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Everything posted by Kanin

  1. Yeah... I clean mine when it looks too gross and even I can't stand it any more 😝
  2. Do you think that your son in school could have had an asymptomatic case, and passed it on?
  3. There are plenty of people who are black and white thinkers and that lack cognitive flexibility, that aren't on the spectrum. But I do agree that if he's an either-or thinker, he may be lacking skills in the areas of flexibility and perspective taking.
  4. Oh, he's beautiful! Time to enter some cat photo contests 🙂
  5. Interesting! I'm fairly sure DH has this issue. Would you mind sharing what you did to help it?
  6. Were you able to get the candida under control?
  7. I was just going to suggest something like this, but Lori D. said it better.
  8. @Jean in Newcastle For a "one hour after" a meal, do you test an hour after you begin eating, or an hour after you finish eating?
  9. Thank you, I plan on doing that. I hope you can learn something helpful about your daughter's numbers!
  10. Wow. That is scary. For the meter, I just went to Walmart and there were a bunch of choices. I got the cheapest one (ReliOn) for $10. I had to buy the finger stick thingy and strips separately. The whole kit was about $30. Perhaps the pricier ones are more accurate, I don't know.
  11. Interesting. I have wondered about autoimmune for a while now. I've had wrist, finger, toe joint pain for about a decide but no testing has ever showed anything strange. A doctor told me that if there's "something" going on, eventually it will get worse and show up on a test. It wasn't the most helpful guidance.
  12. That doesn't sound fun at all!
  13. I will read the book, thank you! I do need to do the diary. I'm really bad about that.
  14. I know... I'm just thinking maybe I'll be there in 10 years or something. Hope not though.
  15. Yes. The lowest I got was 54 and I felt horrible. Never again! I did wonder what would have happened to me if I was at 54 when I was lost in the wilderness or something. Now I carry food everywhere. Now when I feel "bad," it's more like 75. That doesn't qualify as hypoglycemic, right?
  16. I just ate an absolutely huge sandwich for lunch. An hour later, only 130. So...? Maybe the fat and protein from meat and cheese blunted it. I don't really understand I guess.
  17. I wrote about my slightly off blood sugars a while back. I actually have a doctor's appointment set up, but it's pretty far away still. I've always had what I think of as blood sugar crashes. All the traditional symptoms like getting shaky, sweaty, etc. I just eat a bunch of high-carb food and it goes away after a while. It doesn't happen too much these days because I make sure to eat often enough, and I never eat high-carb food without also having protein and fat in the meal or snack. A few years back I learned that I could just buy a cheap blood sugar meter, so I did. I tested a bit here and there and nothing was very far off. I was able to catch some "lows" when I felt shaky. I never really found any highs greater than 140. Since then, every year or so I get a bee in my bonnet and think, "This just isn't right!" and buy another meter (because I've lost the old one), and test. About a year ago, my fasting sugars were in the 70s, 80s, sometimes low 90s. I just started testing again, and for the past week they've been 100-115, never lower. I don't see super high numbers after eating. Maybe 140-150, for a short time, but it goes down to around 100 within an hour or so. The other day I experimented with eating candy with nothing else. After 40 minutes, my sugar was 224. Ugh! However, it plunged downwards. I'm not sure what to think. Is this possibly a slow developing form of diabetes that will affect me more in a few years? Type 1.5 or something? Maybe I'm overthinking. I'm not overweight, but I don't really exercise except for going for walks. Maybe that could help. This would be a really bad time to get diagnosed with diabetes. My cousin recently passed away from type 1 complications in his 30s. 😞 My mom in particular would freak out.
  18. Spencer's playing is wonderful. I remember being that age and preparing for recitals. My advice would be to pretend that you're performing in front of an audience. You want to sound as good as you can for the audience, so keep practicing! It will be over soon and think about how proud you'll be 🙂
  19. Yes, individuals. I love people's ideas for the group too though. It's always good to have those in your back pocket.
  20. I'm looking for some activities/things to do for kids when they have small amounts of downtime in my classroom. For example, 5 minutes between finishing a math worksheet and going to music class. I have a student who doesn't do well with unstructured time. Actually, I have a couple! The age range is 5-7. Trouble stopping an activity is difficult at the moment, so I'm hoping for some ideas of things that are easy to stop and pick up again later.
  21. I have a Google doc set up with a few categories (it's just a long list with different categories, nothing fancy). My categories are Today, This Week, This Month, and Long-Term.
  22. How about a Google Doc? That way, you can access it online on any device.
  23. Are they local? Do you see them often, or is this a special event? Because if you see them often anyway, I wouldn't risk getting sick for a visit while they're still symptomatic. Covid or not, who wants to get a super-congested plus coughing virus? If this is a special planned together, maybe I'd ask them to take a rapid test and then meet outdoors.
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