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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. I don't know if this will be helpful, but I wanted to throw this out there... Physics can be really hard. I'm not sure that people who are naturally good at it can understand, but it is so hard. I have a degree in math, and I got a B in Physics in high school (I was otherwise an all A student in every subject), and I withdrew from my college Physics class because I literally did not understand anything. I'm not a stupid person, but understanding Physics as it is written in textbooks takes a certain kind of brain, I think, that I do not have. My suggestion would to be to engage them. Get them to give a crap. Show fun videos that demonstrate Physics concepts. Maybe some Disney Imagineering? I don't know. I can tell you I am teaching my high school senior Physics this year, and I am not using a standard textbook. I own several, but I can't even make it through the first chapter with understanding. We are managing to understand, but it takes alternative resources. DK Science Explorer, Usborne Science Encyclopedia, Classical Mechanics Physics Coloring Workbook, Tiner's Exploring the World of Physics.
  2. Catherine's has nice plus sized stuff. Ours is in a strip mall. I think they carry shoes, too.
  3. I thought Horizons Pre-Algebra did a great job preparing my student for going to B&M school the next year.
  4. Right now, 12:19 central time, the fitbit alta on amazon is 59.95
  5. Fitbit Alta on Amazon keeps going up and down in price. It's hit $60 a few times. I would keep an eye on it, several times a day.
  6. I vote start with the Ker. For the 4th grader, I would do some copywork from Writing with Ease and call it good. Or have him do these with a dry erase marker if you just want some kind of content: https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/products/language/writing-grammar/ready-to-write-prompt-box-gr23-/p/PP568 (I used this with my fourth or fifth grader. She finally came into writing halfway through 7th grade, where it was much easier. She just had to age into it. She still hates it, but she can do it.)
  7. I use this and keep it in the fridge: https://smile.amazon.com/Progressive-International-Clearly-Fresh-Keeper/dp/B00004RDCR/ref=sr_1_25?ie=UTF8&qid=1542237006&sr=8-25&keywords=bread+machine+loaf+container btw, the load can be turned sideways and those plastic slots used as a slicing guide. Here's a link with a better picture of the slicing guide part: https://smile.amazon.com/KCBREADKEEPER-Kitchencraft-Bread-Keeper-Expanding/dp/B000YJDIOM/ref=pd_day0_hl_79_4?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000YJDIOM&pd_rd_r=794da1ec-e862-11e8-8e2e-49ff07944d9e&pd_rd_w=BIVdF&pd_rd_wg=Bri3E&pf_rd_i=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=ad07871c-e646-4161-82c7-5ed0d4c85b07&pf_rd_r=88MV9PA7TCW0PASCZQMC&pf_rd_s=desktop-dp-sims&pf_rd_t=40701&psc=1&refRID=88MV9PA7TCW0PASCZQMC
  8. I second getting two, especially if you ever travel at all, even day trips. I had a lone cat that went seriously downhill health-wise during a week where we were traveling, but had my parents visiting her at our house every day. Never again will I own a single cat. We currently have two and will only ever again own pairs of cats.
  9. I keep a laundry basket in the back room (next to the kitchen) for used dish towels and dish rags. If the items are wet when I go to put them back there, I drape them on the edge/lip of the basket where they dry. They are not soaked when I put them there -- generally they are at least wrung out so there's not really a drip problem. That basket does sit on an old chair, and the floor back there is tile, so maybe I wouldn't notice if dripping did occur because it doesn't matter much.
  10. I allow sleepovers but I have never allowed boy/girl sleepovers.
  11. Do you have a nearby Plato's Closet? It's just one store with a lot of variety, and they carry boy/man stuff, too. My dd hates shopping, and I hate the mall, but we are both happy to go to Plato's Closet. btw ours is in a strip mall.
  12. This is probably the reason for your mood change. That said, we love soy here. Of course, my dd has been allergic to dairy and peanuts her entire life, so soy milk is the only kind of milk she drinks. She loves it, and has about 2 cups a day. It didn't do anything weird hormonally to her. In fact, she was a late bloomer, so to speak.
  13. I would seriously cut off contact. If they can't reach you, they can't drag you into stuff. Move forward without them.
  14. Live Oak trees grow pretty fast in that kind of climate. You need to buy a decent size to start with, though, if you want total shading in that time frame.
  15. I would block their phone numbers so I could no longer receive their calls.
  16. You know, it's interesting, my dd18 would never do what your son did (forgetting and whatnot), but my dh might. He would remedy it right away, but I could see him doing those things. Executive function skills are so interesting.
  17. No color suggestions from me, except to say that personally I find dark wall colors to be hard to live with. Light colors all the way. Love the track lights! Those are the prettiest track lights I've ever seen! So I vote yes on those. ?
  18. When I had something like that, the doctor x-rayed my head and diagnosed horrible sinus infection. He put me on a steroid and antibiotics. I wouldn't have gotten better without those. I vote see your doctor.
  19. From what you are saying, it looks like the private schools won't take him if he is vaping? Ask him what his plans are for school when you move. Public, homeschool, dual enrollment? Or can he research a private school that doesn't care? This is on him, to figure out the consequences.
  20. Is his Associate's degree in a hands on field or is it just core academic classes? Our community college offers tons of hands on classes. Maybe your ds could take some more classes at the community college in the hands on fields to find out what he might like. Even if he already earns his AA.
  21. Eczema can come in patches like that. Elbows are common locations.
  22. Um, you take them trick or treating. I think I'm not part of the culture where people do a lot of stuff to celebrate anniversaries. Maybe it's an income thing? We can't afford anything extravagant. We generally get cards and get food from someone not me. And it doesn't have to be on the exact day.
  23. I got married on Oct. 31st. It was all the church had available. It was a Saturday and we didn't theme it. And today is my 20th anniversary and we had Whataburger drive thru for lunch and passed out candy to the neighborhood kids this evening. I'm just strange like that, I guess.
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