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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. I've had a couple compliments in my life that felt like compliments at first, and then kind of felt like not-compliments when I thought about them more. The first time I remember this happening was in high school. A girl in my class told me that I was "beautiful in an unusual way." At first I was thrilled to get a compliment, and then I was like, "Hey wait a minute... unusual way?!" I realize now that it was still a compliment, but at that time, I wanted to be beautiful in the USUAL way! A lot of my life was unusual, and I was kind of embarrassed about it, so all I wanted was to be completely and utterly regular. Well, it just happened again! I got a thank you note the other day was full of very nice compliments, "kind, supportive," things like that, and then the word "unique." I'm not opposed to unique. In fact, I love it! But apparently there's still a part of me that wants to be completely normal and not unique. It took me right back to my teenage years. Anyone else get a compliment that felt a little less than complimentary (even if it was perfectly sincere)?
  2. Same. If I have to use a tampon with an applicator, I pull it out of the applicator because it just makes things more complicated.
  3. https://www.knixteen.com/collections/period-proof-swim
  4. Same. Even Harry Potter World, even though I adore HP.
  5. @ktgrok Speaking of cheesecake... DH wanted some but can't have gums, so I found this way to make a cream cheese copycat from yogurt. It really works!! I put this in cheesecloth and let it drain for 24 hours, not as long as this website says. https://www.freeyourfork.com/greek-yogurt-cream-cheese/
  6. All gums bother DH immensely. It's annoying that they're in so many things!!
  7. Mustard. For some reason I thought I didn't like it for 30+ years, but turns out I love it! I like pickles and olives and other sour/vinegary things... so I don't know what my issue was.
  8. Same here! Maggie used to come running when I came home, and now she's sound asleep until I give her a little nudge. She wakes up with a loud "MROW!?"
  9. I've been wearing slip-on Chacos that kinda look like boat shoes. Some middle school girls said they liked them so.... I assumed I was finally looking cool 😎 https://www.chacos.com/US/en/ojai-3-eye/48939W.html?dwvar_48939W_color=JCH108950#cgid=women-footwear-shoes&start=1
  10. Aw, poor buddy. He's so cute. My cat went through a period of UTIs and it was the worst! The vet recommended dumping all the litter once per week, and scrubbing down the litter box with soap and rinsing well.
  11. Yeah, I agree. I just knew she was going to ask, so I decided to head her off at the pass. I guess I’ve reached the point where I can be truthful to a friend, but not yet to the point where I don’t respond to hints. Lol. Maybe that happens next year 🙂
  12. Haha! She is welcome to stay with you! Ironically, I do enjoy staying with other people on occasion. When I'm a guest I'm very aware that I might be stressing out my hosts, though, so I try to be an easy guest.
  13. I asked if she was spending the night in the area. She's stayed with me before so I knew she was expecting me to offer an invitation.
  14. She was totally fine with it (at least, she seemed so), which was nice.
  15. So I'm feeling like a major curmudgeon tonight. I have a really small house and I don't like it when people come to stay with me because it's 1,000 sq feet with one bathroom. I get all squirrely and claustrophobic. The other day a friend called and said she was planning to be in my area. I asked if she was spending the night, and she was like... yeeesssss? And I told her that I'm not doing guests anymore because of the aforementioned small house and curmudgeonly nature. But now I feel like a total jerk! I don't feel bad enough to offer an invitation though... but still. I did offer to get her a nice hotel room. Sigh. I wish I was more jovial and welcoming to guests. I felt like we were good enough friends to be honest, so I was, but it felt weird.
  16. I know lots of kids who take this with good results. It does mess with appetite, like mostly all ADHD meds. I think most of my students on meds eat a big breakfast, take the med, skip lunch or only eat a bit, then eat a big dinner.
  17. That's what I'm wondering about myself, too. I work in a school. I mask, but only a handful of people are. I go into stores, masked, but again, most people aren't masking.
  18. I'm sure this is true. Databases for most big organizations are a mess! It's a ton of work to fix, so people just keep patching issues when they come up. But you're right, it needs to be done.
  19. No, I don't, sorry! For some reason I assumed home test, because she tested negative on both of the two days prior.
  20. I'm sorry you're feeling crummy. A neighbor of mine told me that she didn't test positive until day 3 or 4 of feeling slightly ill.
  21. You can get reusable pods that you fill yourself. Works great!
  22. Thanks everyone! I'm super busy finishing the year but I can't wait to come back here, read your suggestions, and digest everything!
  23. I'd really like some materials to specifically target comprehension.... I remember at one of my old schools they had a book series that had different categories... inferencing, predicting, etc... I seem to remember they were smaller and thinner than regular books. (Good clue, I know! Sorry...) Writing is always difficult. Most of the paragraph or multi-paragraph writing materials are either way too wordy and busy, or too "cute," or too.... extra. Something super slimmed down and basic would be amazing.
  24. Hooray, my SpEd budget got a one-time boost of $2,000! I need to spend it on "instructional supplies" by the end of June. My students range from K-8, with mostly very typical needs in reading, writing, and math. I'd like to get some "general" things that could be used with many students. I can use my regular budget for things specific to individual kids. Any wish list items you'd recommend or love to buy?
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