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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. Back in the dark ages, we used the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature to find magazine articles for research papers. What do teens/college students use now? I assume it's not just Google?
  2. Hi! Good afternoon! We are done with 12th grade for the day, and I am waiting until it's time to leave for my annual lady-doctor visit. Fun times. Dinner tonight is tuna salad sandwiches. The only really fun thing going on this week is we are hoping for a "cold" front on Thursday. The temperatures are becoming slightly more bearable during the day, but only slightly! By the end of the month, though, we should be happily into the daytime 70s on a regular basis. Love October!
  3. I think it might be time to see a specialist. In my area, an allergist would be the doctor to see. Allergists are asthma specialists because the two go hand in hand.
  4. I believer that is a spirometry machine. It looks like they have a Predicated column "PRED" which is probably where they think she should be in terms of age and weight. She does not seem to have reached those numbers. I'm not positive I'm reading this right, but it seems like she is breathing at 60 percent of her lung capacity. That's not good. They like 81 percent and up. Do you have a peak flow meter, so you can track her breathing at home? I would get ask the doctor for one if you don't have one.
  5. This isn't the old sin^2 + cos^2 = 1 formula, and you can derive a bunch of the others from that is it? That's the only thing I can think of. You really only have to memorize that one and maybe some double angle formulas.
  6. I think you should not go. Send a beautiful card and a lovely gift. Think how relieved you'll feel. (You know you're going to be cast as a bad guy anyway, so do what is kindest for your mental health. You can't control what anyone thinks or says. You can only control you.)
  7. Hi, Scarlett, I don't know if this will make you feel better or not, but when you were relating the "milk, eggs, bread, and cheese" story, I instantly knew that he was providing a grocery list and the rest of it made total sense to me. I also really didn't see a huge problem with the other conversations you mentioned. So I do want to chime in and say these conversations would not bother me. If you are particularly cranky about your hubby's style of communication, remember that you probably can't change a person and you need to figure out how to live with it. Start by being kind, always kind, even when confused. ((hugs))
  8. Ruby? Rush? t something t something something. Maybe total? More words in the picture would be great to compare the formation of letters.
  9. It works for me. Maybe you have to add the www in front?
  10. She should keep her eyes on the local news and sign up on the city's website for emergency notifications. However, it looks, from NC's Emergency Management facebook page, like she will just receive Tropical Storm force winds there, which may knock out power. She should prepare for that. As far as if she will get flooded, is she on high ground? Does she know if she is in a flood zone? Expect ridiculous amounts of rain and prepare accordingly. By the way, in big events like this, power can take many days to come back on, and if flooding in the area is really bad, it can affect the water treatment plants, so they may advise no flushing and there may be no clean drinking water. So prepare for that.
  11. FYI, we are using Personal Finance as our Economics credit. I am calling it Economics on the transcript, and it is Dave Ramsey's high school course.
  12. I absolutely think it would be legit to do that. No question. Half credit of Astronomy, half credit of Geology.
  13. Just some comments, take them for what they're worth: It looks like you have enough science without adding Anatomy. Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Earth and Space Science (which I would be tempted to call something like Astronomy .5 credits and Geology .5 credits). I do see that Georgia has something called Earth Systems which might be the same thing as Earth and Space Science, I'm not sure. So in my view, you could drop Anatomy and not double up on Science since you still have two years to go. Also it looks like you have Physical Geography, which is either a science or a social studies depending on what you studied there. Health, from what I can tell and from my experience, tends to be a semester course, and therefore .5 credit. So don't overdo that. I would drop the the Logic, personally. You only need four total credits of English, and it looks like he's almost there, so you might want to skip British Lit. ((hugs)) Best wishes for your son's education!
  14. I think it would be helpful for us to know what high school classes he has completed already, and potential future goals as far as college (community college? four year university? Easier or more competitive four-year university?) and maybe what state you are in, so we can help you brainstorm. FWIW, my dd lost a lot of her 10th grade year due to surgery, so I have sort of been in a similar situation. But now we are in 12th grade and looking good for a somewhat gentle university.
  15. I would go with what I had already purchased. It matches the theme she picked, and maybe she will return dear old dad's stuff. Plus she will probably get more woodsy themed stuff from other people since it's on her registry.
  16. Would she wear fleece skirts? There are several on the internet, and if you sew, you could make them.
  17. (hugs) My dd has scoliosis. She wore a brace for a few months, did A LOT of physical therapy, ended up needing surgery and is now a year and a half post op, at age almost age 18. It's a lot, but it is bearable and manageable. And surgery actually turned out to be better than the brace in many ways, so don't be scared if it ends up that direction.
  18. What about Critical Thinking Company's Language Smarts workbooks? Alternatively, what about Growing with Grammar and Winning with Writing workbooks?
  19. I can tell you that with Mathusee, the difference between completing Algebra 2 and not before taking the SAT would be at least a difference of 100 points and does include not testing into college level math (530 on math seems to be the goal). At least, that has been our experience with practice tests. We have chosen to take the SATs in October of senior year for this very reason, as my dd is just now (early in senior year) completing Algebra 2.
  20. I love everything I have ever gotten from Lakeshore, so I approve! And Usborne books are wonderful. Enjoy your science!
  21. Low dose birth control pills helped me. It was hormonal.
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