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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Good point. There's no test for ADHD that's a 100% definitive test... like a blood test for a vitamin deficiency, for example. You fill out rating scales and it's very subjective. At least with kids, they have multiple people do the scales so they can see if the raters agree with each other, which gives more confidence in the ratings. OCD and anxiety are strongly correlated with ADHD, so my opinion is that it would be worth trying the meds to see if those other issues improve at all. It'll give you some more information to go on.
  2. Are you going to do anything more with this?
  3. Me too. I once got a stomach virus from a family that had been feeling fine for 4-5 days. Never again!
  4. Oh, this sounds so scary and sad for them. And you!
  5. Oh no, I'm so sad on your behalf. That would crush me. Why can't neighbors just be reasonable?!
  6. I love Kelly. One of my dearest childhood friends is named that. Love Alice, too! An Alice could nickname Allie or Al. I like nickname opportunities 🙂
  7. That sounds awful. Is there any change happening for that situation in the future?
  8. Welp, my school is mask-optional starting tomorrow. Feeling nervous. A lot of my students are not vaccinated and I know they can't wait to get those masks off.
  9. Wow! What a whirlwind. It's crazy how she can go from being in a hospital and watched all the time, to on her own in a hotel room. Just wow! How's your dad holding up? I hope they can both rest at the hotel. I wonder if they'll both be stir crazy soon 🙂
  10. Oh geez 😞 I'm so sorry! Wish we could have just waited the few months till summer to unmask in school.
  11. Oh no. Were you masked? This makes me nervous for my school's probably mask-optional decision next week. How are you feeling?
  12. This is awesome! Such a great example of how people can change. It's great that you went and were able to experience that 🙂
  13. Yay, that's awesome news! You must be so excited!!
  14. We've been eating around 7:45. The goal is 7:30!
  15. DH somehow jammed the power button on the external battery for the computer. Nothing we've tried has unjammed it yet. I'm voting to throw it in the garage and deal with it later, but DH is not one to give up. Any ideas?
  16. Sorry you're sick. Lots of kids around here are catching a stomach bug. Not fun!!
  17. YES! Except the neighbor doesn't come get them. I open my door and hear "SQUAWK, FLAP FLAP RUSTLE RUSTLE SQUAWK!!" and there are chickens chilling out along the foundation of my house. Add in those Joro spiders and I'm going to lose it!
  18. My neighbors diagonally have very pretty chickens but they do scratch up my yard and poop on my driveway 😒 the chickens manage to cross roads just fine.
  19. That's wonderful 🙂❤️ My mom's mom sent feathers to places that a feather could never get to in any usual way.
  20. I mean to reply to this a long time ago to say, this is AWESOME!! What a huge win. Yay!!!!!!!
  21. That's so cool! Do you have to think about it, or is it just instantly obvious? I wonder what I am 🙂
  22. Whoa, I had no idea! My low grade headaches are happening more often, and I've had a neck and back pain for at least a year. Anxious and can't concentrate. Not too hijack the thread, but thank you for posting this!
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