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Convention--do you take your children with you?

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Thanks Jean! Good to "see" you. Are you going to the WHO convention? I have never been and am wondering if I should go.


No, I'm not going this year. I have a high school reunion one day and a Ladies' Tea the next. (The convention actually sounds a lot more exciting to me. But I gave my word that I'd go to both of these events so I'm stuck!)

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If I had to take my children with me, I would not go. Actually, the convention I usually attend does not allow children other than nursing babes. I'm extremely grateful that I don't have to deal with either my own children, or other people's children during the one weekend a year that I use as a planning retreat. I love my children, but I get just *one overnight* a year without them. :001_smile:

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DH goes with me and we make it a "date weekend". Lots of education & some R&R mixed in.


I took kids one time but just to pick up curriculum. They were very good & helpful.... but it is more fun with just the grownups.


I may change as they get into jr. high b/c some of the Atlanta conventions actually offer educational opps for them. Our B'ham convention is much smaller & doesn't offer as much.... so it is a great time for them to go down to grandmas for a weekend visit!

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I took my nursing baby and actually enjoyed having him along. He was easygoing, and people were so kind. I remember going through the vendor hall when he was nearly 1yo and he had fallen asleep in the sling. He was like a big rubber bumper wrapped around my midsection! Folks gave me a wide berth and the vendors cheerfully put my things in my backpack or in the rolling suitcase for me.


There is a secular convention locally that offers children's seminars. My kids really enjoy coming with me and take great delight in planning out their repertoire of science and art and games.


The Cincinnati convention offers a teen track. I have not brought my kids to this one previously, but have been thinking that I will probably bring dd when she is a freshman in high school so that she can enjoy a retreat as well.

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Absolutely! Homeschool is really more about them rather than me. I want their input. I want them to see what I am considering. Do they like it? Is it interesting to them? This is especially helpful if I am torn between curriculums. Often, they see things I had not considered. Dh goes too and we make it a family weekend. Dc pick out readers, art projects, science interests. Dh and I swap seminars. I do 90% of my planning ahead of time and go to conventions to finalize my choices, take advantage of the bargains, and have fun. For us, it is a wonderful family adventure and I wouldnt think of leaving dc behind.

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The one I go to occasionally is *very* family friendly. So mine have come sometimes. But it's also loud and large and overwhelming, and it's much easier for me to really inspect materials and consider purchases, etc, etc, if I don't have to think about them too. So I'd say it's generally easier to leave them home.

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DH goes with me and we make it a "date weekend". Lots of education & some R&R mixed in.

That's what we always did. The only exceptions were the years when we had a newborn, which we would take along with us.


Does that mean we USUALLY took children with us? Probably. :D

Edited by RegGuheert
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Not if I can help it.


Now, some conventions are very family oriented, such as The Link in So. Calif. But none of the ones I attended were planned that way. Their purpose was to provide education opportunities for the parents, and an exhibit hall to do marathon shopping. :-) I don't have a problem with either kind. I don't think there's anything wrong with parents being able to spend a day or two completely focussed on choosing methods and materials to teach their dc at home, and to be challenged and instructed and inspired in workshops, and to spend time with fellow adult hsers.

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For the past 2 years, we have gone as a family. It has been so much fun. Now that my boys are older, they can sit in on the seminars that interest them. In addition, everyone can see the new curriculum that I'm considering and give input. This has really helped me determine the course I'll take in couple subjects (science & math come to mind here). Going alone seems boring now, but the closest convention we have is at least an hour and half away.

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We are just wrapping up our first year of homeschooling. Still, I have managed to go to three conventions/conferences-and done a combination of no kids/some kids. The first one was in Atlanta, Ga, and just dh and I attended. We wanted to be able to totally concentrate and figure out exactly what we were doing. When we attended the Williamsburg anniversary conference, we took three of our children and made a mini-vacation out of it. Then my oldest dd (13) and I attended the NCHE convention here in NC. I wanted us to have some girl bonding time, and I knew that they had a dance for the tweens and teens. So, I guess it just depends on where it is, and what we're hoping to accomplish.

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Thanks Jean! Good to "see" you. Are you going to the WHO convention? I have never been and am wondering if I should go.


I've been to lots of conventions, and WHO is GREAT for children! Not too crowded, big aisles, things for children to do in the corners, restrooms nearby, seminars in the same building, etc. There are plenty of conventions that I would say NO WAY to bringing children, but WHO is fantastic for that. I think you should go for it.

