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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. There are tons of recipes for vegetarian stuff. Check out allrecipes.com There a lots of things that you can do with beans or lentils (I'm addicted to lentils recently). Trader Joe and Whole Foods have a good selection of veggie items. We like the soy sausages, breakfast patties, meatless meatballs, chickenless nuggets, veggie burgers, etc... I also make lots of things with beans and lentils, pasta, quinoa, millet, rice, veggie stir fries, grilled portobella mushrooms, etc.... Good luck! Plus, if you need motivation just watch "Earthlings" on youtube and you will have a renewed enthusiasm. :D
  2. :iagree: It just looks slutty. Ask her if she wants boys to treat her like a slutty bimbo or treat her like a lady.
  3. Poor Jamie Oliver. It appeared from the show that permits that were previously issued for the show were revoked. I was disappointed in the number of people that showed up for his demos. Especially the sugar and school bus demo - what a pitiful turn out. As for the the segment with the fast food owner, the guy is in business to make money. He isn't there to feed whole healthy foods, he's there to make a quick buck. When people start demanding healthy choices, restaurant owners will listen. For right now, with the lack of healthy choices available, I have to determine that America as a whole does NOT want to eat healthy. So I will continue to feed my kids home made meals and pack sandwiches when we go out.
  4. My kids do all the problems. All the practice questions and all 30 of the following questions. My 5th grader takes about 90 minutes to do his math, he's doing Saxon 87. He takes so long because he stares off and just doesn't apply himself and I have to keep reminding him to focus. My 9th grader does half a lesson of Advanced Mathematics per day and depending on the lesson spends 30 mins to 1 hour.
  5. We always eat dinner as a family unless hubby gets stuck really late at work. Even then I eat dinner with the kids at the table. Since we get up at different times we tend to have a fend for yourself style breakfast. I cook lunch for the kids during the week and we eat together. Hubby eats his lunch at work.
  6. The new season starts tomorrow on ABC. Oh yes, I'm excited to watch it with the kids. We love Jamie Oliver. :D
  7. I have a Honda Odyssey and get about 25 miles per gallon. They are mostly highway miles.
  8. I would put a note on the door. "Sorry, we're busy right now. Check back after 4 p.m." Or whatever. You could hang a little chalk board or mini white board so you could change the message easily.
  9. Travelocity has deals on last minute cruises. They have some awesome deals and I wouldn't hesitate to book one through them.
  10. Advanced Mathematics (Saxon) Health by Glencoe Biology by Levine and Miller World History Bob Jones English plus writing assignments World Literature using Norton Anthologies Critical Thinking Classic Literature Game Design using Unity
  11. Okay, you all will think I'm a kill joy but we don't do Easter baskets. I get my kids treats when we go grocery shopping, usually a good bar of chocolate. We tried the Easter Egg hunts at various places when they were young (at the YMCA, local parks, DH work) and I was so disgusted with the whole thing we just quit going to them. Basically, I taught my kids manners but apparently other parents don't. There was lots of pushing and shoving and invariably kids with more Easter eggs than they know what to do with and then other kids that didn't get any. :glare:
  12. I have a big old fan next to my bed that serves as white noise. It has the added benefit of keeping me cool when I am having a hot flash in the middle of the night. :001_smile:
  13. DH and I have been doing taxes on and off all day. :glare: I'll be glad when they are done.
  14. We went on one last year and booked through Travelocity. You can also visit the site cruisecritic.com and read up about different cruise lines, ports of call, etc.... Have fun!
  15. I'm participating in a curriculum sale soon. For like new or never used items I price them at 1/3 to 1/2 of the original price. For other items I price them at 10% to 20% or the original price depending on condition.
  16. :iagree: I do love Whole Foods for fresh herbs, like parsley and cilantro. They have a pretty good price on bulk items, milk, soy milk, and some boxed mixes (like tabouli and falafal).
  17. I'd like you join you all in your weight loss endeavors. I'm at 190 and need to get below 150, so losing 40 pounds sounds like the perfect number.
  18. Your MIL sounds like a narcissist. (My mother is one too). Your DH needs to have a revelation that his parents happiness is not his responsibility, that his wife and children come first, and that he needs to set firm boundaries and stick to them. If I were you (since you've already given them money) I would pay a couple of guys with a truck to come and move all their stuff out ASAP to their new apartment. Then tell them to call before stopping by in the future.
  19. We had a couple of books that I had purchased. Gruber's Complete Act Guide was HORRIBLE. There were so many typos, incorrect answers, horrible practice questions. I thought that it was just DS complaining but I did some of the books with him and it just needs to go in the trash. It was just awful. We also have McGraw Hill's ACT book that had practice tests and that was quite good. He also did the online ACT test at the ACT website. I'll check out the other book that someone suggested. Oh well, he'll get to try again next year. If nothing else it is good practice and counts as his required standardized test. Thanks everyone.
  20. My friend told me about that part the other day. I told her I'd never heard it put that way before. :D I asked my 11 y.o. if he knew what that meant - he thinks it involves planting a crop. :lol: I asked my 14 y.o. and he just rolled his eyes at me and said, "Mom!" (He got the general gist.)
  21. My son is already doing pre-calc and trig. He loves math. He said that he thought he could get the problems correct but just ran out of time for some of them, especially those on the science section.
  22. He said that he thought he did okay but that he ran out of time before answering all the questions in a section. He did practice sections at home over the last month and always seemed to have a problem completely finishing up a test subject (i.e. science section) in the allotted time. What have been others experiences with the test? Do you think that the speed part comes just from more practice or with maturity or both?
  23. I have my 11 year old son read an assigned book for 30 minutes during school. He is also required to read a book of his choice at bedtime for at least 30 minutes.
  24. Do you think this is a good idea? I just can't imagine that is going to end well. http://new.bangordailynews.com/2011/04/07/education/ipads-for-kindergarteners-idea-met-with-both-approval-and-cost-questions/
  25. All my boys have sealants on their molars. My youngest (7) just had his done since the dentist has to wait for the last of the molars to come in.
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