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Prayers/Thoughts/Vibes.... can i get a few today?

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This morning i have a deposition in my divorce.


I have no clue what they will be asking - we have an idea, but i'm sure something will surprise me.


I've never been thru one before - and the whole process just makes me feel icky. It's a strange time to be doing one in the process according to my lawyer. His lawyer wanted it done before mediation in 2 weeks.


Ok then.


So anything you can send my way is appreciated.

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Tracey, I am so sorry you are going through this. It IS icky. Praying that you can eat and sleep and that your nerves will relax... it is terribly difficult to go throught his. Take care.:grouphug:

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Actually, that is one of the reasons that the moderators ask people not to "husband bash" - because it can be used against someone. (Not saying that Tracy did this - I remember her trying to be very careful not to say much at all).


The majority of them weren't even in threads that were related to talking about him.


Some were talking about the homeschooling laws in FL :001_huh: and others.....


I can just say, again, that i truly would not wish what i have gone thru so far on this on my worst enemy.

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The majority of them weren't even in threads that were related to talking about him.


Some were talking about the homeschooling laws in FL :001_huh: and others.....


I can just say, again, that i truly would not wish what i have gone thru so far on this on my worst enemy.


I'm so sorry. I knew you were being so careful. This must have blindsided you.

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I am a lawyer but spend most of my time educating our dd while Dh practices full time. Having litigated, been a client in two wrongful death cases and more experience being brutalized then you can imagine I can give you a few insights. Depositions are always used to demean , play gotcha and know this, nothing is ever won or lost in a deposition. Be sure to ask your attorney if anything in the depo can or cannot be referred to during the mediation generally this cannot be used outside of a courtroom ,except by agreement of both parties. Depositions are where the insecure, the brutal and the fraud try to "win" their case. Never happens . Do not settle until you are ready. They are trying to wear you down emotionally, financially , spiritually to get you softened up for the mediation. I always tell dh's domestic relations clients including custody battles that being defensive is not important , know your truth and speak it plainly , without apology or explanation. I am sorry you are dealing with this but remember the bigger they are the harder they fall. Much of what attorneys ask during depositions is the crud their pain in the **** clients have been badgering them about and generally has little import on the case. Laypeople simply do not know what matters in the law and what is irrelevant. If we have a nagging client we ask the ridiculous questions they think are so brilliant in order to basically shut them up. Sorry but this is real life-we do things to get clients to be quiet and get out of the way so we can do our job. That is likely where the weird, stalking behaviour type questions came from. This probably sounds terrible but it is the truth. Have a sip of wine or bite of chocolate, hug your children and know that what really matters is you being proud of your honesty, character and integrity . If you can look in the mirror and like that person staring back at you it is all you need. If dh is a bully tell your attorney to take steps to nip that in the bud...

Edited by elizabeth
misspell could confound
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