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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. It is moving to Friday nights. With the first episode airing again May 27th. I guess it wasn't popular in its pasted time slot.
  2. This year my 9th grader took the ACT. My 5th grader did the PASS test. My 1st grader did the CAT.
  3. Looks like a black rat snake. We get lots of snakes in our yard too here in NC.
  4. Is his hair falling out/thinning out all over or is it falling out in patches?
  5. Call and check with them. If you need new glasses though http://www.zennioptical.com is really cheap and I've had no problems ordering from them. You can get frames with corrective lenses for around $25 total.
  6. :iagree: You know I'm actually having a hard time with the hateful comments that friends and family are making on facebook. Isn't it these hateful attitudes that got us here in the first place. They hate us, we hate them - let's all kill each other. I just see all this hate perpetuating the problem. It's not so much that Osama has been killed, because I agree the poster above, but the gleeful celebration and whooping it up that I am seeing.
  7. Is that the way it is meant to work? Sorry but I have enough issues with my own mother. If hubby wants to send his mom a card or a gift then he'll have to do that himself.
  8. I like the Mr. Coffee brand machines. I have a two cup drip coffee maker and an espresso maker. Both are the Mr. Coffee brands and have held up really well. We drink coffee several times per day. Both machines get used at least 3 times per day. I have found it isn't so much the machine but the quality of the coffee that you use.
  9. I have this book in my amazon wish list. http://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Anthropology-Challenge-William-Haviland/dp/0495095613/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I32W2DT4KKI9EV&colid=30F7EENCW6JWH I'm still thinking about it. Looks really interesting though.
  10. Have you shown them how to take care of their stuff? For instance when my kids get a book out they have to put it back on the shelf when they are done. They only need to get one book out at a time. Having an assigned home for school books, craft items, pens, etc.... makes it a lot easier for the kids to put items away. They must take care of the book and if they didn't THEY would be paying for a new one out of their allowance. As far as chores, I personally don't assign set chores. However, if I want something done I just ask and they are expected to do it. If they don't it correctly they will do it over again until it is done correctly.
  11. At the end of each chapter in the text book there are questions, both multiple choice and word problems. Plus a page of multiple choice questions that would be on an AP biology exam. I would just have my son do the multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter.
  12. The first pic you posted looks like a worm snake or some kind of racer. Nothing to worry about. He's one of the good guys and will take care of mice and other rodents. I saw the other pic you posted and that was a copperhead. I'm in NC and as much as I love snakes the copperheads get taken care of, if you know what I mean. I've had copperheads bite the dogs and cause hundreds of dollars of vet bills.
  13. Was animal control called? Was the dog up-to-date on their rabies vaccine? I'm surprised the dog wasn't taken by animal control to be held for a certain number of days.
  14. What kind of insulin? There are some that aren't the name brand ones that are a lot cheaper. I know that Humalog and Lantus are expensive but there are similar versions that are much cheaper.
  15. We're in NC. We have a basement, plus our house is built into the side of a hill. Very few people have basements and it is very hard to find a house with a basement which is one of the reasons we love our house. The big tornado that hit NC last week went within a mile of our house. I would feel pretty safe in our basement under the stairs. You never know though.
  16. Funny. You can have such awesome funny conversations with kids. Also, when your teen is being annoying all you have to say is, "Shall we talk about sex ed now." Then they will promptly say, "Okay, I'll shut up now." :D My kids know I have no shame and will talk to them about whatever on an age appropriate level.
  17. I finally got up the motivation to call a local landscaping company and they came out and told me the job it too big. Ugh! So now I have to contact a tree removal/lot clearing company to deal with all the big trees. Then I have to hire someone to regrade and move dirt around. Then I can call the landscaping company back out to talk about making it all look pretty. I find it so hard to get motivated to deal with all this. Plus I hate dealing with contractors. I have no idea how much it is to take down big mature trees. Hopefully selling the lumber would at least offset some of the expense. Anyone had a lot cleared before? Also, at what point do you hire a landscape architect to come up with a plan?
  18. My son is 20 pages away from doing the entire book. I only had him do the multiple choice questions other wise he wouldn't have finished the text. We have a few more labs to do, which we plan to do in May and over the summer.
  19. I just got the scores for my 9th grader and he had a composite score of 24. Math - 27 Science - 24 Reading - 24 English - 22 This was his first time taking the test.
  20. Try reading this: http://www.amazon.com/Will-Ever-Good-Enough-Narcissistic/dp/1439129436/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1303657810&sr=1-1 I found it a very useful book when having to deal with my own mother.
  21. We rarely buy movies. We only have a handful. Polar Express Cars Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and maybe half a dozen more that I can't remember.
  22. Other than spraying them with deet every time they go out the only other thing is just to keep checking them regularly for ticks. It is just part of living in the country.
  23. I would supervise him and when he starts to try and climb on the chairs tell him no. Do it a few times and he'll get the message not to climb up there.
  24. Mine have hollow legs - especially the little guy. I don't know where he puts it. Why, oh why is that boy always hungry. Yes, I feed him snacks when he asks. Usually something like a cheese stick, apple, or piece of whole wheat toast.
  25. I've hired a doula twice. Personally I think they are well worth the money. My last birth was 7 1/2 year ago, so back then I think I paid around $400 and $300 prior to that. Both times I was able to have a natural birth. My first birth was a C-section so I wanted at all costs to avoid another C-section. It definitely helps to have a personal coach/doula. If you can afford to hire one then just let your husband know that's what you would like to do.
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