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Everything posted by Wishes

  1. ((((TexasPround)))) It’s so very hard. I’m sorry.
  2. So very sorry for your loss.
  3. We have quite a few preschools in WA state as well. I’m trying to find an outdoor half-day kindergarten that meets five days a week, but no luck yet. Maybe COVID will change that.
  4. I sent my son to outdoor nature preschool three days a week for three hours last year. It is fully outdoors, the kids are masked, they space the kids out when they eat unmasked, and my area has very high vaccination rates. It’s pretty much the only thing I feel comfortable sending him to now and my daughter starts this year as well.
  5. My church group did this when I was a teenager. I was a shy kid, the fact that my mom was “in on it”, and there was three strangers in my home at 5 in the morning totally overwhelmed my ability to say no. I do not recollect the experience fondly. At all.
  6. Please vent as much as you need. So sorry for your losses
  7. Orphan Island has a female author and protagonist. There are no adults and a mysterious boat takes the kids away when they are thirteen and leaves a young one. I don’t think there’s anything triggering. The girl bucks the system and stays on the island when the boat comes to get her. It’s a metaphor for adulthood. The ending is ambiguous which could be frustrating for some.
  8. Cloud Atlas is one of my favorite movies. (and books). It’s not always happy, in fact it has a lot of dark elements to it but it’s overall message is one of hope. favorite quotes: Haskell Moore: No matter what you do it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean. Adam Ewing: What is an ocean but a multitude of drops? Sonmi-451: Our lives are not our own, we are bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
  9. I’m sorry Jenny. What a crap morning. Hope things get better today.
  10. Well, since gay marriage was a long time coming that wouldn’t have worked for much of our community. I wouldn’t worry too much about my children having premarital sex with their respective partners as long as they understood that there’s a certain vulnerability to sex in general. Females who engage with males often have the possibility of becoming pregnant. All variations of partners have the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases. And in many cases, there is emotional vulnerability. I’d worry about my kids choosing a partner that doesn’t value them and weaponizes sex in some way.
  11. This is so devastating. Some of those villages are almost entirely gone. Hoping more people are found and rescued.
  12. That’s great information. Thanks!
  13. That’s true as far as the job market is concerned. I actually have a waiting list for my tutoring business so I don’t lack clients. I was just looking for more techniques to increase the success for certain students. You’re probably right about the price of a third degree though 😊
  14. I've only seen it offers as a Masters program.
  15. https://childmind.org/article/what-is-an-educational-therapist/ I've been reading about it, trying to find more scholarly articles. It might be the "missing link" for students who receive tutoring, but still aren't progressing quite as much as they could.
  16. My kiddoes are going to be in outdoor preschool next year, three days a week for three hours at a time. This gives me an unprecedented amount of time. I am looking at earning a Masters in Educational Therapy. I already have a Masters in education and Special education degree so the programs I am looking at seem to only be a year and a half. That seems doable. I do work full time so I’m taking that into consideration as well. Has anyone earned this degree? How many hours a week of studying/homework? I’m looking at an on-line degree, any experiences with that (in ed. therapy)? Any information would be appreciated.
  17. Narthex. NM. Looking at the building below it. I would say belfry too.
  18. But we see her later when Jack and his wife have their baby. Where did you see this? They are going to do a total time jump? I thought that when Madison said she warned Kevin that morning that it might indicate they were together. I could see the show going that way. Have Kevin eventually fall in love while raising the kids like in Love Comes Softly 😊
  19. And to clarify, the Disney gear I was talking about wasn’t the original rainbow flag either. My point is multi-colored flags, attire, etc. do not equal Pride attire.
  20. There are several variations, of course. Maybe not so much wrong as less inclusive at a time when is it important to many in the community to highlight the importance of our BiPoc members. The point I was trying to make is that just marketing rainbow gear as Pride gear is somewhat disingenuous or as Melissa Louise pointed out, shallow marketing.
  21. It’s funny because I was looking at Disney’s Pride gear last night. There’s lots of rainbow stuff but moat of it is the correct rainbow. The pride flag has black and brown stripes representing diversity and inclusivity. I don’t know whether those not in the community think that any rainbow will do or if they just feel like they need to stick to brighter colors. But, anyway, a lot of apparel that’s not part of the community is wrong. We’ll stick with buying rainbow gear in the community
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