....or someone else sees this person every time he comes by....it seems it would be their word against yours.....

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One or two pictures I would think about Google or a realtor, but 5!! Hello, I would think it was a safety issue for my kids and myself. I have seen enough movies of stalkers taking pictures of little kids before they kidnap them. I would call the non-emergency police number and give a license plate number and car description. At least they would have something to go on if anything horrible ever did happen. Better safe than sorry!

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We just had a car parked on our street once with someone sitting in it. It sat there several hours and my neighbor called all of us to ask if any one was expecting someone.


I told her it could by someone trying to serve legal papers or a private detective - that there are legal and legitimate explanations, but she took the license and called the police. They ran the plates and told her that she absolutely should call about anything suspicious.

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How would you prove it? Not unless you put a camera out there and caught him on video every time has has come by.....or someone else sees this person every time he comes by....it seems it would be their word against yours.....


This is why it's important to keep records. A tally, with times and dates noted, will stand up in court.


If I were feeling threatened by this type of activity, I would definitely collect the data. And it's not much trouble, and sure doesn't hurt to have that information, even if it never comes to any legal action.

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Is there something amiss with your yard, fence, or house structure ? You might have a "vigilante neighbor" collecting photos for some silly attempt to have you slapped by the city for zoning or code violation(s).


Get that license plate number, and make/model of the car !

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Is this related to that friend you mentioned before with the psycho neighbors. You went and took photos of their place to prove a point right? I think I recall you mentioning that these drive by photographers were doig other things towards your friends right? I would be reporting it, let the police determine if it is classified as stalking or harassment, but a call to the police is definitely in order. Even if they can not charge these people yet, there will be documentation related to this and the police can talk to the people doing this and warn them to back off.

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Did you just buy your house in the last year?? I had the same thing happening months after we bought our house. I called our lender, insurance agent and realtor. Because so few houses were selling, in order for a house to sell at a certain price they need picture evidence of a house like it that has sold with in a year. So, I had tons of realtors taking pictures of my house. I freaked out, until I was told what it was.


Question- Is it the same car, same person each time?

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Is this related to that friend you mentioned before with the psycho neighbors. You went and took photos of their place to prove a point right? I think I recall you mentioning that these drive by photographers were doig other things towards your friends right?


No :) That was settled pretty quickly when i threatened to post the video of them being a jacka$$ on youtube complete w/ their names. I don't pull too many punches when it comes to mean people.


This is a friend in another city. she's been there awhile.

But this is definitely enough for me to try to convince her to call, so thanks. :D

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I would probably assume they admired my house, landscaping, window shades, fencing, pets, or something else, and wanted pictures so they could duplicate it. Shrug. I'm not sure this would worry me.


{{it likely wouldn't worry ME either, which is why i wanted to know if it would set off anyone else's radar......}}

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My master's thesis touched on stalking behavior. I would definitely report it even if they don't think anyone is angry with them. It doesn't have to be anger based harassment. Someone could have formed an irrational attachment or delusion about either the house or someone in it. Unless they are new to the neighborhood and it is likely to be insurance, realtors,etc, and they are in different cars, I would report it. In my research I found cases of people being stalked because they smiled and greeted a customer at a counter, they sat next to a person on a plane, all kinds of chance encounters. IF you need more information about typical stalking behavior, you can PM me.

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:iagree: I agree with Chris, that is jam packed full of wisdom!


I have to add this, though: I could be considered a stalker! :blushing: I do have an attachment to a house. We lived there for years, then my dad died. We moved a year later. My dad had this love of white pine trees. He planted one in the front yard before he died, twenty years ago. Every year we drive by and park in front of the house and snap some pics. I even had my maid of honour snip some branches to put in my bridal bouquet! The first owners knew it was us, but it has since sold again and I'm really not interested in explaining ourselves, unless they ask.

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