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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. http://www.zennioptical.com is an awesome places to get glasses. We have used them several times. My husband most recently ordered two pairs of reading glasses, one for home and one for work for around $20 a pair. I've also ordered prescription sunglasses from them. Unbelievably inexpensive and an awesome deal. I will never again buy glasses from a retail store.
  2. This is probably not for everyone but I have to say I LOVE my futon couch. I love that I have various covers that can be washed. With dogs and kids the cover certainly gets washed every once in a while. Plus it doubles as an extra bed for guests.
  3. DS1 (14 years old) does his Advanced Mathematics and Bob Jones English in the mornings. DS2 (11 years old) is on lesson 11 or somewhere around there of his Saxon 7/8 book. He will also do Easy Grammar and half a lesson of Saxon's Grammar and Writing. DS3 (7 years old) will work on his Bob Jones 2nd grade math book and also do spelling and English. At lunch time we sit on the couch and watch some kind of educational documentary while eating. In the afternoons things get switched up. DS1 works on various things by himself - Biology, World Literature, and Health. I do science and social studies with the youngest two. The youngest two also read out loud to me. Then I usually finish up the day by doing History with the oldest two and read a literature selection to them. Busy, busy, busy......
  4. I got mine for free at the Target bakery. The big 5 gallon buckets that the frosting comes in. Just ask and they are happy to give them away if they have any. Also, ask at other grocery stores and places like Wal-Mart. These are food grade buckets.
  5. Egg custard - it is easy to make, uses a bunch of eggs and is always a big hit here. Quiche Squash casserole Souffles
  6. We live 800 miles away from my husband's mother and she still manages to to cause trouble. I have given up talking to her. I screen all my phone calls and WILL NOT talk to her again. She has in the past yelled, moaned, given me attitude and hung up on me. I very much doubt that we will ever visit again either. Even on visits she has had temper tantrums when things didn't go her way or if someone said something she doesn't like. She however continues to call and stress out my husband. I told him he should stop talking to her or just deal with her via email. I also feel that I am portrayed as the bad guy. My husband tries to please his mother and will say, "Well, I'll have to ask Anita about that." I wish he would say that is a dumb request mother or don't ask me again about ....... If I was you I would be tempted to just have it out because at this point you don't have anything to lose.
  7. My kids rarely get sick. Once in a while they will get the sniffles or something. They haven't been to the doctors for years for an illness, just their annual checkup. We don't do anything special, other than we do try and get healthy with lots of fruits and vegetables. Plus we are vegetarians, so no meat.
  8. Chores! :confused: Most of the chores get done on the weekend. Also, my older two children help with laundry and fixing meals during the week. I do school with the kids from 10 - 5 p.m. every day. I set them up with work and then help the youngest and rotate between the kids. I help fix breakfasts in the morning. Do dishes once they are doing their school work. Make lunch while they are working and sometimes my oldest helps prepare lunch. Once school is over at 5 p.m. I prep dinner and finally get to sit down for 30 minutes before I have to make dinner, clear the table of school books and we eat dinner as a family. You just need to decide what is important to you. You aren't going to get everything done. I try to limit activities to one per week. We run errands and do chores on the weekends and my husband helps. Busy, busy and be firm with the kids. :)
  9. My youngest does that all the time. It is freezing out and he is wearing shorts and a t-shirt. When we go out he wears sandals. :confused: I usually grab his coat if we are headed out just in case he decides he's cold. At least my oldest two dress appropriately for the weather.
  10. The other thread got me thinking, what about parents that make bad choices? My MIL hasn't necessarily made good choices, both parenting and financially. She continues to baby my husband's unemployed 36 year old brother. She also spends her very limited social security income on him. She continues to ask us the most insane things. Last year she wanted us to take a mortgage out for a B&B so that the unemployed brother could manage it and have job. Then she wanted us to lend her the money for a franchise. Next we were asked to pay for a house keeper because she is to elderly to clean her own house (the unemployed brother lived in her rental next door at the time). We did give her a $1000. However, she also let it slip that she spent a lot of money of DJ equipment for the brother so that he could start his own business but that went no where. Two days before Christmas she wanted us to drive the 800 miles to come and visit and then pitched a fit when we said no. Last night she called and wanted us to buy her house and rental property because she can't afford it any more and can't sell it and after all we are the only ones in the family that would qualify for a mortgage. Also, could we help the unemployed brother out because he moved out of her rental so she could rent it out (I presume to someone that actually pays rent but she can't find anyone to rent it) and the brother has to move out of his girl friend's house but can't find any where to rent that will let him have his SEVEN dogs. I just want to scream, "He's 36 years old, let him deal with his own life." The unemployed brother has never called us in 22 years and it is always MIL asking us to help him. I've given up talking to her. Poor DH was so stressed after speaking with her and looked physically unwell and said he felt like he was going to have a stroke. I hate that she calls only when she wants something and stresses out my husband. How much responsibility should grown children have for their parents?
