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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. I'm trying to stick to 1200 calories a day. I really have to drop a few pounds. As for what to spend money on, I too am staying home and not spending anything. At least the kids like staying home and doing school and it keeps us out of trouble. :D
  2. Things are NOT good in the Raleigh, NC area. High tech jobs seem to be shedding employees. The corp that my husband works for is set for yet another round of layoffs in March, cutting its workforce by another 40%. Friends that have lost their jobs have been unable to find another, unemployment benefits have ended and people that seemed to have had their act together and led responsible lives are walking away from their houses of several years as they are unable to keep up the payments. We are fearful of what the future holds as my husbands company where he has worked for 20 years have stopped paying severance to employees that they lay off. If he were to get laid off he would get NOTHING. When we had planned for the "what ifs" of life we had every expectation of receiving that 6 to 9 months of severance and medical benefits. Now the rules have changed. Our biggest fear it how are we going to afford medical benefits as COBRA is so expensive and with pre-existing conditions we would be not qualify to go out into the market place for cheaper insurance. I don't know how people are going to make it.......
  3. Yep, groceries seem to add up pretty quick. We went out for a few things yesterday and $160 later...... I said to my husband that we didn't even really buy stuff for fixing meals. We didn't buy any junk food, just things that seem to add up - coffee, milk, cereal, yogurts, pasta, etc..... We buy a lot of bulk items too. I think that the fact that food seems to be going up and up in price isn't any help or that my 3 boys sure can tuck it away. :001_smile:
  4. Does she have a pre-existing condition? If so NC has a uninsurable medical pool that started in January '09. Rates are higher than at a traditional insurance company but probably your only choice if she has a pre-exisiting condition. If she is healthy then you could get a quote from Blue Cross Blue Shield. I know there other providers in NC but can't think of any of their names right now.
  5. I used 100 Easy Lessons with all my kids. Mine liked it. When I did do it with my middle child he just wasn't ready to read so we put it up for another year. I am now using it with my youngest child. I have also used Hooked On Phonics and the Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading but actually liked the 100 EL the most.
  6. Usually every 6 to 8 wks. I learned to do mine myself because he is a Standard Poodle and would be quite costly to pay a groomer to do. You could contact a local groomer and see how much it is to groom a dog that size, as I am sure it varies a lot by area. Poodles of all sizes are great dogs and seem to tolerate the cold well while out playing and on walks. I just keep my poodle's coat a little longer in the winter and shave him down during the summer months. Good luck.
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