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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. My downfall is carbs. I love bread and pasta. Right now I'm trying a dairy free/gluten free diet. For one, I want to see if I have more energy without gluten in my diet. Secondly, I just want to be able to restrict what I can eat. Thirdly, I need to get my weight back under control since it has been sneaking up there recently. I've been eating potatoes and brown rice instead of bread and pasta. I'm not tempted by these though, so I can eat a small portion and just be done. We'll have to wait and see how long I last.
  2. It isn't just CL. I've had the same problem with selling curriculum/homeschool items on the local group. I posted about an incubator I had and someone really wanted it and asked if I would hold it two weeks until they got paid. When I emailed her back two weeks later, she said something came up and wouldn't be able to buy the incubator. I emailed the next person who had wanted it and met them. No more holding stuff. No driving around all over the place either just to make a few bucks.
  3. We do school from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the older two. The youngest does school on and off throughout the day.
  4. If that is what people want to do, I'm fine with it. It's not for me though.
  5. Some of favorites are: Milk, banana, and peanut butter Milk, mango puree, ice OJ, banana, frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries
  6. I hope so. I went Wednesday and Thursday last week. Then hubby insisted that we go again on Saturday and stock up on frozen stuff. Now, today, he's stopping again on the way home because we needed milk and bananas. I just know he'll come home with some other stuff too.
  7. I have a Hamilton Beach personal blender that cost $15. http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-51101-Personal-Blender/dp/B00065L6CU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1311689266&sr=8-3 That thing is a workhorse. We use it at least 5 times per day since everyone makes their own personal smoothie. It blends ice and frozen fruit and is still going strong after 2 years (unlike my KitchenAid blender that broke 3 times before I tossed it).
  8. There is no AC in our basement and it stays much cooler than the upstairs. I love having a basement.
  9. We get books every week. I see lots of people at our local libraries checking out books.
  10. I got mine at Lands' End. I like rash guards because I don't like getting burnt while at the pool.
  11. I always grow more tomatoes and cucumbers than I know what to do with. This year is no exception. We have been eating tomatoes and cucumbers every day. It is awesome. I've also been giving extra tomatoes to friends. I also have yellow squash, eggplant, jalepeno peppers, beans, and some herbs. I still have lots of kale from the spring that I keep trying to use up. Yesterday I made kale chips - they were delicious. I need to start my sugar pumpkins and acorn squash.
  12. Lands' End has both women's boardshorts and rash guards both of which can be worn for swimming.
  13. I wouldn't mention it. So long as you pay your rent on time and keep the house in good condition that is all that should matter to the landlord. Maybe they mentioned the school district thinking that it would be a selling point for the rental.
  14. No. DH has tried to work from home in the past. The kids distract him, are too noisy, interrupt him, too many people here are eating bandwidth, he's too easily distracted, etc... For us, it works better for him to go to the office.
  15. I've used zenni optical to order frames and lenses. I've used them several times. You can get a complete pair for around $20 and a pair with transition lenses for around $30 or so. They have always been great, we have ordered 6 pairs of glasses between us now. No problems at all.
  16. I have found that prices vary widely. Call around about a specific medication. Costco seemed to have good prices.
  17. I voted other - no jello here. Since it is not vegetarian.
  18. I have Net10. You can get the phone with minutes at Target, it basically works out that the phone is free. I pay $30 every 60 days for 300 minutes. Additional minutes are 10 cents per minute, texts are 5 cents.
  19. You were way too nice in my opinion. I would have yelled something along the lines of, "I don't want your dog sh*tting in my yard! You better clean that up and don't let it sh*t in my yard again!" I have two dogs and I would never dream of letting my dog poop in someone's yard. Also, when we take them for a walk we have the doggie poop bags that clip to the dog leash, so they are always available and there is never an excuse not to clean up.
  20. Those CFL bulbs simply don't work at our house. We live in the country with power that flickers on and off now and then. The CFL bulbs don't last but a few weeks before they pop and burn out. What a waste of money. I will not buy them any more. I had an entire cardboard box of burned out CFL's that I took to Home Depot for proper disposal. We do have some of the new LED light bulbs and they are definitely getting better as the technology evolves. I hope the price on them comes down.
  21. I would consider Costa Rica. I've been reading up on Costa Rica. They have a national health system (not particularly great) or you can buy private health insurance for around $100 pp. The cost of living is cheap - I could afford to buy a nice house on some acreage and have a live in gardener/caretaker. Costa Rica is beautiful. I'm hoping to actually visit there later this year with an eye towards an extended stay the following year.
  22. Here's another vote for Lands End rash guards. They are awesome. I have worn mine in the sun all day and it provided awesome protection. Just don't forget the back of your neck when applying sunscreen.
  23. :iagree: The bull fighter is trying to stab the bull to death, it is just defending himself.
  24. I don't text either. I have Net10, a pay as you go phone, for emergencies.
  25. I'm pretty sure my son needs to take driver's ed. at the high school he would have attended if he were in public school. I called and spoke to an admin. with an attitude. She told me that this months driver's ed. is full - okay. That I have to fill out an application and fax or mail it in for the next class in August but that it may be full but that I was free to go and find a private company to teach my son driver's ed. She sounded like having to help homeschoolers was an inconvenience to her day. Plus the classes are over 2 weeks. So two weeks of driving almost an hour in one direction - find something to do for 4 hours - then drive the hour home. Ugh!
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