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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. I guess if he only gets halfway through by graduation, you could call it PreCalculus A which implies that he didn't complete the other half. I have a math-hater, too, who I wish I could drop Precal with, but we use Mathusee, and it doesn't get much lighter than that. And I don't want her to have to take any remedial math in college, which she would hate because that's like extra math classes. So we're sticking it out, but we do work as long as needed to finish that day's work. Upper level math takes longer. It just does.
  2. My teen does have a cell phone and I allow her to use it to respond to friends. It doesn't impact our school day too much, and it does allow her to maintain friendships, which we find challenging enough without restricting contact. YMMV
  3. If dh is willing to work with her (and that sounds like what she needs), then you should go with what dh wants to do, Abeka or BJU. They are solid. They can be modified to not be soul-crushing. I agree about the tests. We are using BJU US History this year, and while it has some opinions I don't care for, it is good prep for college to be able to use a textbook and learn to study from a textbook.
  4. 4 corners is a good for that age. It also uses a lot of time. Do they know each other? You could play the name game or do other ice breaker if not. I've had some success with funny Reader's Theatre stuff for that age. (where they are assigned parts and read a play). It has to be funny, though. At church, we use stuff by Steven James. I don't know what you'd use at a library.
  5. Also, he could apply now for Spring Entry in the universities whose Fall deadlines have passed. That's an option.
  6. It looks like he can still apply to UNC Charlotte. Their website says Application completed after February 1, you will be notified by our decision after April 1 on a rolling basis. https://admissions.uncc.edu/freshmen/application-requirements
  7. Start tracking all his stuff. Magic Night is an "Extra Curricular." Track dates and time spent. Those hours add up nicely. TKD black belt is an "Honor or Distinction." There's a place for that on college apps. Track his volunteering time. Note what is is and dates and time spent. You would be very surprised how that adds up. My dd is not a stellar academic superstar. She got 1140 on her second time taking the SAT. But she ended up having a lot of Volunteer time and Extra Curricular activities (count every little thing. That one day conference? Write it down. That CPR class? Write it down.) She has been puppeteering for seven years. She got a Presidential Scholarship to our local university. It covers about 40 percent of the tuition for 4 years. Take heart.
  8. I find full curriculum kits to be useful for new homeschoolers. These are my suggestions: https://timberdoodle.com/collections/curriculum-kits/products/2018-sixth-grade-curriculum-kit OR https://www.abeka.com/abekaonline/bookdescription.aspx?sbn=169854 and https://www.abeka.com/abekaonline/bookdescription.aspx?sbn=327743
  9. Key to Algebra uses a football field to demonstrate negative numbers. You might just pick up the booklet that covers that. Mathusee uses his blocks to demonstrate negative numbers. He flips the block upside down to represent the negative number. So 10 + negative 5 would be the 10 block right side up, with the five block placed upside on top, and you look at how much of the original block is showing. 5. Or, for instance, if you have -10 +5, that would be an upside down ten block, with a right side up 5 block placed on top. The answer is how much of the original is showing. (Clear as mud?)
  10. Go to your local nursery/plant store and ask. They will have plentiful recommendations. It is very area-specific.
  11. I'm not sure I would have a student self-study Calculus, but if I did, here's a link to the text I used in college, which is great for self-study: https://www.amazon.com/Calculus-Analytic-Geometry-Abe-Mizrahi/dp/0534116469
  12. I am not familiar with Larson's book, but I can tell you that the details will get your every time in Algebra 2. Frankly, if my dd got 75-80% on any test or quiz, we would not move on. We would repeat that material until she was getting an A on the test or quiz.
  13. My dd only applied to one school, and she got in! Texas A&M - Corpus Christi (Presidential Scholarship).
  14. What I did was turn it into a three year world history cycle, and then the last year was US History (since Reconstruction). I threw in a semester of Government sophomore or junior year, separate from History. I am throwing in a semester of Economics during senior year, again, separate from history. World History:Ancient World History:Medieval World History: Modern US History
  15. Hedgehogs can carry salmonella. That's all I got. Oh, and random point of trivia with animals... you can get leprosy from armadillos.
  16. You're not wrong but neither is he. My dh does tend to go in to the doctor sooner than me or my dd, but that is because he needs to work. It's no sweat for me and my dd to wait it out a bit, because we don't have to be anywhere. In your situation about the sore throat and sinus drainage, we would wait it out (for my dd and me) but throw all our various otc treatments at it. Clear versus yellow or green is important, as is no fever or low fever. Dh does something different and goes to a different doctor. That's okay.
  17. I think you all are a bit spoiled. Bathrooms with faucets are good for refilling water bottles that you brought from home. Or use a mug and the water dispenser they provide. It is not "appalling." The coffee thing is a bit different, but they do provide a water dispenser and a microwave. I don't see the problem. You have a refrigerator to use. It may not be Silicon Valley standards, but it is pretty common in the rest of the country.
  18. Oh yeah, you won't find any movies you actually WANT to see on Prime. You just find stuff that may or may not look somewhat interesting.
  19. Personally, I would count them 1 hour = 1 hour. I think "field trips" are huge learning experiences. In a different way than conventional work, but still definitely important and meaningful.
  20. I love sorting socks. I hate laundry though. Every person in the house does their own, and my dh does the bedding. But anyone can hand me a pile of clean socks any time to sort, and I will happily do it. (I also occasionally enjoy folding my dd's clothes because they're so little and cute.)
  21. Quill, your other kids went to the private school. Send your ds to the private school. They will work with you, it will allow him to be in sports -- I don't see any downsides to it. Your ds will make friends. Although this thread has evolved into a "public schools aren't so bad" debate, that isn't really the issue. The issue is that you have been happy with the private school for your other two, but you are tempted by the "free" public school and your son knows a kid that goes there. I get it. But you are already familiar with the private school and like it. Just choose the known school.
  22. That's an interesting question. Usually my dd gets an A or high B on every test. I am always around for homework questions and corrections, and I will work anything on the white board for her that she is having a problem with. So she rarely does poorly on a test. Let me think. She has flopped at least one test. I get mad, and then I make her do some extra work. What do I do about the test? Hmm. I think I just throw it out once I'm convinced she understands the material. Now in History, for instance, I do allow corrections to the test and she can earn back half the points she lost. They used to do that in regular school, so I feel comfortable with that policy. But she has to have gotten a C or worse for me to do that.
  23. I only record grades for tests. I average those for quarter grades, which get averaged for semester grades. (We don't take unit tests. Homework is checked and corrections are completed, but I don't "take grades" on homework.)
  24. Being artistic and good at talking to people opens a lot of possibilities. Can she not look at the list of Associates offered by the community college and try something else? Interior Design, Hospitality, Occupational Therapy Assistant (since she seemed interested in medical), Media Technology? She doesn't have to decide her whole life now, but it would be good to aim for a field that is employable and pays decently.
  25. My ob/gyn has me on low dose bcp (I think since I was 40 or so and now I'm 45), and she says I can take them through age 55.
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