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When folks check out your profile, but don't leave a message or a friend request?


I'm starting to feel like I'm the loser in a video dating service. I get checked out lots, but thats as far as it goes :crying:



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In my case, it usually means that I clicked in the wrong place accidentally when opening up a thread and ended up at someone's profile by mistake. I don't use the whole message/friend request stuff, so it's nothing personal at all when I end up viewing someone's profile.


Otherwise, I dunno.

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In my case, it usually means that I clicked in the wrong place accidentally when opening up a thread and ended up at someone's profile by mistake. I don't use the whole message/friend request stuff, so it's nothing personal at all when I end up viewing someone's profile.




Also, sometimes someone will reference "an earlier post" and I'll go to their profile before searching for previous posts/threads by that poster. Clear as mud? :)

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Sometimes I check profiles to see more about a person before I respond to a post. Maybe I think I remember a person has a high schooler and a middle schooler but not if they have a toddler. If the info isn't in their sig line, and they ask a question like "what is there to do in Portland, Oregon" I will look at a few past postings to see if they mention a youngin. Then I will respond accordingly.

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I'm starting to feel like I'm the loser in a video dating service. I get checked out lots, but thats as far as it goes :crying:




I don't send friend requests.


I mean, I might have sent a couple, at some point, early on, and I accept them, if someone sends them to me (and I notice, lol)...but it's just not a big part of my interaction here.


I say that to reassure folks that I really like many, many people here...I just don't think to send friend requests.


(And as someone else said, sometimes I look up a particular post by the poster--if I remember--or just get curious and look to see if there's a picture.)


Don't take it personally! I'm sure others are friendly, and "like" you...they just might be ignoring some of the functions, like I am. :blush:

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I don't send friend requests...


Don't take it personally! I'm sure others are friendly, and "like" you...they just might be ignoring some of the functions, like I am. :blush:

:iagree:I have never sent and as far as I know never received a friend request.


Sometimes I check profiles to see more about a person before I respond to a post. Maybe I think I remember a person has a high schooler and a middle schooler but not if they have a toddler. If the info isn't in their sig line, and they ask a question like "what is there to do in Portland, Oregon" I will look at a few past postings to see if they mention a youngin. Then I will respond accordingly.

:iagree:Sometimes I will do this. Sometimes I do it after I reply when I get to wondering if what I said was remotely relevant. I am much better with faces than names. I honestly just don't remember who posted what and typically do not attempt to keep up with the different ladies on this board. I mean there are a few that post so frequently and a few whose posts are often relevant to me due to similarly aged children or similar homeschool philosophy that I can't help but remember, but in generally there are just too many ladies here and too many posts to remember anyone.




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In my case, it usually means that I clicked in the wrong place accidentally when opening up a thread and ended up at someone's profile by mistake. I don't use the whole message/friend request stuff, so it's nothing personal at all when I end up viewing someone's profile.


Otherwise, I dunno.


Thats me to a tee.

I have done that so many times ( its becoming embarrassing).

Sometimes while meaning to click on the thread to open it, my toe-like fingers, drag the mouse down a fraction and I end up clicking on the posters name.



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When folks check out your profile, but don't leave a message or a friend request?


I'm starting to feel like I'm the loser in a video dating service. I get checked out lots, but thats as far as it goes :crying:






Well, if you see that I have visited but not left a message, then it means that I forgot (again!!!) that clicking on the avatar does NOT give me a larger image. :lol:


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Yep....I do the same! One thing I 'don't' like about the profiles.....you can look to see what that person is viewing....and some may not think that is a big deal. I don't think it is everyone's business what threads/PM's etc. I am viewing, LOL.

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LOL, it might just mean that they're browsing through the various lists of names, trying to get acquainted with how the boards work; it might mean that they're looking for a post of yours, etc. I wouldn't worry about it. I never even go to my control page to look at who might have looked at me....

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I clicked your profile to try to figure out where you were from, in order to reply to the nursing home thread. I don't know how to send friend requests, and I really don't do anything here but read and respond (no friend requests, PMs, etc). I am message board ignorant. :) I like you, though! I had no idea you would be able to see that I did that or it would hurt your feelings. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.

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I am not sure whether I clicked on profile. I know I have clicked on avatars to try to see them better. I might have since I am trying to keep people stright in my confused head. I am not spying on anyone and I have no idea if I did actually click on the profile since I never saw anyone's threads or what they were reading. I am just looking for the same info others gave like ages of kids or location so I can better keep people straight. I don't even know about the friends option- don't know how to do it nor what it means. Inquiring minds want to know!

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In my case, it usually means that I clicked in the wrong place accidentally when opening up a thread and ended up at someone's profile by mistake.



Yep, what she said. I really HATE that it shows when I've looked at someones profile, because it's always an accident and I wonder if they think I"m some sort of snoopy/creepy person. :tongue_smilie:

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I've looked at a few profiles. One reason was because I missed that person and wanted to see if they were on different parts of the board, or seemed to be taking a board break.


Also, I'll see if someone has a bog to visit if they have mentioned something interesting!

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In my case, it usually means that I clicked in the wrong place accidentally when opening up a thread and ended up at someone's profile by mistake. I don't use the whole message/friend request stuff, so it's nothing personal at all when I end up viewing someone's profile.


Otherwise, I dunno.


:iagree: Exactly.


I often view the board on my iPhone and clicking the right spot on that tiny screen can be hard. I accidentally click on profiles on a regular basis.

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Yep, what she said. I really HATE that it shows when I've looked at someones profile, because it's always an accident and I wonder if they think I"m some sort of snoopy/creepy person. :tongue_smilie:


HA! Me too.


The only time I look at someone's profile on purpose is to see if a seller has good feedback. The rest of the time it's an accident. :D

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I've actually wondered since I've been here a short time and am somewhat of a technophobe - if people think I'm a stalker or something. I've been buying books like crazy and always try to find out about feedback. but I sometimes take days to make up my mind and end up checking more than once. If you're selling something - that may be it.

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When folks check out your profile, but don't leave a message or a friend request?


I'm starting to feel like I'm the loser in a video dating service. I get checked out lots, but thats as far as it goes :crying:






LOL I confess that I checked your profile just today because I had written something to you on the nursing home thread and clicked on your profile to see if you were responding! hehe It turns out you were reading something entirely different, but you got back to me anyway in your own time. :)


I don't send a friend request out to somebody unless I've chatted with them a bit on PM's first and I feel like I like this person and that they are somebody I would like to be friends with. I guess I might take the initiative to PM more people to get to know them, but I'm a little shy in that respect and feel like I don't have anything to offer that would be witty or funny to say that they would find interesting. :blushing:

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