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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I have no idea, but I wish I did! That would make it all so much easier!
  2. I am not giving him the ornament. I did order him a new one. My dilemma now is what to give her for Christmas - just the personalized item, or the item with her stocking, or all the gifts I purchased for her.
  3. Thank you! DH agrees with both of you about just giving the personalized item. I thought we should give more so I told him I'd ask the Hive! :)
  4. Ds came home yesterday and his gf/ex stopped by about an hour later to visit. I asked ds if anything has changed and he said no, but that was all. He said he's going to see her again tomorrow before he leaves on a road trip with friends and that he's fine with me giving her gifts and she would be, too. So now I don't know if I should just give her the personalized gift, give her the personalized gift plus her stocking (I fill a stocking for her every year), or give her all the gifts I have for her. I'm leaning towards the personalized gift plus the stocking. Any opinions on this? What a weird situation. I wish I knew what was going on!
  5. Thanks again to all of you! I ordered a new personalized ornament for him and I actually like it much better than the original! :)
  6. Cheese and crackers cream cheese wrapped up in salami slices veggie tray and dip fruit bowl
  7. My guess is that it was her choice to break up and that this breakup isn't permanent. She just had her first college finals and I know she tends to get stressed/overwhelmed and take things out on him. I don't know if that's what happened, but I've seen her do that many times before. I just heard from ds last weekend and everything seemed fine between them then - she even passed on a message to me and dd - so this seems very sudden to me. But, of course, I have no idea.
  8. Thank you! He is actually going on a trip with friends leaving on Monday so I could just drop it by her house sometime during the week if I don't see her in the short time he's home.
  9. From the little he said (I'm hoping to get a little more info when he comes home), it sounds like it is a friendly breakup (at least for now). He wasn't even clear that they are fully broken up.
  10. It is hard. And we bought personalized ornaments for all the kids so, if I don't give him the one I bought for him (and I won't now), then it will be weird that he's the only one not getting one. Maybe I'll find another one and pay for express shipping.
  11. Well, the title says it all. My ds and his gf of over three years are "kind of broken up" (his words). He's coming home from college tomorrow so maybe I'll get more info about it, but I don't want to pry or make him uncomfortable either. I have Christmas gifts here for her since everything seemed great between them and I've always given her something. One gift is personalized, but the others can be returned or used by others in the family. Also, I got ds a personalized ornament that has their names on it with an experience they had this year - I got it as a special memory, but now I don't know... do I still give it to him? Please help!
  12. This is exactly what is going on with my son now. He is hesitant to contact the professor and I keep telling him he needs to do it because he earned the A.
  13. This is why I've never made them! But this thread is tempting me...
  14. After reading this thread, I am definitely adding more vanilla and cinnamon to my recipes!
  15. I am so very sorry. I can't even imagine. Thinking of you and your family. :grouphug:
  16. In the past, we've gotten them a Roomba, subscription to Netflix, and a subscription to fruit of the month club. Now we give them gift cards to local restaurants. They don't need anything and are difficult to buy for. Sometimes we'll give them a framed family picture of us even though they don't seem to like us. We give them jigsaw puzzles to work on together in the winter, too. We give them stocking stuffers, too - usually lotions, chapstick, purse-pack tissues, socks/fuzzy socks, Ohio State stuff since my three sons graduated/attend there, soaps, word find books, candy, etc.
  17. After they go to bed on Christmas Eve. But this is hard now with adult sons at home who go to bed way later than I want to! I pretty much have to make them go to their rooms early on Christmas Eve! And the Easter Bunny was caught in the act a couple of years ago by an adult son.
  18. I had one son start college with 62 credits from DE with no problems - he received freshman merit aid which was renewed for all four years. His twin brother had fewer credits and also had no issues. All credits that could be used for his degree were transferred.
  19. It would bother me. I really don't understand when people don't show appreciation. Just a simple thanks would do.
  20. Nerf guns, jigsaw puzzles, Legos, action figures
  21. I was thinking of doing the same. We used the first U.S. History Detective when dd was in 8th grade and she liked it a lot and it was so easy for me to use.
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