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Anita in NC

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Everything posted by Anita in NC

  1. I think it is really dumb that places won't give you the PD. I'd be mad about that. I love Zenni Optical. I've ordered 6 pairs from them, between my husband and I, and have never had a problem. Most recently my husband and I both ordered the transition lenses (generic version) from Zenni. I paid $35 and hubby paid $45 because his frames were more expensive. Wow, what a deal and they work GREAT.
  2. Safe sex? My dog was neutered years ago and still likes to hump the other dog. :001_smile: I think he's confused, especially since my other dog is also a boy. :D
  3. I tried searching first. Someone told me about them today and I have one in the nearby town. How much is it for ink cartridges to be refilled? Also, does the store sell generic ink cartridges? (I've emailed them but I haven't heard from them and they are 40 minutes from where I live - okay if I am in town but still sort of out the way). I can't keep forking out $75 for Canon ink cartridges every time I need ink. I also looked on Amazon too and noticed that there are generic cartridges available for my Canon Pixma printer. Anyone tried the generic ones?
  4. Firefly - sci-fi Tudors - Henry VIII Rome Dexter - serial killer with a twist Walking Dead - zombies
  5. My kids don't need tv to hear profanity. There have been plenty of homeschooled kids that have been willing to share their list of cuss words. :eek: As far as cuss words go on tv, I'm not really bothered because, frankly, they have heard them all before but they know better than to repeat them. I am not concerned with the kids even seeing naked people on tv shows because I do not see anything wrong with the naked body. I would have a problem with graphic sex scenes or graphic violence. Obviously, there are things I would let my teen watch that I wouldn't let my 7 year old watch. As a parent I have to use my own judgment as to what I think is appropriate or whether the child is mature enough to view a certain show.
  6. Roosters are evil. Seriously! We use to have chickens and roosters and the kids, that love animals, were more than happy to eat the roosters. Wait until you have to fight that sucker off with a baseball bat or your poor kids are pinned to the ground being attacked by a rooster. I'm thinking your crew will change their vote. :D
  7. I have this one: http://www.baggallini.com/product1.asp?collection=%27cmb%27%20&product=%27HUG438%27 I like it because I can wear it across my body and have both hands free. Most of the time it is just slung on my shoulder though.
  8. I love Aldis. Our is very clean and bright. I mostly buy fresh fruit and veggies: squash, tomatoes, lettuce, cauliflower, grapes, oranges, bananas, onions, and all that good stuff. They also have a great price on frozen raspberries, I love to snack on those. They also started carrying whole wheat spaghetti.
  9. Embrace your weirdness! Seriously, we are weird and proud of it. I'm not sorry that my kids like healthy foods, that they like to cook, that they spend hours studying on their own time, that they like educational shows, that they can think for themselves, that they are vegetarians, like to hold conversations over dinner instead of surfing the net on their ipods (heck, mine don't even have ipods), or that I actually expect them to help around the house, that I expect to be talked to respectfully and that I actually like spending time with my kids. :D
  10. I wish! However, I have been to the typical homeschool conference. I just pick and choose what lectures to go and listen to. Plus I go check into a nice hotel with a friend for a couple of days and we go out for nice lunches and dinners without the kids. Oh, and take some bottles of wine with us. :D
  11. I have to admit that all my children have their own computers. Really the only one that needs one for school is my 9th grader. He does use his laptop for school a lot! He does his research for papers, reads educational things, looks things up and is currently teaching himself game development. The other two boys have desk top computers and use them for games and do not really use them for school at this point. As far as public schools giving out laptops to students I wonder if that is a good use of funds considering the huge cuts they are making in other areas.
  12. When we have received things anonymously I pass along the good deed. Sort of a pay it forward type thing. People have paid for our meals before in restaurants. I realize that is something that they wanted to do for whatever reason and it was very kind of them to do. I will then make a donation to a charity for that amount since I had already spent that money in my mind and in hopes that the donation can help someone else. Does that make sense?
  13. I never had any of your experiences and I rarely left the kids with anyone else. For one I just really liked spending time with my kids and didn't feel the need to have time apart from them. Second there really weren't a lot of people that I could use to babysat them or that I felt comfortable leaving them with. It's funny how people put THEIR views onto others. My mother could never understand why I wouldn't want to leave the kids with someone and spend time without the kids.
  14. Sam's website is showing that an Advantage membership is $40 and that the Advantage Plus is $100. I don't know why the $40 membership wasn't available or offered to you.
  15. I'm pretty sure I remember being told that doctors do NOT stitch wounds inside the mouth. Hugs to your son. It is no fun breaking a tooth.
  16. It's the country. The snakes and the spiders are there. I do not consider them a problem and the kids have been trained to come and get me if they spot a snake. I actually like seeing the snakes and I'll let the kids hold the worm snakes. If we see black widow spiders we kill them. All the other spiders are fine and we leave them be. Once in a while we get a spider in the house and just put them outside where they belong.
  17. Healthcare reform for adults with pre-existing conditions doesn't kick-in until 2014. Who knows it may even be repealed by then and never take effect. High risk healthcare pools are available in some states. In NC there is still a 6 months wait before you can get treatment for a pre-existing condition and then premiums are $400 per person. The only option is to search and see if their state has a high-risk insurance pool. Even if they do there is probably a waiting period and premiums are going to be super expensive.
  18. How easy is it? Where is a good place to order lye? Do you think it is worth the time, effort and money to make your own?
  19. I watched some of them and I feel for the teachers. Those poor teachers have been pushed to the edge and snapped.
  20. I voted YES because they do their own clothes but they also do the rest of the families laundry. DS14 is now training DS11 to take over laundry duty. Eventually DS11 will train DS7 when he is old enough to do everyone's laundry. The kids are responsible for washing and drying and I fold and put the laundry away.
  21. Did you know that hospitals are not allowed to charge insured and uninsured people different rates for procedures? HOWEVER, they are allowed to offer huge discounts to insurance companies which is why in some cases insurance companies only pay 10% of what an uninsured person would have to pay. Sounds like huge LOOP HOLE to me. :glare: Plus, have you ever tried pricing medications over the internet. Pharmacies do not want you to be able to price shop. The only way I was able to price medications is to go in person. For a 40 mg generic cholesterol medication the price varies, so far, from $28 to $165 for a 90 day supply depending on where you go.
  22. The bills that you receive and what the insurance eventually ends up paying are entirely different. I just received a statement showing that the bill for my husband's lab work was $261. The insurance's negotiated rate was $28.
  23. :iagree: However the situation is resolved I'm afraid there is going to be resentment either on your part or the BIL part.
  24. Exactly. Some of us don't have things like ipads, ipods, kindles, etc.....
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