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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I go through this at our library. We live in a small town where everyone knows each other. I feel like I have no privacy if I check out or put a book on reserve because the librarians see everything I read (and comment on it at times).
  2. I expect people to look at things out in the open like the refrigerator and bookshelves. But we've had people rifle through our mail - I mean they actually open unsealed envelopes to see what is inside! And my dd never got over one of ds' friends doing her sudoku puzzles. She had a book of them sitting out on an end table and he just picked it up and started working on it.
  3. I have two sons on campus there. They are safe and all of their friends are safe. One of my sons witnessed a high school shooting just 4 1/2 years ago (Chardon, OH). This is horrifying.
  4. Yes, very helpful! Thanks so much. I'm not interested in an AP level course at this time either. Like your dd, mine will have an English class with essay writing so that's not a big concern of mine for now. I really want her to have a good base of knowledge and enjoy the subject.
  5. This is where I am now. I hated history in school. My daughter doesn't love it, but doesn't hate it either and I want to keep it that way. I'm really struggling on what to use next year. This is our second year homeschooling and I have been buying curriculum for each subject (student/teacher guides with the year planned out).
  6. Thanks so much! I am going to look into it! :) ETA (hope you see this): Does the course book/guide come with questions/activities/assessments to go with the lessons? If so, is there any kind of teacher guide to go along with them?
  7. I'm interested in using it for American History only. Maybe adding in some geography, but I don't need the literature since my dd will be taking a separate American Lit class. Do you think that would cut back on the time? I'd like to keep it around an hour per lesson - a little more would be okay since it's 160 lessons and not 180.
  8. American History was my worst subject in school. I need a secular curriculum with a teacher guide and lesson plan that my daughter can use pretty independently. For 8th grade, we used Hakim and the first U.S. History Detective, and liked both a lot. I'm looking at Oak Meadow now and History Odyssey American History (not much feedback on that one yet since it's new). ETA: Dd prefers textbooks. She doesn't care for movies/documentaries or historical fiction. I'm the complete opposite - if I could have been taught U.S. History with historical fiction and movies/documentaries, I would have enjoyed it so much more. Any recommendations? Thank you!
  9. I use whatever Cascade is on sale. I've had my dishwasher for a few years now.
  10. I am planning on using the new History Odyssey next year, but haven't seen any reviews. I'd like to take advantage of the Pandia Press sale this weekend, but would like to read reviews soon and I have some questions about the course as well. Critical Thinking U.S. History Detective is good, too. We used the first book last year when my daughter was in 8th grade. The second book hadn't come out yet, but we would have used it if it was. I don't think it's enough for high school, but we both liked it a lot. In fact, I'm trying to figure out a way we could use the second book next year.
  11. I am thinking of buying it during the Pandia Press sale, but I haven't seen reviews from people using it. I'd love to read people's thoughts about it so far and I have some questions as well.
  12. Fun socks, slipper socks, fun chapstick flavors, candy/gum, small gift card (itunes?), ETA - Christmas ornaments? I still have some that I was given by friends from when I was 13
  13. No, he's 22 and was born with a huge appetite and a fast metabolism. My DH is built the same way and people always told him he'd start gaining, but he never did (although he never ate as much as this particular son). It is unbelievable how much this kid eats.
  14. Yes! One of my sons poured himself two bowls of cereal after our holiday dinner! He eats so much - it actually makes me nervous sometimes. And then he had plenty of dessert later. And this kid is always trying to gain weight. I wish we didn't have leftovers because I have no willpower. I am sending a bunch of food home with my sons when they go back home/to school.
  15. Are you using it? Just wondering what your thoughts are. Pandia Press is having a sale and I am thinking of using the American History next year, but I can't find any reviews.
  16. :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope your Christmas wish comes true.
  17. :grouphug: :grouphug: Thinking of all of you who are feeling the loss of a loved one today. I am right there with you. Bittersweet holiday for sure.
  18. My level was 37 and my physician didn't comment on it. She advised me to exercise regularly...I already exercise 2 hours/day! Not helpful at all.
  19. If she's athletic, would she like a gift card to a sporting goods store - like Dick's, Finish Line, etc.? Or how about a gift card to Amazon where she can choose whatever she likes? The girls I know (my daughter and my sons' girlfriends) love headbands, infinity scarves, and cozy socks.
  20. I have two kids in college who will graduate next year and one who already graduated. As of now, they all have their rooms the way they left them. It's silly with my oldest since he's only home maybe two to three weeks a year, but he's renting a place now where he doesn't plan to stay so it doesn't make sense for him to take his stuff and then have to move it. We'll keep it all for him until he gets a permanent place. Once my other two sons graduate from college and get their own places, we may do something with their rooms, but make it so they can always come home and have a room/bed to stay in.
  21. Chapstick Hand/body/face lotion Candy Pictures are a great idea If he gets out, a gift card for a treat or coffee somewhere? Body wash or soap
  22. I've only done it once in the twenty years we've lived here for that reason. It got really hot and stinky. Congratulations, OP!
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