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Nope, they would be bored to tears!


Several conventions had different rules for different sections so if you do decide to take them you may want to double check that they are allowed in all areas. The one I went to last weekend said yes, they were allowed in the exhibit hall, but no in the used curriculum hall, and I don't know about the convention halls"

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Once to HEAV and twice to NCHE. HEAV the younger 2 went to the children's stuff. At NCHE they went with either dh or myself. This year the older 2 went to a couple talks just the 2 of them and some friends. (yes, the middle one is included in both stories.)


It works pretty well for us. Take a Game Boy if you have kids old enough for it.

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I have done both. My first time years ago, it was just me and my sister-in-law. I think I enjoyed that one the most. The next year, I took my mom and my 5 year old dd. It was still pretty good. THEN... my teenaged ds learned all of his friends were going and that took over my convention life for a few years. The kids looked forward to the convention all year around because they had so much fun with their friends. I really didn't mind having my teenager along. It took some planning to have somebody available for my younger two. That part I didn't enjoy. This past year, just dh and I went on a spur of the moment trip to the NC convention. We had never been there before because we always were at the Florida one the same weekend. We only had 4 hours or so to shop, but it was fun. I think if your kids are older and can be left to entertain themselves - it can be nice to have them along. I would take my ds shopping and get his input. I think if your kids are younger and you have to have your eye on them the whole time - leave them home. Next year, I am looking forward to going back to Florida and leaving my dh to visit with the kids and his parents at their home in Florida. Yes, I am already thinking about it and it is a year away!

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My 12 yr dd and I were at this too, how neat!

We are just wrapping up our first year of homeschooling. Still, I have managed to go to three conventions/conferences-and done a combination of no kids/some kids. The first one was in Atlanta, Ga, and just dh and I attended. We wanted to be able to totally concentrate and figure out exactly what we were doing. When we attended the Williamsburg anniversary conference, we took three of our children and made a mini-vacation out of it. Then my oldest dd (13) and I attended the NCHE convention here in NC. I wanted us to have some girl bonding time, and I knew that they had a dance for the tweens and teens. So, I guess it just depends on where it is, and what we're hoping to accomplish.
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I took the baby last year (he was a few months old) and I can't say I'd describe it as FUN!:) This year I'm leaving all three at home with DH. I told DD5 that she could come if she wanted to. As first she liked the idea until she found out that the alternative was a day playing with daddy! I'd like to take them when they're older, if they can not be whiney about it. lol:) Doesn't seem too likely, does it?

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Actually, the convention I usually attend does not allow children other than nursing babes.


A homeschool convention that doesn't welcome families? :confused:


That makes no sense to me. Homeschooling is all about FAMILIES. I could never attend a convention that didn't allow our kids to come because I don't have anyone who could look after them (ds10 has multiple disabilities and there aren't many people who can handle him.)....nor would I *want* to attend one if they were not welcoming to families.


(I've never been to a convention, they don't have them anywhere I've lived yet)


Just doesn't seem to fit. Of all places, I would expect something geared for homeschoolers to be as family-friendly as possible. :001_huh:

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I am all for kids - we home school , family integrates church, etc. - but I recently attended a convention and I could barely hear the speaker through the crying babies, kids walking up and down the aisles, papers shuffling from drawing, kids asking to go to the bathroom/have another toy/state that they were bored/ask for a snack or water... , parents correcting kids, etc. It was really frustrating. I paid a bunch of money to be there, and for childcare (a rarity for me) and I really wanted to hear what the speakers were saying. It was nearly impossible. You can even hear the kids over the speaker on the convention cd I bought. Nursing babies - yes, absolutely - but please leave the room when they cry and fuss loudly (I mean CRY or FUSS, not baby noises). Older kids who can't remain silent (i.e. read a book and not fiddle around and make noise) - please consider skipping the lectures and getting cds of the speakers.

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Nope, I consider it a "teacher inservice day" :) Dh takes the day off and spends it with the kids. Ours (CHAP) is a two day convention so one year I did take my teen dd with me on Saturday so she could choose some books for herself.


I usually attend with my sister but she has enrolled her son in a private school so I guess I'm on my own for awhile.

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Absolutely not! I LOVE going to my homeschooling convention...I wander around, I flip through thousands of books, I eat whatever and whenever I feel like, I thoroughly enjoy the whole experience. It just wouldn't be the same with the kids. Or the husband. They just wouldn't love it like I do, and I wouldn't be able to totally and completely submerge myself in such fun.;)

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