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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. Well, if you want TV diagnosis, one time on House, a patient had a metallic taste in his mouth, and that meant that his kidneys were shutting down. How are your kidneys?
  2. Cat odors can be pretty pervasive. It might require pulling up flooring. Sometimes vinegar alone works, if you want to try that, but not always. How much do you love this house?
  3. I think your instincts are right on. FWIW, I have a brother, 11 years younger than I am, who is on the spectrum. He got his first job out of college due to me, mostly. He had volunteered with our dad for about 3 summers at our dad's office working on computers and network stuff. That went on the resume that I created for him. I found the job announcement at our local university for an IT guy at their library. I tweaked his resume accordingly. (I'm the one who created his four year college plan by the way, and when he decided to minor instead of major in Computers, I created the new version which allowed him to major in English, his first love.) All that said, he did get the job, and he is still working for that university today, some twelve years later. Do what you need to do. It will pay off.
  4. Ha ha greatest weakness as an interview question... I'm too punctual, I try too hard, I am a perfectionist. You know, stuff that's actually a good thing.
  5. If I had to pick one or the other, I would do Anatomy in your case. However, as a for instance, in my case, my dd wants to do nursing, but I'm afraid that she'll end up switching majors to Atmospheric Science or something (we like weather), and would need physics. And we find physics very hard in our household so I want her first exposure to be with me at home. So we are doubling up. Actually, we are taking two years to do Apologia's A&P and we're just about to start our second year of it. Plus start our year of Physics (homegrown because even regular physics textbooks are confusing to me and assume a level of physics understanding that does not come naturally to me with my math degree). My dd is a senior and is also applying to a not particularly selective university with an excellent nursing program, in Texas.
  6. Since 7th grade is often a life science year, what about something fun like Usborne's Marvels and Mysteries of Nature? https://www.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Mysteries-Marvels-Nature/dp/0746052987
  7. I'm struggling with the "dressing like a boy" at camp part. What does this consist of? Camp clothes are generally t-shirts and shorts. What would someone who is dressing like a boy at camp wear that was not t-shirts and shorts? I can't think of any "boy clothes" that would also not be perfectly normal "girl clothes" in camp attire. Longer shorts? Girls wear those. I'm baffled.
  8. There is a Chipotle 5 miles from the Drury Inn at Mid Rivers Mall, St. Peters. I've stayed at that Drury Inn, by the way, although years ago. It was nice. Oh... there is a Chik-Fil-A about 4 miles from that Drury Inn.
  9. I would think that 1. Girl likes comfortable clothing, and perhaps girl got a short haircut for summer. 2. Rainbows are very trendy on clothes right now (which is true) 3. Rainbows are very trendy on clothes right now and rainbow socks would be awesome! 4. Rainbows are very trendy on clothes right now because they are pretty and colorful, regardless of other meanings that may or may not be associated with them And yes, maybe they were having a Noah's Ark theme. Or a Roy G. Biv theme. They did that at a Christian camp my dd attended a few years ago.
  10. LL Bean has good plus size stuff, and if you have their credit card, you get free return shipping (regular shipping is always free).
  11. I, too, would let him quit. I wouldn't even give two weeks notice. It's not like he's planning on using them as a reference. He's going to college and onto other things. Plus a job isn't worth a health risk.
  12. I generally only take grades on tests. Mathusee has 5 worksheets, then a test. Her grade on the test goes in my gradebook. Vocabulary/Spelling -- I use Abeka which has tests. Anything which has tests gets grades. I build study days into our daily lesson plans. I tend to give two days as study days. In a subject with a tough test, I will also make a study sheet. Like for English, where I do a homegrown sort of thing, I decide what stuff I want memorized (like the first couple stanza's of Poe's The Raven or certain books and authors or what have you) and make a study sheet and allow a certain number of days, then I give a test. Which I take a grade on. If dd does poorly on the test, I get mad and give a stern talking-to, and then dd will be tested again in a couple of days, and I will take that grade, too, and gosh darn it, it better be good.
  13. Argo cornstarch. My ob/gyn recommended it and said never use baby power -- under a microscope baby powder looks like shards of glass. I have found cornstarch and mostly cotton bras to be very helpful.
  14. Make sure you know the school dress code. Here in Texas, sometimes that means no shorts, no sleeveless, no leggings. It varies quite a bit. I would think jeans and t-shirts would be a pretty safe bet initially, if she willingly wears jeans. Maybe hold off on more than that until she has a sense of how the other kids dress at school.
  15. US History since Reconstruction is a perfectly typical high school class. So you can go ahead and take your two years to cover everything you want.
  16. The Black Hand Gang? The Mad Scientist Club? I don't really recall a junkyard, though.
  17. Oh, and Wowbutter, often carried by Walmart, is peanut free and tastes about the same. It's made from soy. You would want to let his roommate see it so as not to freak him out, since it looks identical, but it is peanut free.
  18. No, Just FYI, everyone who is being awesome and helpful, my dd is now in 12th grade and will be starting Mathusee PreCalculus in the next few weeks, so we're good. However, if I had to go back again, I probably would have stuck with Singapore all the way through elementary. But when we hit roadblocks, we hit major roadblocks for long stretches of time. I also really like the Key to series, so that might have been a good choice back then, at some point, as long as I color-highlighted every darn thing in the books (my dd requires color to learn). Color, picture, stories, humor, and big picture thinking. That's what we needed. We muddled through. It would just have been nice to not have to muddle. But she's doing great now. Solid. I spent years making her solid. And she naturally understands Algebra, always has, so high school math, although time-consuming, is not a big deal.
  19. I'm not sure what you are looking for... do you want a small textbook for World History? Or are you seeking non-textbook World History? And do you want to cover all of World History in one year or are you doing a three or four year history cycle?
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