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Everything posted by almondbutterandjelly

  1. Minor grammatical question: If you use "they" as a singular pronoun, what is the associated "to be" verb? Do you say "they are" like you would if it meant plural? Or do you say "they is" like "he is" and "she is"? I'm guessing "they are" but I'm not sure.
  2. Usborne Mysteries and Marvels of Nature is really good. https://smile.amazon.com/Usborne-Internet-Linked-Mysteries-Marvels-Nature/dp/0746052987/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=usborne+mysteries+and+marvels+of+nature&qid=1565376431&s=gateway&sr=8-3
  3. At my dd's school, she needed a certain math score on her SAT (540), and for her, that was not accomplishable until we hit certain chapters in MUS PreCal. Although it wasn't like they would have rejected her, she would have to have taken remedial courses to be eligible for the one math the university required, which was Statistics or College Algebra, depending on (Humanities or Nursing) major. So actually, if you can hit MUS PreCal before the SATs, that's not a bad thing. My dd took her SATs senior year to have the most math, and even then I had to skip ahead to cover some SAT topics that were further along in the book. (She took MUS PreCal senior year.) HTH
  4. When he says one of the mean things, say "If you want me to quit, keep talking." I did something like this once, and the comments stopped. And I was serious. I would have walked. I am a firm believer in knowing your worth.
  5. Next time, if there is a new time, you could use vinegar instead of bleach. It works, and it might be kinder to the lawn? Thankfully, my dh dealt with this but I know the vinegar absolutely worked.
  6. We love our iphones! My husband buys them gently used from Gazelle and then we use Ting for the monthly plan. My dd's iphone is a newer version, and her camera has portrait mode which is AMAZING. We used it to take her Senior Pictures and you would never know they weren't professional.
  7. I got a bachelor's degree in Math, also had excellent writing skills, and my first job was as a Contract Administrator. I wrote contracts (based on boilerplates) and edited them. Made copies, mailed them. Later, I worked as an Administrative Assistant and a Management Assistant. Really, those were secretarial jobs but paid better than secretary. I liked it. And because I had good writing skills, I did first drafts of letters and reports for my bosses and took great meeting minutes. So my suggestion would be the Administrative Assistant jobs. HTH
  8. Vinegar works on maggoty garbage cans. Ask me how I know. 😞
  9. I think Gatorade might be your answer. I'm in south Texas and our heat is brutal. I find that I need a Gatorade at least once a day in the summer to feel normal.
  10. If you have to cook in your hotel room (can you tell I've done it?), an electric skillet works well. A hot pot is also good for some things. If I were you, I would try to bring a lot of stuff from home. And they can't keep you from eating in your hotel room, obviously, so you can bring/buy any food you want and take it to your room if you are worried about a restaurant frowning on that.
  11. Buc-ee's chopped brisket sandwiches are amazing! My nearest Buc-ee's is 3 hours away and I seriously consider the drive.
  12. My cat is allergic to all plastic, and she had a plastic-y rope wrapped around part of her cat tree where she liked to rub her cheek. It got swollen and ugly and took us awhile to figure out why. Plastic. She loves it and is so allergic.
  13. ((hugs)) Weddings are hard. Vent away. I do want to say that they are young, and there's a lot they don't know yet. Your ds may have turned over everything to his fiance, and is letting her make all the plans. She may not think to invite all the people you would like invited, and she may not be aware enough to know that she should ask. So much is youth and also previous wedding experience or lack thereof, quite honestly. You are entitled to your feelings, and I would be hurt, too, but I don't think it's intended to be hurtful. Ignorance and differences in knowledge and differences in family culture can explain a lot of it. ((hugs again))
  14. If she did well with PAC Online, I would continue to do that. The old saying if it ain't broke...
  15. My techy brother recommended that my college-bound dd get a Dell XPS 13. So she did. Don't know if that helps you, but I am sure it could run Office and I would imagine Quickbooks. It's very lightweight.
  16. Our vet said that kittens in the same litter can have multiple dads. So...
  17. Talk to your husband and then quit. You've been wanting to anyway. This is your loudest alarm bell yet. Quit. Think of how relieved you will feel.
  18. Yes. I did World History: Ancient, 1.0 credits, grade A. I also did World History: Medieval, .5 credits, grade A.
  19. My dd was a reluctant (and lefty) writer. I would start with Writing With Ease 1, and also do Handwriting without Tears. Get the little chalkboard and such that go with it. It's great for lefties!
  20. Well, I know someone whose son stopped attending class because the 20-30 minute commute was too much. So I vote dorms.
  21. A year of world history and a semester of economics is generally what is done, in addition to what you have. We did a year of Ancient World History, a semester of Medieval World History, a year of Modern World History, a year of U.S. History, a year of World Geography, a semester of Government, and a semester of Economics. YMMV
  22. Okay, I don't know anything about this, but I googled and found this: (no idea if it's a good option) https://medtransportcenter.com/the-best-way-to-transport-an-elderly-person-long-distance/
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