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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. So did we, but we still managed to get a lot of learning done...somehow! Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/08/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-august.html
  2. My house is good enough. That's all I aim for right now. :)
  3. Last week was our first week back, and it was great. So far this week has been awful: attitudes all over the place. Really hoping for a good day tomorrow. The kids have dentist appointments in the morning, and we'll be schooling again tomorrow afternoon. I am praying that this week ends better than it started!
  4. Thanks! If it's not brand specific, then I will tell my daughter to start using it tonight.
  5. I used to be a "beach" person, but now my dream would be to go to the mountains, somewhere cold. Hiking during the day and sitting by the fire with a book and a drink at night sounds like perfection to me right now.
  6. My older children loved Peter Rabbit when we read it in FIAR.
  7. I really like the looks of these books, too. They look like such a fun way to learn. I would love to read some reviews as well.
  8. Yes, it does. I just enjoyed a bowl of Blue Bunny No Sugar Added Double Strawberry. Yummy!!! :)
  9. My dd12 has been writing song lyrics and hubby is teaching her to play guitar. My ds10 is enjoying playing Stack the States on the iPad. He also chose to learn more about ancient Egypt during his free time. (Not exactly out of the box, though, b/c that is our current topic in his school studies.)
  10. Our first week of the new school year: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/08/new-homeschool-year-first-week-august.html
  11. We love our special poetry time. I drink hot tea. My children prefer hot chocolate or hot apple or cranapple cider. We also have special snacks sometimes during our artist and composer studies. It is so nice and relaxing.
  12. We love Goodwill! I've scored lots of literature at our local stores.
  13. Great ideas in this thread. We try to have a date night at least every couple of months and also get the kids in bed at least an hour before we go to bed ourselves.
  14. My dd12 has occasional meltdowns. They don't last long. I just walk away. She goes to her room, calms down, and then comes out to apologize.
  15. I don't put mine in the dryer, as a PP stated. I have several pairs of Old Navy and a pair of Arizona skinny jeans that have all held their shape nicely.
  16. I allow my ds10 to play all the Halo games. They are not extremely violent IMO. I draw the line at Grand Theft Auto and Mortal Kombat...NO!
  17. Exercise Lunch Laundry Visit from friend Baking Supper Probably more laundry
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