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Everything posted by freeindeed

  1. Have any of you used a curriculum, loved it, left it for various reasons, but then returned to it? I would really love to hear from those who had successful returns. Thanks! Oh, and share what curriculum it is & why you left it originally. Here's my story: We used Weaver several years ago, at the beginning of our homeschool journey. Then life happened and I used other curriculum that was planned for me. Well, long story short, I have been feeling a tug in my heart to get back to Scripture being the basis for our learning. Plus, we have such fond memories of the wonderful things we did when we used The Weaver Curriculum. I actually miss planning and scheduling activies and lessons. And my kids miss the fun learning projects. So, for all these reasons, I am returning to Weaver for my ds10. My dd12 and dd5 will join us for parts of it, while each will be on her own for certain subjects. I am really excited! It feels like going back to an old friend. :)
  2. That's not too far. Road trip! :D
  3. It was our "first love" back in 2007. We used it for one year and loved it. Then life happened and I didn't have the time or energy to plan. But I always looked back fondly and missed it. Well, I am going back to it for ds10 this August. He and I did FUFI this year (Chronicles of Narnia unit study) and it was WONDERFUL! I actually enjoyed planning and pulling ideas together, and he had a fantastic year. So, my heart is settled about using Weaver again. Both my dd12 and dd5 will join us for some things, but they will both have their own main curriculum. Just wondering who else uses Weaver?
  4. Also want to add The Weaver Curriculum. It was our first, back when we started in 2007. We used it that one year and LOVED it. But then life got busy and I had less time to plan. But, I'm going back to it for ds10 this August. And I can't wait!
  5. Sparrow, come on! :) I live in Alabama. How much of a drive is that for you?
  6. Sounds like enjoying life to me. :) Having fun and enjoying life is my 2013 resolution. I've been trying new makeup, clothing styles, going out with friends more, treating myself to things I enjoy (reading "fluff" books, watching movies, candlelit baths at night, regular exercise, yoga, painting, sketching...just to name a few.) Also, I got a tattoo and I am hosting a Twilight Viewing Marathon later this month. I don't see all of this as a mid-life crisis, I just see it as getting a life! ;)
  7. The kids and I appreciate the encouraging words. We also appreciate the thoughts you give us on ways to explore different techniques and improve our painting.
  8. Oh, I love that company! They have some great books. I can't help you b/c I want them all! ;)
  9. No, Galloping the Globe and Cantering the Country. They are both geography studies.
  10. You both did a great job! Here's the link to ours from this week (scroll to the end of the post): http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/05/homeschooling-and-life-may-28-may-31.html
  11. Ours is up: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/05/homeschooling-and-life-may-28-may-31.html
  12. Yes, it's B-2. I ordered mine from Amazon. I also take magnesium daily. I have been eating low carb for three years, which has helped, but now I have just started the migraine elimination diet found in this book: http://www.amazon.co... david buchholz. Someone else on the boards recommended that book to me. Also, I have Imitrex and Maxalt to take when I get migraines, but I am trying to prevent them. I am also on Inderal daily (as a preventive) but am weaning off Amitriptyline (as a preventive) b/c it caused me to gain twenty pounds. ETA: I drink lots and lots of water, too. Like all day long. ;) Dehydration is also a migraine trigger.
  13. We painted again this week. We are REALLY enjoying it! Here's the link: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/05/may-20-26-2013.html
  14. Here's ours: http://freeindeed-redkitchen.blogspot.com/2013/05/may-20-26-2013.html
  15. Praying for Kay's family.
  16. Please put my nurse hubby's mind at ease. He is concerned about the side effects of this megadose. Thanks!
  17. I eat: No processed foods No sugar-except naturally, as in fruits No white flour No MSG (or only a little-it's in so many foods and is also hidden under other names) Also, just this week I started following the migraine elimination diet. That's a long list of foods and additives that I avoid, too. Obviously this is to get control of my migraines. ;) I do this for health reasons-I WANT to be healthy. :) My dd5 is on a gluten free diet. It has made a HUGE difference in her behavior and development. Hubby and dd12 and ds10 eat partially this way, but they do have occasional junk food.
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