  11. Fortunately I can just say, "We're vegetarians." :D
  12. I would not feel guilty about wanting a purebred dog. I would however research breeders and find one that is responsible. Look for breed clubs and contact them about people that may have puppies. You may have to wait until a litter becomes available. I did rescue for many, many years and struggled with the fact that once my German Shepherds died of old age I really wanted a purebred puppy. I did buy a purebred Standard Poodle from a breeder. This is the breed I wanted and I wanted to raise it from a puppy. He is the BEST dog ever. I also have a rescued Cocker Spaniel mix and since I got him when he was older he has a lot of issues. I have never contributed to the dog over population problem, I have fostered over 100 dogs, I personally adopted 3 rescues. I feel like I have done my part and I deserve to have the kind of dog that I want.
  13. So far this has been my experience. I registered for the Oasis ordering site. I filled out the homeschool affidavit. I sent an email asking about the on-line student access when ordering the book and heard nothing back. I then e-mailed my local rep that said just to be sure I ordered the student book with the 6 yr access and I should be fine. So I logged onto Oasis and ordered the student book and the free teacher access. Then one day after my order I finally heard back from the original email saying that individuals can't buy the book with access. So I asked two different people and got two different answers. No-one has called to say that my order didn't go through. So I'm waiting to see what happens. Frustrating!
  14. Does the student text book (with the 6 year student license for biology.com) come with an access code? Can someone explain how that works? I wasn't planning on getting the teacher's edition. I just want the student text book and access to the online biology.com. Thanks, Anita
  15. It depends on who made it and what it is. If it is something from say my SIL it would go into the trash. I've seen her kitchen and it isn't a pleasant sight.
  16. It is a non-issue here. You can do whatever you want with your hair so long as you wash it once in a while. ">
  17. She sounds like she is curious. Have a heart to heart and find out what she is curious about and then give her material (books, dvds) that you deem appropriate for her age. I think being curious at that age is perfectly normal. Unfortunately with the age of the internet information is much more readily available and easy to find. When I was that age I use to watch porn that my folks had rented and never hid very well. At school people use to bring Playboy mags and such for everyone to look at.
  18. It is cheaper to make your own. Especially if you buy the yeast and flour in bulk.
  19. We have a Standard Poodle. He is great with all the boys, goes every where with us. He doesn't shed (although he does need to be groomed regularly). He is extremely smart and learns very quickly.
  20. Spanakopita - spinach/feta/filo dough pie Enchilada pie - can vary fillings, we like mushroom and cheese Veggie pizza Tempeh Soy sausages (they make some really tasty ones now) Stir fry Quiche Black bean soup with cheesy biscuits
  21. Do you have oyster shells for them? Mine would do that once in a while.
  22. In NC I have to test the boys each year. Silly question but do I have to use the test for their grade? My oldest son always does really well on his tests that I feel that I don't learn anything from the results when he scores so high. This year he is in 8th grade. Do I have to test using the test for 8th grade or can I have him do the 10th or 11th grade test? Or should I just not worry about it and just have him meet the state requirement and move on?
  23. Can you even cancel and get your money back because I thought you had to cancel with 48 hours notice? Oops, I didn't see that you already gave your reservation away.
  24. We have had a horrible experience with the CFL bulbs. They burn out in just a few short weeks. I will not buy any more of them. We have a huge box of burned out ones that I need to dispose of correctly. I believe Home Depot will take them and recycle them. I had put some CFLs in the bathroom. I have one of those light fixtures with a row of bulbs and put a CFL in every other socket. All the CFLs burned out in about a month. The regular light bulbs that have been there YEARS still work just fine. DH is now experimenting with the new LED light bulbs. We will see how they hold up over time.
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