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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. What about The Story of Us dvds? They get rave reviews.
  2. CeraVe was also recommended by my dd's allergist. She uses the jar of moisturizing cream for "lotion" and the hydrating body wash for showers, but I think it would work as hand soap too.
  3. No, we pay extra to have the furniture delivered. We do not tip.
  4. Scarlett, do you have Find a Friend on your phone? I can't tell you the peace of mind we have with our dd. We don't bother her, we just check where she is and can guess whether she's okay (or in a ditch 🙂 ). I think your ds would have to allow it for you to be able to use it with him, but we have found it's so reassuring and our dd doesn't mind. She is free to come and go as she pleases (although we do recommend not driving after midnight. Stay at a friend's instead if you expect to be out that late because car accidents tend to happen after midnight around here.)
  5. Eczema? It sounds like what you're doing is working. We really like Cerave Moisturing Cream for stubborn eczema, but if the Aquaphor is working, that's great!
  6. My only thought is that you need to be aware of how elevation might affect your ability to hike (says a person who lives at sea level and can't hike in NM or CO mountains before it's time to leave again). I've heard it takes at least 3 days to adjust. Sounds like a great trip!
  7. I was pretty happy with Abeka's 11th grade grammar offerings. It used a Handbook of Grammar and Composition and a Workbook. I picked and chose what we went over, but it was good and worthwhile.
  8. Where: Texas A&M Corpus Christi Why: Can live at home. Beautiful campus. Laid back, helpful, and gentle for terrified students. Good variety of majors. Good career recruiting. And lots of cats on campus! Major: Nursing (for now)
  9. Then, no, I wouldn't allow my child to travel with her. I'm pretty sure I know which major metro area you live, and I don't even like to drive there with my 30 years of experience. Figure something else out.
  10. I believe the third volume of Human Odyssey by K12 covers that time frame. It's very good. https://smile.amazon.com/Human-Odyssey-Vol-john-t-cribb-jr/dp/1601530188/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?crid=2D6SAJ5DUUMCY&keywords=human+odyssey+volume+3&qid=1553786806&s=gateway&sprefix=human+odysse%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-1-fkmrnull
  11. Can't the alternative be an alternate route on surface roads rather than the highway? I agree that big city driving is scary, but if they allow more time, they generally should be able to take slower, safer surface roads.
  12. I have "500 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Stems Super Fun Deck" from Super Duper Publications. They have a picture for every one. Maybe that would work? https://www.superduperinc.com/products/view.aspx?pid=FD88B&s=500-prefixes-suffixes-and-stems-super-fun-deck#.XJzJc5hKiUk
  13. Yes! I totally want to own and teach again Abeka Phonics. It was so colorful and fun! Alas, my dd is 18 and when she has kids, she plans on sending them to private school. So much pretty curriculum I'll never get to play with again...
  14. Also, I think it comes down to ... do you have more time or do you have more money? It will take time to modify MP to be colorful and fun. It can be done, but that's a time suck for you. What do you have more of? I can tell you that my dd absolutely cannot learn without color (right brain learner needs color, pictures, stories, humor). The one time we tried MP, it was torture. YMMV
  15. Do you have allergies? My allergist said that headaches are the first symptom to come and the last symptom to go. Maybe if you treat the allergies? My headaches have improved significantly now that I am on both zyrtec and singulair and an asthma med.
  16. I think starting at the beginning or jumping in at the required level depends on your kids. For my dd, I always had to start at the beginning. Always. That's just how her brain works. She could not jump in at a higher level and understand. Also, a lot of us, (I think even Susan herself), do a modified classical education. You do what works for your kid. If you see holes in their education, you fill them. If one resource is not working, you modify how you use it or you switch to something else. Curriculum is your tool not your master. HTH!
  17. I think it's worth it to keep her in this school for the friendships and good education, and just figure this homework situation out. Is she a morning person? Maybe you could do the homework in the morning before school when she is fresh? It took my dd half the time when she did homework in the morning as opposed to after school. Also, how long has she been at this school? My dd was in classical school for the first and only time in 8th grade, but it took her from August until February before she figured out the homework situation. She eventually got most stuff done at school in free time and she rarely had a ton of homework any more. Since your dd is little, it might take her longer and require a lot of trouble-shooting from you, but it sounds like it's worth it. She needs little girl friends, and it is a good school where she is learning.
  18. We have been dairy and egg free for 17 years, and I am wondering why she doesn't just use soy milk and Earth Balance margarine in her baking. Earth Balance isn't a franken-food. It's a great butter substitute and works fantastically well. If she wants no eggs, too, well, then I recommend Bakin' without Eggs by Rosemarie Emro. Their No-Cow Brownies are delightful. You do have to be able to buy semi-sweet chocolate chips that don't have butter in them, but they exist. I currently buy HEB Organics brand, but there are other brands. https://www.amazon.com/Bakin-Without-Eggs-Delicious-Food-Allergic/dp/0312206356
  19. For bedrooms, I would do 2 and 3 and call it good for now.
  20. Classic Crocs. They are awesome. Get them in a color that makes her happy, and she won't mind them so much. Mine have grown on me, and I now own several colors. No foot pain anymore!
  21. Ah, resurrected thread, but FUN! I remember Don the Mouse. Did anybody else learn with Don the Mouse? And we had a girl in our class named Dawn and everybody started calling her Don because I guess they couldn't tell the difference. Don the Mouse. Might have to look that up.
  22. My dd has had a credit card attached to our account since she was about 12. She used to go out to lunch with a group weekly, and it was just easier than making sure we had cash to give her. She is 18 now. Never any problems. (We did, by the way, get her a state ID when she was 12 in case they wanted ID with credit card. Obviously now she has her driver license.)
  23. I don't think I would have gotten mad, except at myself. He was trying to be helpful. Intentions matter. But always check things because, well, husbands.... He really did mean well.
  24. For my reluctant-but-can-do-it-fine writer, what I found that helped the most (after knowing the structure) was remembering to use transition words AND reading the page about Continuity from Jensen's Format Writing. It's about repeating a word, idea, or phrase to make your writing flow. HTH!
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