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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. So you're not actually trying to lighten her load? (Your words in OP). Those are great ideas, but they sound like a better fit for an English class (research and writing and thinking analytically) than a PE class.
  2. Um, I think you're overthinking this. Track her hours of physical activity and call it good. 60 to 90 hours is .5 credit, 120-180 is 1.0 credits. And actually, an "hour" is not actually necessarily an hour. In our state, 100 minutes a week counts as a week of PE in public schools. That's 20 minutes a day.
  3. Cathy Duffy mentions that matrices are covered in the Honors section of the last lesson in Algebra 2.
  4. Have you looked into JobCorps? A nephew who has Asperger's and bipolar did JobCorps (don't be put off by the "low income" thing because his parents make tons of money and that wasn't a problem getting him in) and it has given him job skills, taught him to drive, and other life skills. It's been really good for him. He no longer lives at home and is self-supporting. In our immediate family (I have two brothers on the spectrum also), the expectation was college and full time job. Didn't really matter if they were "happy." They got it done and support themselves. Now, the younger one still lives with my parents at age 34 and will probably never move out because it's so comfortable. But he at least has a full time job and owns his own vehicle and such. He did have to switch majors from Computer Science to English major (with minor in CS) for that younger one, but he still was expected to finish school. Don't know if any of that is helpful, but sometimes you have to make kids do what they need to do, whether they like it or not. You may have to dig your heels in harder than he has dug his, for his future. ((hugs))
  5. Honestly, I would yank her out. It doesn't really matter if she gets nine more weeks of brick and mortar school in, and it would ease your mind to pull her out. Babies and multiple kids are stressful enough. It would be nice not to introduce lice into the mix. And if someone gets it anyway, well at least you did what you could. Plus you want her out of there anyway. Maybe the reason you want it so badly is because your mama gut is crying out for it's necessity. Just do it.
  6. I suspect this is the case. Email the teacher about it.
  7. Gosh, that IS frustrating. Well, maybe he could locate the nearest soda vending machine to his first class, and as a backup, be ready to drink a full sugar soda or Powerade to keep his blood sugar up. It's not ideal, but it's better than passing out.
  8. I had another thought, based on the new information. Colleges typically have vending machines in many buildings. They often have poptarts or granola bars in them, in addition to the usual candy, chips, and cookies. Perhaps he could locate the nearest vending machine to his first class each day and have that as a backup? Some colleges even have maps online of the locations of the vending machines.
  9. Most stores have tons of frozen breakfast sandwiches or breakfast pockets or breakfast tacos. Those would be easy. When I was in college, I kept nonfat dry milk powder and packets of instant breakfast to use, mixed with water, for an easy breakfast. But I would far have preferred frozen breakfast sandwiches.
  10. Raisins, applesauce cups. Do they have microwaves available? That would let you get Easy Mac, Spaghettios, Ravioli, lots more options, in lunch size portions.
  11. One trick I used that worked (before I decided to scrap the questions and just have her summarize) was to tell her, before I read the passage, to make a movie in her head of what I was reading. Then I read. At the end, I said, now rewind your movie. (She literally did this in her head, it appeared to me.) Then she was able to answer the questions perfectly. But eventually I decided that I found the questions annoying and just did the copywork and summaries in WWE. We used a series of workbooks called Comprehension Plus, if I recall correctly, to work on reading comprehension.
  12. Is she in Junior sizes yet? If so, then look at Forever 21 or Papaya. If not, Justice may have something, but you might have to look hard. And definitely department stores should have formal dress options for every age.
  13. I use arbookfind.com to figure out reading levels of books. If it's not in there, scholastic has a thing, too, to figure out book levels.
  14. Port A beaches are fine. Here's a link to Texas Beach Watch: https://cgis.glo.texas.gov/Beachwatch/#
  15. My future nursing student is quite enjoying Anatomy and Physiology as her 4th science. We are using Apologia Advanced Biology, and I bought the DVD lectures. She takes notes on the video, we read the book together, she answers the questions and does the coloring book work. Then study guide. Then test. And we are going through it at half pace so taking two years to do it, just to really solidify it. But it's her favorite class.
  16. I have a book tub every year (this started in elementary but continues through high school. We are currently doing 11th grade) where I put in a lot of books that are on grade level (usually classics but not necessarily) or relate to our history studies. My dd chooses a book from this tub and reads it for 30 minutes a day until she's done (if she hates the book, she can pick a different one). We don't do any further work on those books. She just reads. If she feels like talking about it in casual conversation, fine. If not, fine. She has read many wonderful books this way. That is not the only thing we do for literature, but I do consider it one of the most important things.
  17. I have no words. Standing in support of you and your kindness and your great big heart. So sorry.
  18. Thank you for this. I just turned off AirDrop on my phone and will make sure my dd turns hers off as soon as she gets home tonight. Yikes.
  19. I would make grammar fun. Grammar Tales, Parts of Speech Tales, Punctuation Tales, book by Brian Cleary, Sentence Family, The Humpties. Lots of options.
  20. Locker. Around middle school we ordered dd a full-size black locker (from Sam's Club I think) and then painted it in "school colors". She's still using it in late high school.
  21. When are you going? Port Aransas is having Sandfest the weekend of April 28th and 29th. It's super cute! Sand Sculptures all along the beach, plus food booths (great burgers! yum!). Let me see if I can find a link. https://www.texassandfest.org/
  22. Also, if you have really good allergy-rated air filters in your heat/ac system, those can be very helpful. And change your bedding (especially pillow cases). We also have air purifiers in our bedrooms. ((hugs))
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