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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I think $50 is great and not flashy at all. I probably wouldn't spend that much but, like a previous poster, I am kind of cheap. Cash is always appreciated by young people! Like you, our kids' long-term significant others are part of the family.
  2. Vaseline is fantastic. What has worked for me when even Vaseline didn't work was cooking oil. Gross, but it worked.
  3. Eek! That is the worst way to avoid weight gain! I've been worrying about weight gain during the holidays, too. There are so many special foods that I don't eat the rest of the year. Last year, I indulged, avoided the scale, and got back to normal eating in January and the weight came off. But, since I turned 49 this year, I gain weight much easier and have to cut back to maintain my weight. I'm not sure I can get away with holiday eating again like I did last year.
  4. We used the method from The Baby Whisperer (pick-up/put-down) when my youngest was a toddler. It worked well for us, but I'm sure that it depends on the child.
  5. My oldest son went to public school and got a paper back from an English teacher who just wrote "NO" by one of his paragraphs. He had no idea what she was saying no about. He was a straight A student up until that class, but that teacher was determined to give him a B. He had no idea how to improve his work in her eyes to earn an A because she gave him no feedback. It was so frustrating.
  6. I was also considering having my dd take the SAT this spring in 9th grade. She is taking Algebra II this year so, according to your ds' teacher, she should be okay for math? I was confident about her taking the test until I read this thread. Now I'm not so sure. I just thought it would be good practice for her since she has to take a standardized test anyway for assessment. She is a DE student and took the COMPASS test for admission to our community college. She also said that was easy.
  7. I just have a few things so far. For the girls (my dd and sons' girlfriends) I have things like fleece leggings, slipper socks, lip balm, gourmet candy, ornaments, and make-up remover wipes. For my sons, so far I bought a travel pillow, gourmet candy/food, Christmas ornaments, ear buds, clothes, toiletries, and some kitchen supplies (I have two graduating from college in May). I'll probably get gift cards for them and need to think of more stuff for everyone. Oh, maybe a jigsaw puzzle for everyone to do together. Usually I get a new board game. I may get some specialty teas for my tea drinkers. In past years, personalized ornaments have been a big hit. I've gotten the girls scarves, special bookmarks that relate to their interests, foot lotion and soaps from bath and body works, shower poofs...
  8. Can you share a link? I'm always looking for deals on running shoes!
  9. I'm so glad you started this thread - I thought it was just our family that didn't like the movie! DH's family loves this movie and so does my son's gf. We watched it once with high expectations based on how much everyone loves it and we all hated it.
  10. Nothing shocks me about CB. They are all about $$$ and nothing else, IMO.
  11. I had it done on both arms about ten years ago and it was an awful experience. I'm not afraid of needles and have a high pain tolerance, but I do get queasy with certain medical procedures. I would never do it again.
  12. I wear these all the time and I do button the cardigan.
  13. Other ideas would be running socks (Balega and Smart Wool make great running socks) and a fleece headband if it's cold where you are. ETA: If it's very cold where you live, a fleece neck gaiter is also great for running (I'm a runner and I love my neck gaiters, running socks, and fleece headbands!) A nice scarf?
  14. I agree. She can order anything she wants from Amazon.
  15. Hunter, thank you for posting. :grouphug:
  16. Kassia

    GO TRIBE!!

    So exciting! Go Tribe! :)
  17. I was also going to ask if your cholesterol number was broken down to HDL/LDL. My total cholesterol is high, but my HDL is very high so the high total is not a concern. Some people have high cholesterol no matter what they do as far as diet/exercise - high cholesterol can be genetic. I have a friend who has been on cholesterol-lowering meds for a very long time and she eats pretty healthy and exercises regularly.
  18. We pay for our adult children (two are still in college) and their significant others as well. It is quite expensive, but worth it since it's so rare that our entire family is together and we make wonderful memories. We are fortunate to be able to afford it (not often, but we do it when we can). Last year we went to Mexico, we skipped this year, and are hoping to do another big trip next year. Before Mexico, we rented a beach house which was much more affordable since airfare wasn't involved. My adult son paid for his trip down there (gas and hotel) and we paid for everything once he and his girlfriend arrived.
  19. We are using Oak Meadow World History this year and like it. My daughter thought she hated history, but she is really enjoying this course so far.
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