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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. I eat low carb (Atkins) and exercise a minimum of 45 min. four times a week. I have a "cheat" food once a week, usually on a Friday or Saturday so I don't feel deprived. I lost 35 lbs. the first six months and have maintained that for almost three years. (I did gain some weight back when I was on a certain medication, but I'm no longer taking it & the weight is coming off again.)
  2. FIAR is excellent for K and 1st grade. Those were some of our most treasured learning experiences.
  3. Most of the assignments are pick and choose. The student is given several options and then chooses one. We have stretched one week into two when I wanted to cover more.
  4. I am currently using the OM Preschool Package with dd5, so there is no "work" to store other than her paintings and colorings, which I store in a folder. I am using the Sixth Grade package with dd12, and we store all of her work in binders: one for ancient history and grammar; one for science; one for math. When she makes large art projects, we display those for a while; then I take a picture of it and toss it (unless she wants to keep it in her room.)
  5. I didn't see a thread yet. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/06/homeschool-and-life-june-17-21-2013.html
  6. http://cadroncreek.com/narnian-era/ This is "Further Up and Further In," a unit study utilizing The Chronicles of Narnia series. I am currently using it with ds10 and it has been our BEST year ever. http://www.aophomeschooling.com/weaver_overview This is "The Weaver Curriculum." It is a unit study that starts with the Bible and then "weaves" in everything else. We used it our first year of homeschooling, and I'm going back to it for ds10 this upcoming school year. (Volume 2)
  7. I love them both, but ice cream wins! :D
  8. Five in a Row is a great curriculum for preK and K. It covers all subjects other than phonics and math. If, however, you are looking for a science program only, then Sonlight Science is great. It uses living books and has lots of experiments. With the ages of your children, this level would work well: http://www.sonlight.com/PS00.html
  9. Here is ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/06/homeschooling-and-life-week-of-june-10.html
  10. What about the every night for a month challenge? Umm...there are at least 3-5 days every month where that won't be happening! KWIM? Ick.
  11. We also supplemented with the Draw Write Now books and the Trip Around the World books.
  12. I would start him with The Hunger Games triology, then move to 1984 and then Animal Farm. Let him work his way up.
  13. Love the paintings! We have bee painting around here, too. We have an art thread here at WTM: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/466068-so-talk-me-out-of-waldorf-art-thread/ Also, if you click on my blog link in my siggy, you can see our paintings in several of my posts.
  14. The Weaver Curriculum might be a good option for you if you don't mind planning.
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