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Everything posted by Wishes

  1. I would definitely look into room share options. There might be somebody with a room or is willing to rent part of their house out. I did this and was both the owner and the renter in different situations and it worked out well. However as anything with roommates you do have to really sit down and talk to the person and see if it’s a fit. Maybe suggest going month to month in a situation where roommates are involved so they can get out if the situation is untenable
  2. Me too, please and thank you
  3. So sorry to hear this. Sending healing thoughts to your mom and dad and comfort to the rest of you.
  4. Seconding soup and some cornbread/french bread/crackers . I like vegetable soups like cauliflower and sweet potatoes. Nutritious, easy on the stomach, and you can eat just a little. sorry for your loss and especially condolences for your poor cousin.
  5. I really really don’t believe this is anywhere near possible. For one thing the child to be exposing themselves if the litter box was out in the bathroom somewhere. That would be A violation. Plus I am imagine the litter box doesn’t follow health standards and would be a health violation. I don’t buy it.
  6. I agree. It sounds like some of the things people said around gay marriage. “Well, if you let two women get married, what’s next? People marrying animals?”
  7. I do not get car sick, but I do get sea sick. I would take the bands or dramamine just in case.
  8. My kids really like these spinners. They could share them if they are sibs. My kids still love them and they are 3 and 4. Only one has kind of stopped working after two years and my kiddos are rough on toys. The li k isn’t Amazon, but I bought mine there. https://www.fatbraintoys.com/toy_companies/fat_brain_toy_co/whirly_squigz.cfm?country=US&source=google_pla&kwid=FA210-AGE-2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzc7hoNzG9AIVNB-tBh2cCAXKEAQYASABEgJ9cfD_BwE
  9. Techwife, I bought a wreath made of metal bells from JoAnn’s a few years back. That might work
  10. I thought he probably had 😊Newest one is out though https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/cold-war-correspondent-nathan-hales-hazardous-tales-11-a-korean-war-tale_nathan-hale/28616057/item/46022515/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAy4eNBhCaARIsAFDVtI3KluC4ehi1KwP1nPaA-k22hI7f3WBKT9iHV514k9_1pcDPTOSoAyEaAqJkEALw_wcB#idiq=46022515&edition=59589277 and there’s the “bigger, badder editions for three of them https://www.abebooks.com/Nathan-Hales-Hazardous-Tales-Donner-Dinner/30752652904/bd?cm_mmc=ggl-_-US_Shopp_Trade-_-product_id=COM9781419749070USED-_-keyword=&gclid=Cj0KCQiAy4eNBhCaARIsAFDVtI02GZdftCLGfpRtU-bu2-_l2mhuaVXi3m0iiQF-KYjZfefzfj0DFJoaAiT5EALw_wcB I bought The Donner Dinner Party ostensibly for my students, but really it’s for me
  11. Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales (if he hasn’t read them already)
  12. Has anyone watched this yet? I haven’t been able to see it yet since I have to wait for Hulu but my mom told me a little bit about it. It seems it sounds like the older kids might be more or less on their own now. Makes me think about some of the discussions that are being done about young adults and how to support them. More than a go fund me for anything these young people need someone to step in and help them learn to navigate all the avenues of being an adult.
  13. Could you order the nortriptyline fromCanada and have it shipped?
  14. So very, very sorry for your loss regentrude
  15. Found this today and ordered for my littles. Anything to expend their energy! https://stairslide.com
  16. That’s such a cute shop Spryte. Thanks! Are the blankets warm?
  17. Sending lots of positive thoughts. My mom, dad, and grandmother had cataract surgery with no problems whatsoever. My former-nurse mother was very excited that they gave her a video of the procedure. My dad…not so much. 😊
  18. I am so happy that you found a better work situation. That is incredible! Ecstatic to hear that the adoption continues to move forward.
  19. Still sending healing thoughts to your sister and thinking of your family.
  20. So many congratulations!!
  21. So very sorry I talk to the trees and Jann. That’s terrible
  22. Would a face shield help him feel better?
  23. If they do divorce and he wants it, he should try for 50/50 custody. Many states prefer 50/50 but many dads don’t ask for it.
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