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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. 1 pair of dress shoes 2 pairs of dressy sandals 2 casual pairs of sandals 1 pair of winter boots 2 pairs of nice sneakers 2 pairs of old gardening sneakers
  2. I voted no. I would like the fun stuff if it wasn't for all the other people. :D I am not a fan of crowds. I have actually been to Disney but we go at the least crowded time. The same for the water parks, we go when it is least crowded and out of season.
  3. No. My body isn't perfect, far from it, but I'm happy with it. Having had multiple surgeries for Rheumatoid Arthritis I can't imagine voluntarily having elective surgery.
  4. Neither. DH never calls his mother. She calls a couple of times a year when she wants something. The last time we saw her was in 2009 when she asked for money on the pretense of coming for a visit. She made a token visit before heading off the spend time with her daughter.
  5. Someone else here had posted a link to: http://www.spanishdict.com We had a look at it for the first time yesterday, it looks good and is free. I had planned on DS taking Spanish as part of dual enrollment but NC now only lets kids take math or science as part of dual enrollment. :glare: I'm seriously considering just going and living in a Spanish speaking country for two or three months and study Spanish as a family.
  6. I use the "Joy of Cooking" a lot, no pictures though. I also find myself allrecipes.com and they have pics and reviews.
  7. During the day the dogs sleep on the couch. At night the dogs sleep on the bed with us. DH even lets the little one sleep under the covers. :D It's like having your own hot water bottle.
  8. I just looked up that book (Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish) on Amazon. It looks really good. I think I'm going to have to order that.
  9. I use to like fish but we have been vegetarians for several years now.
  10. We, as a family, have always lived in a 2,000 sq. ft. house. My 3 boys share a finished basement as their bedroom. They are really close and like sharing (most of the time). Our living room is small and we all squish in to watch movies. My kitchen is large which is good as we like to cook as a family. It works for us. :D
  11. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: Having said good-bye to 3 German Shepherds and a Shepherd/Lab mix over the years I know how hard it is. :(
  12. My periods are heavy, not as heavy as yours. Still annoying though. You may want to look into having ablation performed if you are done having children.
  13. I personally do NOT buy them. For one thing I do not want the clutter (I have enough clutter already). Plus, I'm unlikely to watch anything more than once. This is why I love Netflix. ;)
  14. It is my understanding that any digital point and shoot camera will have a lag between pushing the button and taking the picture UNLESS you get a SLR camera and they are pricey and bulkier.
  15. Recently I've been researching visiting Belize. It looks great, you can get a direct flight (pretty sure) from Charlotte. There are really nice resorts. You can go snorkeling, cave tubing, zip lining and all kinds of other fun stuff.
  16. My DS7 would totally be the kid that talks back and causes trouble from goofing off if he were to go to public school. He needs a FIRM hand. :D
  17. Why couldn't you just trade seats with one of your kids? So one of your kids was sitting in front of the woman's kid.
  18. All three of my boys have a DS. They are great for long trips or waiting at places.
  19. For example: 90 Lovastatin 40 mg pills vary from $120 - $165 depending on where you buy them. 180 Lovastatin 20 mg pills would cost me $20 because they are on the generic list at Target (90 for $10, so 180 for $20). Obviously this would be a huge savings. Are doctors open to doing things like this?
  20. All three of my boys play minecraft. We paid for the full game (I guess you can play for free but get more access to things if you pay for the game). Even so, it was money well worth spending. My boys are 7, 11 and 14. It is their favorite game to play.
  21. We had a mouse in the house the other day. It ran across the floor in front of us as we all sat on the couch. Then made a great escape down the air vent when we tried to catch it. Luckily, I caught the little beast in a snap trap the next day. I hate mice in the house.
  22. I tried Shutterfly and they lost all the work I had done on a photo book - hours and hours of work. Ugh! I tried the kodak site and that was very hard to figure out. I finally used the Wal-Mart site. I loved how it saved the book automatically every 15 mins or so. That I could use all kinds of backgrounds. It was very easy to use. I got a huge hardcover 8 x 11 photo book for about $70. It had a lot of pages. Oh and you could put multiple photos per page. Loved Wal-Mart. Plus they sent me a mini version of my photo book for free.
  23. We've been to the GWL in Williamsburg, VA many times and even visited the one in Concord, NC once. We've never had a problem. However, I would check for bed bugs to be sure. I'm a little paranoid too. We're going during the homeschool week and booked one of those really big suites. :D I can't wait.
  24. I'm in NC and when my son needed speech therapy I had a very difficult time with the school district. At age 3 he was meant to go to the local public school and receive speech therapy. It was late in the school year and he only received 2 of the 22 sessions that they were meant to provide. At age 4 I sent him to the public school pre-school so that he could receive speech therapy every day. Many days he didn't receive speech therapy and the missed sessions were never made up. It was a long way to take him for him not to get speech therapy, 30 minutes there and 30 minutes home. At age 5 he would have received speech therapy IF he was enrolled in public school. However, I decided to homeschool him and speech therapy was not available to homeschoolers. I found out the services offered vary a lot just by county. We also looked into our health insurance to pay for speech therapy for apraxia but they denied our request.
  25. I've only been on a Disney cruise but loved it. They had kids clubs for all the kids although my teen didn't use the teen club. My other two enjoyed the clubs and I gave permission for my middle son to sign himself in and out of the club but with arrangements to meet up so he wasn't just wandering around by himself. The four of us shared the cheapest room available because for us it was just somewhere to sleep. It was still plenty big enough for my 3 kids and myself. I really want to do a longer cruise and may do a 7 day cruise later this year. I wouldn't do a Bahamas cruise again because I'm not big on Nassau. If I did another cruise I'd do the Western Caribbean cruise.
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