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Everything posted by Kassia

  1. I had a similar problem when my dad died. It was just me, but the amount of money wasn't worth the legal costs so we (DH and I) just let it go.
  2. I'm so sorry for your losses @Ottakee. I don't have any advice, but sending hugs.
  3. Interesting! I just did that and there were a bunch I didn't know about! ETA - maybe not a bunch, but definitely more than I thought.
  4. So happy for her! Thanks for the great update!
  5. I have a few friends named Sherry and they all hate the Sherry song by The Four Seasons.
  6. I only thought of Katy doing that, but didn't consider that could have been done to her. Definitely a possibility.
  7. I use the snooze feature a lot. That keeps you from seeing someone's posts for 30 days. You can also customize your own posts so that certain people don't see them. You can keep her from seeing all of your posts or just specific ones you'd rather her not see.
  8. Hope you are safe @fairfarmhand These spring storms are so scary. 😞
  9. I'm sorry, too. That must be very difficult. I don't think this is an option for your DH, but my MIL needed to see a neuro ASAP after a stroke she had last week and neuro was booked, but she was told she could see the neuro CNP instead so she's doing that. But I think hers is more of a follow-up and your DH would need much more than that.
  10. We haven't actually used this but we bought this for guests and also for ourselves for traveling. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B7X18K1M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 ETA - this one is thicker and would be even more comfortable https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00W67PH2Q?smid=A3NYE73641VNA5&psc=1
  11. My MIL never uses her except to have a phone for emergencies when she's out. She doesn't know how to text or do anything on her phone. I suspect many elderly people don't. I wish companies didn't assume everyone has access to a mobile phone now; that sure makes things difficult at times. I prefer to use mine as little as possible because I hate it and am not good with it.
  12. Wonderful! 🙂 Congratulations!
  13. So glad your MIL is able to help out and you can rest.
  14. Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts for you and your family.
  15. My MIL was sick a few weeks ago and tested negative for Covid, but had many of the symptoms of the variant that seems to be going around (she was tested around day 6 of symptoms). She was just taken to the hospital last night with stroke symptoms - mostly aphasia. They did all kinds of testing on her and her troponin levels were high, continued to rise, and now have started to drop. I haven't had time yet to see if there's a connection between Covid and troponin, plus she did test negative but it seems like quite a coincidence.
  16. Hope you feel better soon. Rest is so important for recovery, but it can be very hard to actually do.
  17. Their pancake mixes are very good too. You can make an easy mug cake out of them with 1/2 cup mix, 1/2 cup water and 2 mins in microwave. There are several flavors to choose from.
  18. Or even these crisps made from just cheese? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/260607/basic-keto-cheese-crisps/ My dd made homemade cheez its for me years ago. There are lots of recipes online but I don't know if they are good for diabetics.
  19. That is what happened - adopted by neighbor, but as an outdoor cat. About 1/2 mile down the road. We happened to see her there one day. I don't know how long she was there before then, but she did eventually show up at our house again. So strange! She had never wandered off before then or after.
  20. For me, I'd rather someone be honest with me than keep telling me they are unavailable. But people handle things so differently and this might be the best option depending on stepmom's personality. I know both my mom and MIL would cause so much drama over hearing the truth that it wouldn't be worth it.
  21. Ours did. About a year later and acted like she was never gone.
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